Anita Hill 2.0

I have my theory about resting bitch face syndrome. It's caused by people who hate themselves. But they live in an occupation where formal rules dictate behavior of a certain hospitality or you're out of order. Therefore their mind continues to think resentful thoughts, even when trying and utterly failing at relaxing.

Hate is it's own sort of energy device. But like eating sugar such as candy causes short lived fake motivation then you crash and burn feeling horrid afterwards.

You can't force things in life, they just happen. You accept your karma and flow with it. When your actions are bad, karma pushes you where you deserve. When people don't like it, they don't fix the problem. Those are the reasons behind the hate, anxiety, unhappiness, and depression.

No physical material substance will fix you. Not drugs of any kind, nor greedily acquiring possessions and status.

Because true happiness comes from within and you can tell on their face those who've realized this by just looking at their resting face.

i have to disagree with this. its just their a book, if you wish to know what's inside you must read and engage.
precisely. i understand her feeling like she'd be inadvertently killed, because when that weight of someone else atop you while hand on your mouth- it usually includes your nose and your can't breathe..literally suffocating while trying to get away. typically men are stronger, weigh more.

they were going to rape her..kavanaugh had it in him to begin this process.

I can't at all say myself whether he is guilty. I wasn't there.

Although if proven he was, i'd gladly enjoy castrating him myself.

Rape is a primal, and instinctive feeling imvho for many, many men. If not the majority.
Other chimps, and animals have done it for ever long..

Such a selfish and malicious act.

No human being deserves such a thing. Though i cannot, for personal reasons, consider a rapist a human being.
They are rabid dogs, who don't deserve an ouce of respect from the innocent.

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I can't at all say myself whether he is guilty. I wasn't there.

Although if proven he was, i'd gladly enjoy castrating him myself.

Rape is a primal, and instinctive feeling imvho for many, many men. If not the majority.
Other chimps, and animals have done it for ever long..

Such a selfish and malicious act.

No human being deserves such a thing. Though i cannot, for personal reasons, consider a rapist a human being.
They are rabid dogs, who don't deserve an ouce of respect from the innocent.


almost every women i know goes through this at least once in their lives; some many more.
almost every women i know goes through this at least once in their lives; some many more.
I can agree.
I know a woman who i'm very fond of, who has. This is why i could never do such a thing.

The sad truth is, there are some who don't care what sex, age, orientation we are, or interest we show.
Some imo make a point of acting out on this. These are the dogs i can not stand to have around.

Neither the thought, or the act is acceptable for me at all.

But sometimes, we have to put ourselves into someones shoes to see their point of view.
I am very proud to be a male. For the reasons i keep ill thoughts to myself, and will never act out on them.

I'm not going to say females are the same, or different. But i believe females view the primal fear of rape, in a different way.
But both sexes, generally have these thoughts, imo, so it keeps reminding us to not be bad. Also to do our best to protect those around.
Even those we don't know.

I like to believe in the good of humanity. Equality is a right we are entitled to.
Only i believe there are some who don't deserve it at all.

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precisely. i understand her feeling like she'd be inadvertently killed, because when that weight of someone else atop you while hand on your mouth- it usually includes your nose and your can't breathe..literally suffocating while trying to get away. typically men are stronger, weigh more.

they were going to rape her..kavanaugh had it in him to begin this process.
Oh yes. Her description of the assault is horrendous. It's no accident either. He was essentially beating her when he used his weight and strength to hold her down. This story is completely believable.
I have my theory about resting bitch face syndrome. It's caused by people who hate themselves. But they live in an occupation where formal rules dictate behavior of a certain hospitality or you're out of order. Therefore their mind continues to think resentful thoughts, even when trying and utterly failing at relaxing.

Hate is it's own sort of energy device. But like eating sugar such as candy causes short lived fake motivation then you crash and burn feeling horrid afterwards.

You can't force things in life, they just happen. You accept your karma and flow with it. When your actions are bad, karma pushes you where you deserve. When people don't like it, they don't fix the problem. Those are the reasons behind the hate, anxiety, unhappiness, and depression.

No physical material substance will fix you. Not drugs of any kind, nor greedily acquiring possessions and status.

Because true happiness comes from within and you can tell on their face those who've realized this by just looking at their resting face.
Yeah, like you, who say all sorts of obnoxious things and because most prefer not to raise a fuss just smile and find a way to civilly change the topic.
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almost every women i know goes through this at least once in their lives; some many more.
Every woman I've been close to has a similar story or worse, which is why I believe the woman as a first reaction.

There is no valid defense for Kavanaugh in this. Alcohol isn't an excuse either. When a guy goes past the "no means no" point, when he uses his size and strength to hold a woman down, when he ignores her protests and fear, it's about power, self and a sick personality. It doesn't matter that he was 17. It does matter that he isn't owning up to his behavior and apologizing. He's not fit for the SCOTUS.
Oh yes. Her description of the assault is horrendous. It's no accident either. He was essentially beating her when he used his weight and strength to hold her down. This story is completely believable.

believe it or not, it's pretty tame compared to what really happens..some girls don't make it out..some are glad for things like wedge shoes to kick out the back window in order to get him to pay attention to the word 'no'.
Every woman I've been close to has a similar story or worse, which is why I believe the woman as a first reaction.

There is no valid defense for Kavanaugh in this. Alcohol isn't an excuse either. When a guy goes past the "no means no" point, when he uses his size and strength to hold a woman down, when he ignores her protests and fear, it's about power, self and a sick personality. It doesn't matter that he was 17. It does matter that he isn't owning up to his behavior and apologizing. He's not fit for the SCOTUS.

i'm going for sick personality with kavanaugh. i said there's something not right about this guy and he shows with 65 names handy, seems he was expecting something..?
i'm going for sick personality with kavanaugh. i said there's something not right about this guy and he shows with 65 names handy, seems he was expecting something..?
People like that don't just do it once.

From what is coming out about Kavanaugh, seems there is a dark underbelly in the judicial branch regarding sexual predators. The judge in Alabama too.
Good grief! this poor women accuser. Someone grabbed her booby 40 yrs ago and I'm amazed she was able to function in society with all that weight hanging around her neck all these yrs. Gee whizzer!
Good grief! this poor women accuser. Someone grabbed her booby 40 yrs ago and I'm amazed she was able to function in society with all that weight hanging around her neck all these yrs. Gee whizzer!
If you didn't get raped by kavanaugh you have no reason to believe he wasn't raping her.
If you didn't get raped by kavanaugh you have no reason to believe he wasn't raping her.
Not sure the intention here?
Just about every rape victum out there is told to "just forget it happened".

Tell that to an infant child.

Then come back and criticize.

Deal? Pricks!
Not sure the intention here?
Just about every rape victum out there is told to "just forget it happened".

Tell that to an infant child.

Then come back and criticize.

Deal? Pricks!
Rape victims are accused of lying too. What is truly awful is how lawyers attack the character of the accuser as if that has anything to do with her being raped. I wish there were some way to ban that practice.

But this isn't a court of law where Kavity is at risk of imprisonment if convicted. The standard is "believable", not "beyond reasonable doubt". Her story is believable.
Who you out to "fuck"? No offense.

The distraught parents, or "MacRapey"

You know that what is being said is offensive. So why say it?

If it turned out to be true, you'd be guilty of going to this extent to defend, the act.

Making you, one giant piece of social excrement.

I was just reading some articles and it seems like SCJ MacRapeys mom foreclosed on that girls families house. It's like the whole Macrapey family is out to fuck her family and has been for decades or at least since decades ago.

If it's defending the victum, that was also possibly raped, then i can absolutely understand.
Rape victims are accused of lying too. What is truly awful is how lawyers attack the character of the accuser as if that has anything to do with her being raped. I wish there were some way to ban that practice.

But this isn't a court of law where Kavity is at risk of imprisonment if convicted. The standard is "believable", not "beyond reasonable doubt". Her story is believable.
I guess it comes down to credibility. Do we trust the federal Judge that is about to become a supreme court justice. Or do we trust the college professor that waited 35 years and can't remember where it happened but does remember she only had 1 beer. pretty tough choice to be made here.