ann coulter debates cheech and chong


god fucking dammit. i don't know why i expected more out of the FOX Lies channel. fucking ann coulter though, "alcohol breed alcoholics" or whatever she said... WTF?! Blame the user not the substance. You can drink and not get drunk!?! TV ads told me "buzzed driving is drunk driving" that bitch is a whore. She even says herself that "pot ranks low on the list" WHY NOT LEGALIZE IT THEN!? She says it's already practically legal, why not put it down on paper then?! God fucking dammit!! lol this just made me angry.

bush 1-moderate to liberal
bush 2-started conservative then really went left

i'll give you reagan but the rest i wouldnt consider conservatives. also, 1980 was 30 years ago. there was an entirely different politic associated with pot because of the late 60's early 70's. many people falsly blamed societal decay on pot because it was thrown in with coke and herion.

i really think if reagan were alive and saw how many people get caught in the chainsaw, i think he would re-evaluate. i could be wrong, but i dont think so.
Yup, You're wrong! Reagan was too stupid to see the good in pot. His wifey was worse.
there is no debate. the prohibitionists have lost and they are running out of steam and having trouble finding new lies to make up. coulter didnt have one legitimate point, all she did was make herself and all conservatives look like a bigger dipshit than everyone already knew they are. anyone who thinks its ok to have alcohol, which is a poison legal but wants to outlaw a plant will lose in any argument with anyone.
why waste your time switching in between profiles to comment on your own thread. we see through this charade and it wont be long until both of them are banned.
you cant expect to post a pic like that and NOT get shit for it. wtf do you think this is this myspace? especially when your a little smart ass punk who doesnt grow.. go back to myspace and dont come back here until you grow weed and can act like a man.
im going to go pull the post where you said the exact same thing only as your schizophrenic alter ego of Jersey Boi. Man you really are a loser. make all of these accounts and try to make yourself look good by agreeing with yourself. I think you should go visit a psychiatrist. You need help man:shock:
why waste your time switching in between profiles to comment on your own thread. we see through this charade and it wont be long until both of them are banned.

why come to a growing forum when you dont grow weed? do you know what we call someone who hangs around growers who doesnt grow? a poser. now go to myspace with the other kiddies.
why come to a growing forum when you dont grow weed? do you know what we call someone who hangs around growers who doesnt grow? a poser. now go to myspace with the other kiddies.
who said i dont grow? I dont have to prove shti to a lame ass troll like yourself. Mr throw my nugs aways cuz im a connizuer. loser. And so what its a school day. You are 15 so you wouldnt know a thing about the schedule of someone at an institution of higher learning. Any ways like i said i dont have to prove shit to a loser like you. but i will

Its a one plant harvest from a month ago and i bet you still cant come close

Im going to start calling you lusercris if ya dont wise up soon. loser
why does this thread suck? i thought the video he shared was good. showed how ignorant fox news viewers are when it comes to the legalization issue. no wonder my conservative friends think its a laughable idea.
which is funny, just the other day i heard the flipside on here for the first time. legalization is a conservative issue as much as a liberal one. conservative = small gov't, which in turn, who the hell is the gov't to tell me what to put in my body.

interesting flipside. yet conservatives are too dumb to even understand THEIR OWN stance sometimes... dumbasses.

why does this thread suck? i thought the video he shared was good. showed how ignorant fox news viewers are when it comes to the legalization issue. no wonder my conservative friends think its a laughable idea.
which is funny, just the other day i heard the flipside on here for the first time. legalization is a conservative issue as much as a liberal one. conservative = small gov't, which in turn, who the hell is the gov't to tell me what to put in my body.

interesting flipside. yet conservatives are too dumb to even understand THEIR OWN stance sometimes... dumbasses.

i completely agree Rusty. In fact if you choose to do so you can see thaty i have made this exact point in the If you smoke and hate liberals thread. or whatever it was called. The simple fact is for this thread i didnt watch and or listen to anything posted in video form. Only for the simple fact that Outdoor is a troll who makes multiple accounts just to agree with himself after getting banned. that makes anything coming from him or his alter ego "Jersey Boi" null and void IMO
Edit: Ann Coulter is a dumb whore who speaks in irrelevant terms. But I still think Fox News has the hottest female anchors. Coulter or not lol
i completely agree Rusty. In fact if you choose to do so you can see thaty i have made this exact point in the If you smoke and hate liberals thread. or whatever it was called. The simple fact is for this thread i didnt watch and or listen to anything posted in video form. Only for the simple fact that Outdoor is a troll who makes multiple accounts just to agree with himself after getting banned. that makes anything coming from him or his alter ego "Jersey Boi" null and void IMO

exactly rusty.. Outdoor just Trolled my thread for NO fucking reason whatsoever... get a life....Little peeved
I think as time goes on, pot laws will become more and more relaxed. A lot of politicians are still afraid of the issue.