Ann Coulter's Top Ten Reasons to hate moderates and liberals


New Member
Not many people are less serious than me (at least that's what my parents always told me). I am constantly joking around and being a cut-up. I was constantly in trouble in school for pulling pranks and I was a firefighter and anybody who knows firefighters knows they are master pranksters and jokesters. I am an independent/libertarian. Unfortunately I see a lot of libs, on here and elsewhere, who just spout talking points from NPR or Hardball or some other liberal entertainment show. They don't seem to see what's really going on. The 2 parties only serve to pit us against each other while they are fulfilling their real agendas.........control over you and me. Now I don't subscribe to the standard conspiracy theories. I don't think it's a conspiracy in as much as they are taking away personal liberties and taxing us to death. Do I think conservatives share in the blame? You bet. I feel that the libs are doing us more damage at the moment (probably because they are in the majority in congress and hold the white house) but I digress. Ann Coulter may be a bit over the top (she's basically a skinny female Rush Limbaugh) but who gives a shit what she thinks anyway? She has some good points but she's a pundit, a talking head. I don't let these types get me too worked up like some people. :peace:
Finally, a voice of moderation. What is really funny is that all the consveratives on here think I am an ultra-liberal, kumbiya, that thinks big government is the solution to all of our problems.

That is not even remotely how I think. An oversimplification would be to say I am a fiscal conservative and social moderate. I do have strong opinions, and I'll hold my ground.

One thing I hate more then anything are leeches that abuse social programs and get a free ticket. I think we pay too much in taxes, and government is bigger then it needs to be.

There are really only a few things that keep me from considering the republican party. First are the de facto "leaders" of the party like Limbaugh and Coulter. Their views are SO extreme that they scare away people that would otherwise consider the republican party.

Another reason is this conspiracy mentality. It's like if society isn't EXACTLY they way they want it, then there is ALWAYS a conspiracy to explain it.

Also, the republicans allowed themselves to be dominated by extreme religous conservatives. Why would I want to be part of a party that hates my guts? (for being gay that is) Sure, there are a few that profess "tolerance" but they do not really mean it, and as soon as your out of earshot, they are calling your queer, homo, etc.

I have worked hard all my life. I pay taxes and try to make society a better place. I don't need or deserve the hate of the right. I am who I am due to no choice of my own. And I am NOT ashamed for even a second.

So, with the exception of a handful of issues, I am really not that different. So if the republicans would jetison the religious right, be more open minded socially, and continue what they have done fiscally, they would most likely have my vote. :-P:leaf::-P


Well-Known Member
Finally, a voice of moderation. What is really funny is that all the consveratives on here think I am an ultra-liberal, kumbiya, that thinks big government is the solution to all of our problems.

That is not even remotely how I think. An oversimplification would be to say I am a fiscal conservative and social moderate. I do have strong opinions, and I'll hold my ground.

One thing I hate more then anything are leeches that abuse social programs and get a free ticket. I think we pay too much in taxes, and government is bigger then it needs to be.

There are really only a few things that keep me from considering the republican party. First are the de facto "leaders" of the party like Limbaugh and Coulter. Their views are SO extreme that they scare away people that would otherwise consider the republican party.

Another reason is this conspiracy mentality. It's like if society isn't EXACTLY they way they want it, then there is ALWAYS a conspiracy to explain it.

Also, the republicans allowed themselves to be dominated by extreme religous conservatives. Why would I want to be part of a party that hates my guts? (for being gay that is) Sure, there are a few that profess "tolerance" but they do not really mean it, and as soon as your out of earshot, they are calling your queer, homo, etc.

I have worked hard all my life. I pay taxes and try to make society a better place. I don't need or deserve the hate of the right. I am who I am due to no choice of my own. And I am NOT ashamed for even a second.

So, with the exception of a handful of issues, I am really not that different. So if the republicans would jetison the religious right, be more open minded socially, and continue what they have done fiscally, they would most likely have my vote. :-P:leaf::-P
I don't think that either party has your or my best interest at heart. I vote my conscience. I've voted for repubs and dems in the past. I will not likely vote for either party again. Unfortunately the expendable masses, sheeple or whatever you want to call them outnumber sensible, intelligent people 100 to 1. It's time for the country to wake the fuck up and stop voting republican or democrat! Both parties suck and need to go the way of the whig party. :joint:


New Member
Upnorth ...

I agree that Coulter is over the top. That's why I like her.

Don't just assume that anyone who speaks out against Progressives is a Republican. I'm a conservative Libertarian and haven't belonged to the Republican Party in over 25 years. In my opinion, Progressives have, and are, leading us down the road to serfdom.

Also, I don't hate Gays at all. In fact, I've had many Gay friends in my lifetime. Mind if I hit you up for some good recipies or decorating ideas? :lol:


New Member
Upnorth ...

I agree that Coulter is over the top. That's why I like her.

Don't just assume that anyone who speaks out against Progressives is a Republican. I'm a conservative Libertarian and haven't belonged to the Republican Party in over 25 years. In my opinion, Progressives have, and are, leading us down the road to serfdom.

Also, I don't hate Gays at all. In fact, I've had many Gay friends in my lifetime. Mind if I hit you up for some good recipies or decorating ideas? :lol:
Now that is funny. I know that it is politically incorrect (who gives a shit), but I make jokes about "my kind" all the time. It is just that it is obviously not mean spirited.

Sorry to disappoint you though. At least when it comes to interior design , cause I suck (pun not intended).

I am a pretty good cook though. How about yourself?:-P:leaf::-P

jeff f

New Member
Finally, a voice of moderation. What is really funny is that all the consveratives on here think I am an ultra-liberal, kumbiya, that thinks big government is the solution to all of our problems.

That is not even remotely how I think. An oversimplification would be to say I am a fiscal conservative and social moderate. I do have strong opinions, and I'll hold my ground.

One thing I hate more then anything are leeches that abuse social programs and get a free ticket. I think we pay too much in taxes, and government is bigger then it needs to be.

There are really only a few things that keep me from considering the republican party. First are the de facto "leaders" of the party like Limbaugh and Coulter. Their views are SO extreme that they scare away people that would otherwise consider the republican party.

Another reason is this conspiracy mentality. It's like if society isn't EXACTLY they way they want it, then there is ALWAYS a conspiracy to explain it.

Also, the republicans allowed themselves to be dominated by extreme religous conservatives. Why would I want to be part of a party that hates my guts? (for being gay that is) Sure, there are a few that profess "tolerance" but they do not really mean it, and as soon as your out of earshot, they are calling your queer, homo, etc.

I have worked hard all my life. I pay taxes and try to make society a better place. I don't need or deserve the hate of the right. I am who I am due to no choice of my own. And I am NOT ashamed for even a second.

So, with the exception of a handful of issues, I am really not that different. So if the republicans would jetison the religious right, be more open minded socially, and continue what they have done fiscally, they would most likely have my vote. :-P:leaf::-P
log cabin, welcome aboard :hug:


New Member
Yeppers upnorth ... I fancy myself to be a good cook. Can't bake worth a shit though. How about you?