Anna's dead. that's just sad.


Active Member
lol i only read the first 2 posts but you guys dont really care do you? she was obviously taking pills, the trim spa doesent make you lose that much weight ahahahaha :peace:


New Member
Did you know her or something, fd?

People die all the time. Little kids that have hardly had chance to live their lives. She fucking killed herself. To my mind this makes her weak. She killed herself because she loved herself so much. She didn't care about anybody but herself.

Fucking bitch.


Well-Known Member
Did you know her or something, fd?

People die all the time. Little kids that have hardly had chance to live their lives. She fucking killed herself. To my mind this makes her weak. She killed herself because she loved herself so much. She didn't care about anybody but herself.

Fucking bitch.
you'll never understand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by skunkushybrid
Did you know her or something, fd?

People die all the time. Little kids that have hardly had chance to live their lives. She fucking killed herself. To my mind this makes her weak. She killed herself because she loved herself so much. She didn't care about anybody but herself.

Fucking bitch.

yeee you wont understand, cant believe you think theres any other way she died? i think even george bush could figure this one out


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by skunkushybrid
Did you know her or something, fd?

People die all the time. Little kids that have hardly had chance to live their lives. She fucking killed herself. To my mind this makes her weak. She killed herself because she loved herself so much. She didn't care about anybody but herself.

Fucking bitch.

yeee you wont understand, cant believe you think theres any other way she died? i think even george bush could figure this one out

still haven't read the whole thread i see. this is not about ANNA. this is not about HOW she died. it's about the fact that someone was surrounded by so many people who SAID they cared, yet no one was willing to do anything to help her. no one offered, no one pushed her to re-hab, NO ONE HELPED. they pushed and encouraged her to the point of death. and laughed all the way. that's not sad to you? the human nature of those around her. everyone fighting for her child and money. that's not sad? someones a moronic bimbo so they deserve to die. that kind of thinking is sad.

I feel sad for those of you who still don't get it. apparently you've never know someone who took their own life.:cry: i hope you never do.:cry:


Active Member
your totally right man but considering the iraq war on the news everyday adn the bombings we always see n such i think anna and that shit is only hitting home for old ladies sitting at home


Well-Known Member
oh, i knew i was getting old. good point. maybe if we saw as much of the motherless children in iraq......


New Member
People are too interested in what other people are doing... thank fuck it doesn't even reach our news. It was on for one night.