Announcement from Conroy....

I like Turmel too. Unfortunately, having a good heart is irrelevant at that level.

Money talks, bullshit walks.
well Turmel has done a lot for the cannabis community. he helped in getting us the MMAR in the first place according to Terry Parker Jr.
Turmel will help anyone who asks for no cost. he's gotten over 4000 peoples charges dropped, I think it was Robert Turner got off a 9 yr fight over 2800 plants, Turmel got him off.
he doesn't win them all but is a great asset for those of us that can't afford legal representation. he doesn't ask for a cent which i think in this day and age is incredible
ok so he didn't do all everyone wanted ..i understand

i doubt he is "only "in it for the money...he is a lawyer lawyers like to win..losing doesn't get customers..

*****is anyone else picking up this challenge?******

all i am hearing are nay sayers in this thread

i don't hear anyone else taking this case a it a worthy one???
who would you suggest?
yes CONroy took this on but I believe he did it for publicity and the money. he is not a good lawyer and has proven that in his defence in Allard. i know of another guy who used him. Bob Woolsey paid him over $100k for nothing! when CONroy asked for another $10k, Bob didn't have it so he just walked away and left him with nothing. Bob had to fight to get paperwork that he paid for.
i would love to change my opinion of him but he keeps giving the ammo for not changing.
i feel bad for anyone he represents
bro..i like Turmel

..i asked you the question..
because it looks like him or no one
i was not defending any one
or tearing him down like everyone here
it looks to me like him or no one..

so you choose no one?
my very first post in this thread mentioned Tousaw. Alan Young is good as well.
if it's CONroy, it will be a lame defense. yes he's stepping up but it's only for the money like in Allard. if money was dangled in front of the others, they might bite as well. Jason Wilcox and CONroy are buds so he will go that direction for a defense. people see the win in Allard but don't look at the other things CONroy lost in that case
my very first post in this thread mentioned Tousaw. Alan Young is good as well.
if it's CONroy, it will be a lame defense. yes he's stepping up but it's only for the money like in Allard. if money was dangled in front of the others, they might bite as well. Jason Wilcox and CONroy are buds so he will go that direction for a defense. people see the win in Allard but don't look at the other things CONroy lost in that case
I was hoping you can enlighten some of us regarding the other issues Conroy lost in the Allard case?

Also , wanted to say, I really appreciate the work you are doing with the 30 day possession limit ....Thank You!
I was hoping you can enlighten some of us regarding the other issues Conroy lost in the Allard case?

Also , wanted to say, I really appreciate the work you are doing with the 30 day possession limit ....Thank You!
i have laid out a few big ones....the one that he stopped it being a class action and only went with 4 plaintiffs is another
if you think he did a great job in Allard, all the power to you.
i know some of the stuff that also went on behind closed doors as i know one of the guys who started the Coalition.
what do you think he did great on? i think he had a case where he couldn't lose due to the Terry Parker Jr case giving us the MMAR. we established our right to use it as medicine.
i have laid out a few big ones....the one that he stopped it being a class action and only went with 4 plaintiffs is another
"In order to avoid the delays that would be encountered by certifying the Plaintiffs on behalf of the entire Class and having the Class itself certified, or even arguing about whether we can only have one “Representative Plaintiff ” in a “Representative Action”,it was decided that those steps were unnecessary given that we are not seeking damages in this lawsuit, but several constitutional declarations with respect to the constitutional legality of what the government has failed to do and has done in the context of the Medical Marihuana Access Regulations and Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. We have identified the main issues of concern and success on any of them will apply to all persons similarly situated in Canada as the Federal Government will be bound by the constitutional declaration in relation to all. This will enable us to file the Motion for the exemption/injunction and order in the nature of mandamus to seek to freeze or grandfather the situation on behalf of all medically approved patients with Personal Production Licences and/or a limited caregiver type Designated Grower, including those who have experienced problems as a result of the September 30th, 2013 deadline." - John Conroy

if you think he did a great job in Allard, all the power to you.
I don't have a particular preference for Conroy. I am trying to be objective. Many of you are suggesting he is a shitty lawyer, who only cares about money, and I want to learn why. So far, all I see is talk and no trousers.

what do you think he did great on?
IMO, I think Conroy and his team (Kirk Tousaw, who you admire, was on the team too) did an excellent job of systematically debunking the crown's expert witnesses; ultimately, resulting in growing rights being reinstated to patients.

i think he had a case where he couldn't lose due to the Terry Parker Jr case giving us the MMAR. we established our right to use it as medicine.
Even if you think it was a slam dunk, it was a case that required an immense amount of work and preparation. As I stated earlier, I want the best and biggest gun in court no matter the complexity and this was a case with a lot on the line. They may not have won every detail but they got the biggie.

You mentioned Kirk Tousaw twice. I like Kirk too. But as AquaTerra mentioned, he's spinning magic for Canopy now. Perhaps, he'll be available in the future after he's done consulting.

Alan Young. I like him a lot. In fact, he was my lawyer's mentor. As far as I know, Alan is retired now. So now what?

if this was Kirk T asking, i would be all for it as i see him as a good guy and in it for us...yues money too but not the greed and incompetence of CONroy!
LOL .....are you aware that Conroy was Kirk's mentor?

Here is what Kirk Tousaw had to say about his mentor John Conroy - Watch starting @ 4:50 :
"He is the Godfather of Ganja litigation" ......"My mentor. One of the best lawyers I have ever known. One of the best people I have ever known" - Kirk Tousaw
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who would you suggest?
yes CONroy took this on but I believe he did it for publicity and the money. he is not a good lawyer and has proven that in his defence in Allard. i know of another guy who used him. Bob Woolsey paid him over $100k for nothing! when CONroy asked for another $10k, Bob didn't have it so he just walked away and left him with nothing. Bob had to fight to get paperwork that he paid for.
i would love to change my opinion of him but he keeps giving the ammo for not changing.
i feel bad for anyone he represents

he is not a good lawyer and has proven that in his defence in Allard
That case was a team effort. So you are essentially saying Kirk is no good on one hand and then on the other you praise him?
As far as the 150 grams, the way I understand (and I may not have all the info - that is what I hope someone would help me with), it was a strategic move that was agreed by all the team ?

know of another guy who used him. Bob Woolsey paid him over $100k for nothing! when CONroy asked for another $10k, Bob didn't have it so he just walked away and left him with nothing. Bob had to fight to get paperwork that he paid for.
Is this firsthand information? Or, is this just hearsay?
Something tells me there is a lot more to this than what you stated. If Conroy walked away, there must have been a valid reason.

The following was reported on Dec.7/2015:

"Woolsey said he also revived good news this weekend, when a donor put up the money for a retainer for cannabis activist and lawyer Kirk Tousaw."

Sept 1/2016 the following was reported:

The dispensary operator said that lawyer John Conroy is accepting emails from members of the Deroche BC Pain Society community that detail how the raid and closure of the dispensary impacted patients’ health and finances.

April 6, 2018:

"A Mission man who previously operated a “compassion club” has been convicted of all five marijuana-trafficking counts with which he was charged in late 2015........Woolsey represented himself in court and did not dispute the facts of the case as presented by the Crown."
CONroy is a hack!
we got a lame duck defense as well as being stuck with the 150 carry/ship limit! he withdrew his challenge against the 150 so we all got screwed.
CONroy got all the donations from the case and then got costs from the Crown...escentially double dipping. he told us we'd need at least a million dollars to get a top notch defense. he got his million and we got screwed! if this was Kirk T asking, i would be all for it as i see him as a good guy and in it for us...yues money too but not the greed and incompetence of CONroy!
save your $$ and spend it on something for yourself. this guy is only in it for the money
"A full accounting of funds received by Conroy and Company in trust from all sources has been given to the Cannabis Rights Coalition representatives on their undertaking not to make the actual documents public to protect the privacy interests of the various donors. Specific figures with respect to funds raised and how they have been allocated have been publicly made available. Conroy and Company and John Conroy, QC, in particular has contributed approximately $350,000 CAD of his time to date for which he is not been paid and funds remain owing to some of the other lawyers (Tonia Grace, Kirk Tousaw, Bibhas Vaze and Matthew Jackson) who have also made substantial contributions at reduced rates. It is impossible to predict how much we may require in the future because we do not know how far it will go, especially given the change in government and change in attitude. A substantial amount of money has been raised from all sources in the area of $290,500 and a target of another $750,000 for past and future costs and expenses is not unrealistic." - John Conroy
hey guys what am i missing?

client$ are his job...he is a lawyer

he seems to be trying to get something done for nonregistered cannabis sellers??

..asking for dough is not wrong either

again ..what am i missing?

come on..this does not look bad
Hey Mom. I know you are ignoring me, but just wanted to say it is good to see you woke up and started making sense :wink: :hug: lol
i was not commenting on him doing great,,just that he is

doing it

...its unfortunate that someone you think will do a better job isn't doing it..

yes i was around for the Allard too

you gotta know the purpose of my post was that everyone was jumping on the ONLY guy who is doing it
I'm done being pissed at Conroy or expecting anything of Turmel. I think our anger should be directed at Branch McMaster - we're going on 6 years without a fucking court date. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Maybe Conroy can sue those useless fucks?
"In order to avoid the delays that would be encountered by certifying the Plaintiffs on behalf of the entire Class and having the Class itself certified, or even arguing about whether we can only have one “Representative Plaintiff ” in a “Representative Action”,it was decided that those steps were unnecessary given that we are not seeking damages in this lawsuit, but several constitutional declarations with respect to the constitutional legality of what the government has failed to do and has done in the context of the Medical Marihuana Access Regulations and Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. We have identified the main issues of concern and success on any of them will apply to all persons similarly situated in Canada as the Federal Government will be bound by the constitutional declaration in relation to all. This will enable us to file the Motion for the exemption/injunction and order in the nature of mandamus to seek to freeze or grandfather the situation on behalf of all medically approved patients with Personal Production Licences and/or a limited caregiver type Designated Grower, including those who have experienced problems as a result of the September 30th, 2013 deadline." - John Conroy

I don't have a particular preference for Conroy. I am trying to be objective. Many of you are suggesting he is a shitty lawyer, who only cares about money, and I want to learn why. So far, all I see is talk and no trousers.

IMO, I think Conroy and his team (Kirk Tousaw, who you admire, was on the team too) did an excellent job of systematically debunking the crown's expert witnesses; ultimately, resulting in growing rights being reinstated to patients.

Even if you think it was a slam dunk, it was a case that required an immense amount of work and preparation. As I stated earlier, I want the best and biggest gun in court no matter the complexity and this was a case with a lot on the line. They may not have won every detail but they got the biggie.

You mentioned Kirk Tousaw twice. I like Kirk too. But as AquaTerra mentioned, he's spinning magic for Canopy now. Perhaps, he'll be available in the future after he's done consulting.

Alan Young. I like him a lot. In fact, he was my lawyer's mentor. As far as I know, Alan is retired now. So now what?

LOL .....are you aware that Conroy was Kirk's mentor?

Here is what Kirk Tousaw had to say about his mentor John Conroy - Watch starting @ 4:50 :
"He is the Godfather of Ganja litigation" ......"My mentor. One of the best lawyers I have ever known. One of the best people I have ever known" - Kirk Tousaw
you want me to break down what he did???
as i said, you think he did a bang up job-all the power to you
Tousaw had no idea CONroy dropped going after the 150 and that came from Tousaw when i asked him but you found something that says it was a team decision...interesting.
CONroy has never given an accounting of the donations. almost all of the cash boxes weren't accounted for. i saw what he gave and it was not a full accounting. he kept the donations from patients as well as got costs from the courts-double dipping
you bring into what CONroy said and of course he's going to defend his actions...he did them!
i guess you think I am new or something to this if you think I don't know about Tousaw being mentored by CONroy...why did he split off?
Bob got screwed by CONroy. he became self represented after CONroy asked for another $10k after being paid $100k....geez. Bob is still appealing his conviction. i am trying to help him so i know first hand.
good research on CONroy but it's not the truth. anything you bring in that he says doesn't mean much but you know far more than i do i guess. i saw and experienced it first hand but you googled it so you win!
i am not happy with what he did to all patients and never will be.
as i said, you think he did a bang up job-all the power to you
As I said, I am being objective and looking for answers.

Tousaw had no idea CONroy dropped going after the 150 and that came from Tousaw when i asked him but you found something that says it was a team decision...interesting.
I'll see if I can find that document later.....I'm just busy and in and out of house right now.

So if Tousaw didn't know Conroy dropped the 150 at the time, he would have become aware after the fact and certainly after the trial was over. That video I posted was uploaded by Bubbleman on October 16, 2016.
Therefore, when this video was shot Kirk was aware about Conroy dropping the 150 but still called Conroy, "One of the best lawyers I have ever known. One of the best people I have ever known."

So are you saying that Kirk is liar too?

i guess you think I am new or something to this if you think I don't know about Tousaw being mentored by CONroy...why did he split off?
I don't think you are new. I just think that what you are saying about Conroy and what Kirk is saying about Conroy is completely opposite and yet you say Kirk is a good guy and in it for us..........something doesn't add up.

Bob got screwed by CONroy. he became self represented after CONroy asked for another $10k after being paid $100k....geez.
Is Bob the owner of that dispensary or was he just managing it at the time? My understanding is that there were two locations for BC pain Society and Bob managed one location. This is a dispensary with a reported 14 000 plus customer base and they couldn't fork over another 10K ......again something not adding up.
Sounds to me like it was just cheaper for the owner to pay Bob off to take the fall and Bob happily obliged - Bob pockets 100K and owner saves 10K - just a wild guess. The point is, this is a dispensary making over a million a year and for some reason can't come up with 10K - I don't buy it.

i am trying to help him so i know first hand.
good research on CONroy but it's not the truth. anything you bring in that he says doesn't mean much but you know far more than i do i guess.
Again are you saying Kirk is lying too? Because he claims Conroy is a great guy. Which is it ?

i saw and experienced it first hand but you googled it so you win!
This isn't about winning and my ego.....I want to know what the real deal is on this issue and by the sounds of it I will never know. However, I am not some newbie either that is going to take someone on internet at face value when all they have is, unprovable, hearsay.

And if Conroy is such a trash lawyer my question is still the same. Is there a better lawyer in Canada, that has the intimate knowledge, and experience, of medical cannabis cases, than Conroy?......if so, who is it? ..... and I mean available and not retired.
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As I said, I am being objective and looking for answers.

I'll see if I can find that document later.....I'm just busy and in and out of house right now.

So if Tousaw didn't know Conroy dropped the 150 at the time, he would have become aware after the fact and certainly after the trial was over. That video I posted was uploaded by Bubbleman on October 16, 2016.
Therefore, when this video was shot Kirk was aware about Conroy dropping the 150 but still called Conroy, "One of the best lawyers I have ever known. One of the best people I have ever known."

So are you saying that Kirk is liar too?

I don't think you are new. I just think that what you are saying about Conroy and what Kirk is saying about Conroy is completely opposite and yet you say Kirk is a good guy and in it for us..........something doesn't add up.

Is Bob the owner of that dispensary or was he just managing it at the time? My understanding is that there were two locations for BC pain Society and Bob managed one location. This is a dispensary with a reported 14 000 plus customer base and they couldn't fork over another 10K ......again something not adding up.
Sounds to me like it was just cheaper for the owner to pay Bob off to take the fall and Bob happily obliged - Bob pockets 100K and owner saves 10K - just a wild guess. The point is, this is a dispensary making over a million a year and for some reason can't come up with 10K - I don't buy it.

Again are you saying Kirk is lying too? Because he claims Conroy is a great guy. Which is it ?

This isn't about winning and my ego.....I want to know what the real deal is on this issue and by the sounds of it I will never know. However, I am not some newbie either that is going to take someone on internet at face value when all they have is, unprovable, hearsay.

And if Conroy is such a trash lawyer my question is still the same. Is there a better lawyer in Canada, that has the intimate knowledge, and experience, of medical cannabis cases, than Conroy?......if so, who is it? ..... and I mean available and not retired.
you think I'm goin to go over your posts like that?? what's your point??
Bob pocketed the $100k??!! where did you get that from?? Bob is a friend of mine!
you have the accounting given by CONroy then why do you think it's complete?? geez.
this has gone way more in depth than i really give a shit about.
like i said, i saw the things, I asked Kirk personally about CONroy dropping the challenge and he answered me.
Kirk has his OPINION and it's not mine so how am i saying Kirk lied??
really seems to me that you want to pick apart everything i say. i am not interested at all. you love CONroy so good on ya....I think he's a hack and pointed out why and how. you want to challenge it-go ahead. i have said my piece and you just turn it upside down to say something else-like i am saying Kirk is lying!
this has wasted far too much time on something like a CONroy. i am out of this conversation
I'm done being pissed at Conroy or expecting anything of Turmel. I think our anger should be directed at Branch McMaster - we're going on 6 years without a fucking court date. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Maybe Conroy can sue those useless fucks?
and its not about the money as much as it is principal....I got robbed as a result of this blunder....and would like to live long enough to see it thru to completion
Don’t forget Conroy solicited future privacy breach funds. I wonder how many signed over their rights to compensation to Conroy, and if he still plans to collect those settlement funds?

It's nice that someone wants to burn those motherfuckers to the ground. People have flaws. Burning the government scum to the ground ain't one in my books..