Anonymous Takes On A Cartel

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I have no aversion, I just feel that whatever I say is attacked regardless of merit.

Maybe if I put a guy fawkes mask over my Camus avatar, I would be more socially acceptable.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I have no aversion, I just feel that whatever I say is attacked regardless of merit.

Maybe if I put a guy fawkes mask over my Camus avatar, I would be more socially acceptable.
Fuck that. lol Your avatar looks badass. :D How's mine?

It isn't attacked, maybe attempted to attack, but either way it doesn't matter. lol Words. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
all i have to say is they provoked the wrong people who have a lot of power that some cannot see with every darkness there is a light and with every light there is a darkness.



Well-Known Member
What I said was if the message from the Zetas was speaking about killing American civilians inside the borders, I believe it's a bluff because they know it could lead to a massive operation like the one that eventually took down Escobar. Not to mention these people need to be dealt with, and it's going to happen one way or another sooner or later. Innocent people are brutally murdered everyday, it doesn't matter if any information gets released. Its unfortunate their families might get hurt in the process but that's a small price to pay of it disrupts their organization.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the cartels will attack Americans on American soil, that would bring a whole host of unwanted shit to the game for them, think how Escobar eventually toppled because his gang bombed a plane carrying innocent Americans. DEA doesn't give a shit now, but if Americans are killed it becomes an American problem.

I'd say mr. Browns head is relatively safe.
How do you explain the border patrol agents deaths then?. Caused by zeta members running them over with stolen American military Humvees carrying drugs and such.
Or organization like Halo that are designed to recover American citizens captured by mexican cartels. What would be the point of making these multi million organizations if this was true?


Well-Known Member
That threat is essentially meaningless with more than 5,000 deaths per year since 2005, they already kill enough people to warrant action.

If they kill more it'll likely bring too much heat from international authorities. Right now it's Mexicos problem.
Do you meen that it would become policy that we increase arms sales to the cartels? Didn't the Zetas have guns they bought from a program run by the authorities?


Well-Known Member
I don't think the cartels will attack Americans on American soil, that would bring a whole host of unwanted shit to the game for them, think how Escobar eventually toppled because his gang bombed a plane carrying innocent Americans. DEA doesn't give a shit now, but if Americans are killed it becomes an American problem.

I'd say mr. Browns head is relatively safe.
I thought they have been?
Didn't they kill two border patrol agents?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
What I said was if the message from the Zetas was speaking about killing American civilians inside the borders, I believe it's a bluff because they know it could lead to a massive operation like the one that eventually took down Escobar. Not to mention these people need to be dealt with, and it's going to happen one way or another sooner or later. Innocent people are brutally murdered everyday, it doesn't matter if any information gets released. Its unfortunate their families might get hurt in the process but that's a small price to pay of it disrupts their organization.
I agree up to a certain point, but the US is in no position to destablize a bordering country, that's just not on the radar. Furthermore, the Mexican govt won't allow the US to project force en masse because it would be a sign of weakness.

The problem with Anonymous' plan was the lack of actual source verification, the chances were that it would pretty much just put out a lot of bad info, potentially endanger innocent people, and NOT achieve the release of their comrade.

I hate to break to you die-hard suporters, but Anonymous is not able to bring down Zetas. There has been banners hanging (next to dead people) spelling out what politician met with those dead guys hanging right next to them...what's happened? Not a damn thing. If you release names, you might actually HELP the Zetas (or even other cartels, there are about a dozen majors). The cartels are not dependent on the internet, therefore cyber-attacks will in the end accomplish NOTHING. If Anonymous had a super-powerful militia able to project power anywhere in the world at anytime, then they might have a chance at "stopping the cartels," but until that day - they will be entirely ineffectual, and only risk themselves by attempting to engage ultra-violent cartels.

This is just reality.