Anonymous: "The Plan" Is Now Live. Phase 1: Initiated. War Against The System.


Well-Known Member
So your happy with some higher power telling you when to eat, when to inject, what you should say, there taking of free rights away slowly each day wake up if your truly happy living in a world that is controlled by someone controlling your life we live in a prison we cannot smell taste or see or feel realize you have the power to make the world a better place where all people are equal no matter how amount of money you make color or culture its time to unite as a human race for peace..

My problem is that "WORLD" shit you have in there. I am not ready for a NWO. Even though we now have a dictator in charge. This country has jumped to help every country that gets into trouble and the bastards still hate us. Fuck greece,Fuck their unions and I care less if they burn the country down. Fuck all the American hating bastards.


Active Member
My problem is that "WORLD" shit you have in there. I am not ready for a NWO. Even though we now have a dictator in charge. This country has jumped to help every country that gets into trouble and the bastards still hate us. Fuck greece,Fuck their unions and I care less if they burn the country down. Fuck all the American hating bastards.
I don't think people have anything against Americans per se. It's the American government and it's foreign policy that people take issue with. To protect your rights as an American, your government is willing to roll over the rights and freedoms of other peoples. That is were the resentment is born, and there are those willing to extend it to individual Americans.


Well-Known Member
The revolution isn't about any one country, it's about the aristocrats that run them and the choices they make. The elites of society.


Well-Known Member
I don't think people have anything against Americans per se. It's the American government and it's foreign policy that people take issue with. To protect your rights as an American, your government is willing to roll over the rights and freedoms of other peoples. That is were the resentment is born, and there are those willing to extend it to individual Americans.

NOOO SIR, guess those puerto ricoians burning the American flag while odummy was over there telling them he had left money in hc to cover them too, were just showing love. LOVE LOVE LOVE lmao


Active Member
And by burning your flag Puerto Ricans were aiming their discontent at you, or your government? I doubt they even know you.

Why were they burning the American flag? Have you considered that they may have a good reason not to like America. Perhaps a reason that if rolls were reversed, you would be the one burning the Puerto Rican flag?


Well-Known Member
NOOO SIR, guess those puerto ricoians burning the American flag while odummy was over there telling them he had left money in hc to cover them too, were just showing love. LOVE LOVE LOVE lmao
Ironically, they're technically Americans.

Peoples perspective of Americans from around the world comes from our government. Many Africans love Americans because our government gives them aide, while middle easterners hate Americans cause our government kills their family and friends. I saw a documentary where they asked people around the world what they thought of Americans, and they asked this group of Canadian kids. They thought that Americans never talked anything out and only resorted to threats and fighting. Obviously, this isn't true, and is only an accurate representation of our government.


Active Member
Perhaps some them would like Puerto Rico to be a sovereign nation and don't even want your money.

Is that a good enough reason?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps some them would like Puerto Rico to be a sovereign nation and don't even want your money.

Is that a good enough reason?
Likely. The Puerto Ricans have consistently voted against becoming the US 51st state. The option has been on the table a few times.


Active Member
Ironically, they're technically Americans.

Peoples perspective of Americans from around the world comes from our government. Many Africans love Americans because our government gives them aide, while middle easterners hate Americans cause our government kills their family and friends. I saw a documentary where they asked people around the world what they thought of Americans, and they asked this group of Canadian kids. They thought that Americans never talked anything out and only resorted to threats and fighting. Obviously, this isn't true, and is only an accurate representation of our government.
Exactly! I've never met an American I didn't like (Well, maybe one or two.). That said, I am pissed that America has forced Canada to allow foreign (American) troops to patrol our borders by threatening to restrict cross-border trade. It is our own fault by doing the lion's share of our trade with the U.S.. They used the same tactic when Parliament was ready to decriminalize weed... And this is our ally?
The American Government always uses diplomacy works with other nations... As long as they are getting their way.
That said, it doesn't help matters when our politicians are either spineless or only represent corporate interest.


Active Member
That said, I am pissed that America has forced Canada to allow foreign (American) troops to patrol our borders by threatening to restrict cross-border trade. .
Yes were pissed about that as well. Its called blackmail. Whats really sad is that our neo-conserveative government actually took you seriously. Your country is on the verge of economic collapse and your going to limit cross border trade because of a diplomacy issue......yeah right.


Active Member
Ironically, they're technically Americans.

Peoples perspective of Americans from around the world comes from our government. Many Africans love Americans because our government gives them aide, while middle easterners hate Americans cause our government kills their family and friends. I saw a documentary where they asked people around the world what they thought of Americans, and they asked this group of Canadian kids. They thought that Americans never talked anything out and only resorted to threats and fighting. Obviously, this isn't true, and is only an accurate representation of our government.
i have nothing against Americans its just the people who run the country there a bunch of greedy bastards, they don't care about what the people have to say everything is done how they want it, and when your willing to challenge them look out they will do anything in there power to make it look like your breaking the law they take your freedom slowy, people are too worried about paying there next credit card payment.


Active Member
Okay so your going to rally a few thousand people that get all whipped up in hysteria and start rioting, only to be crushed by the military.

Like any movement or idea you first need to start with a sound foundation.

As Ghandi said "Be the change you want to see in the world" So do you want the world to look like a uncivilzed riot?

Take the anger and vengenance out, start by taking care of yourself, start by using peace. Even if it fails you are the better for doing it correctly.

Even with our problems in the US, which are quite a few and quite large, I still am dam proud and happy to be living here. There are a lot of places extremely worse than this.

Think about it