Anorexia? Can I Fake This?


Well-Known Member
How can I get myself a handicap sticker or card for my car so I can have that spot next to the store door?
I am really tired of walking across the parking lot at the mall and grocery stores. I can walk pretty good, but I really don't want to and want to park in the handicap spot. I mean hec, I don't want to have to pay a fine for parking in a disabled parking spot.



Well-Known Member
the way you talk!!! you should be aloud to park in the blue square !!! f_ckin cap!!! eat sh_t

Listen up, junior, your question is about how to abuse the system and IMO, is asinine!
People who lie just to get a card to smoke for the fun of it, only helps to deter doctors, LE and politicians from wanting to help and support us "real" patients.
