anothe use for honey oil


Well-Known Member
Hello folks...dunno if this has been posted before, so I'll share a lil' about my experience with the oil...couple years ago I was slicing some frozen hamburger buns...slipped a tad with the knife and cut almost to the bone on my finger...bled like a stuck pig....or maybe like an I wrapped the finger in paper towel and got the breathable tape and oil out...put a nice blob on the cut and covered with the tape...bleeding stopped immediately...pain was gone in 60 seconds...hardly a scar...yeah...its not just for smoking or eating...hth



Well-Known Member
works on scars..cancer!!!!...eczema and psoriasis CANCER!!!!

oh ya and CANCER..but I have to say Not Always for some reason.,,,but a much better thing to try first! before the poisons and burning!!!!:wall:

etc the list is endless :)
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Well-Known Member
In my experice RSO will clear up moles (even the fast growing irregular ones!). The only drawback over the knife is they can't biopsy it when it disappears.


Well-Known Member
Topically .
from what I have seen it WILL NOT get rid of moles but it will indeed kill skin cancer
irregular moles (that grow) are usually cancer as well.

you dont need a knife when i ts not there to see ;)


Well-Known Member
Is that ingesting it or applying it topically?
Topically. Smother, cover with bandaid, and re-apply after showers.

I can't say wether they are cancerous moles or not but the were raised, irregular, and growing. Same patient many different moles over the last 4 years.

I've successfully treated my own plantar warts with it using the same method.

All this was done with crappy resin extracted from already vaped herb. Same product I use in all my topical preparations.


Well-Known Member
its awesome to see things get better and OBVIOUSLY BETTER

even my GP is still astounded today..but then again...hes not alone.


Well-Known Member
I use canna-coconut oil to treat cuts, burns and any other issues that can be treated topically. I've been using buds and trim, but I'm interested in trying it with my vaped herb and see if it works the same.


Well-Known Member
I use canna-coconut oil to treat cuts, burns and any other issues that can be treated topically. I've been using buds and trim, but I'm interested in trying it with my vaped herb and see if it works the same.
Fair warning - there's tonnes of pigment (degraded chlorophyll I assume) in the resins I make - they will stain the skin for a week or two if used undiluted.

Diluted in a salve its more or less unnoticeable.