Another Barack Obama thread


Well-Known Member
Arguing politics with pot heads aint my thing... you want to know what Obama plans on doing then follow his campaign. Its not hard to see who seems fit for the job. Its those who u believe that will follow through and create more oppurtunities for our country and give our children the knowledge they need to be successful.

Knowledge is the key to change.


Well-Known Member
i love how nerds think they know everything about the world and what will happen..Ron paul assassinated? now i know you dont know shit.. he wants freedom..if anyone got assassinated it would be the black muslim
Wow buddy this stands out as the most idiotic statement I have ever read on this site...Go study up on some American history, buddy. It is the people that make great change that are assasinated. Which is exactly why Ron Paul and not Obama would have the greatest chance of an assasination. Obama would keep the status quo and there would be no need to assasinate him...Look throughout history at the people who were assasinated and every one was for a good reason. JFK signed a lot getting rid of the Fed that would allow America to print it's own money and be free of the inflation tax of the federal reserve. Two weeks later he was murdered. Andrew Jackson tried the same thing. A few weeks later an assasination was attempted. There's plenty more but I'll stop there. And FYI Ron Paul will get rid of the Fed if elected and will be assasinated. Obama would not. Go study up now.
p.s. Calling ppl of color ppl of color is not racist. That just means they're not white.

Lamafia ck

New Member
remeber $$$$$$$ controls everything so stfu u never deal with no one in the gov. the history od USA tells everything that is gon happen to obama u proved my point
i know wat it is to be from another race and live in the usa so fuk all ya theres no way obama will b the president i never said his ideas are bad or good i'm only 17 and i cant vote yet


Well-Known Member
Geeze relax buddy. You'll probably get your wish and Obama will be president. Too bad you don't know shit about politics or you wouldn't be backing him.

Lamafia ck

New Member
wat i'm trying to say is its not about obamas ideas that is bad
people in usa wouldnt want to change their pride imaging the army being run by a black person name obama omg lol i got no problems with that i cant vote so idk about it too much all i'm saying is peoples pride gota change I NEVER SAID ANYONE WAS BETTER THAN OBAMA

Lamafia ck

New Member
tell u the truth i care less who wins i'm brazilian i'm in my country more than i'm here i'm just saying how things goes for people that doesnt have a american last name


Well-Known Member
tell u the truth i care less who wins i'm brazilian i'm in my country more than i'm here i'm just saying how things goes for people that doesnt have a american last name
True. Being black or muslim or having the name Hussein Obama is not going to help him. But, the people who wouldn't vote for him for those reasons are ignorant racists. And there will be always be ignorant people, so what can you do?

Lamafia ck

New Member
i know but if people would of kept thei ignorance inside their homes we will all be happy thats the problem someone will be like i rather sacrifice my self than let a obama hussein be the president
bammmmmmmmmm cracker kills president and himself thats the history
or the feds will do it and blame on somebody because omaba is ending all the corruption

A W 0 L

Active Member
remeber $$$$$$$ controls everything so stfu u never deal with no one in the gov. the history od USA tells everything that is gon happen to obama u proved my point
i know wat it is to be from another race and live in the usa so fuk all ya theres no way obama will b the president i never said his ideas are bad or good i'm only 17 and i cant vote yet

Dude, you're contributing nothing but your idiotic opinions to this thread. Also you're only 17.. BAN!


Well-Known Member
I could tell you were 17 by your first post.....

remeber $$$$$$$ controls everything so stfu u never deal with no one in the gov. the history od USA tells everything that is gon happen to obama u proved my point
i know wat it is to be from another race and live in the usa so fuk all ya theres no way obama will b the president i never said his ideas are bad or good i'm only 17 and i cant vote yet

Lamafia ck

New Member
his crazy running for president i wouldnt risk putting my family or myself in danger to change nothing cause even if he becomes the president theres people behind him that aint gon let him do wat he wants

A W 0 L

Active Member
his crazy running for president i wouldnt risk putting my family or myself in danger to change nothing cause even if he becomes the president theres people behind him that aint gon let him do wat he wants

There's limits and boundaries that will stand as an obstacle however that will apply to any elected president.

Ban now?

Lamafia ck

New Member
i got nothing to loose just trying to tell my opinion go ahead and ban me wow lol dont need anyones help anymore i read this site for a couple of months before i posted my first post not any stupid new b that dont understand y ph goes up and down


Well-Known Member
Why do we keeping going back to the fact that Hilary is a woman or Obama is an African American, what about were they stand on the issuses?!?! They are americans running for president..... And for all the nah sayer, you need to face the fact that one of them WILL be your president!!!!

Lamafia ck

New Member
i learn ur language by reading the internet i know spelling is not great but comeonn i lived in 5 diff countries since i was 2 i know more about cuture than all ya


Well-Known Member
We are not talking about culture, we are discussing politics??? Your saying Obama cant win just because he is black.... That just stupid.. American has changed and he will be our countries President... or Hilary...

A W 0 L

Active Member
Why do we keeping going back to the fact that Hilary is a woman or Obama is an African American, what about were they stand on the issuses?!?! They are americans running for president..... And for all the nah sayer, you need to face the fact that one of them WILL be your president!!!!
I'd be surprised if someone else won; I have my money on Barack, Clinton I could maybe deal with. And trust me I'm for RP as well however I just can't see him winning.