Another Beer Cup Grow.


Well-Known Member
Blurgaberry CBD Feminized 1:1 CBD:THC. Trimmed a bit if stalk from a clone-to-be and thought I might try seeing if it will root.

Seems viable.

Let's see how I can manage in a cup. Drilled a bunch of holes in the side and have an inch of the bottom as a reservoir. Perlite and vermiculite topped off with Hydroton so the thing does not tip over with me, washed away the coco from the roots. Hope it is a survivor.

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Well-Known Member
Going to use household bulbs to see what I can come up with. So far it is looking like it got over the transplant stress.



Well-Known Member
If you're going to keep it in that cup, I'd flower now. That btch is going to streeetch. If you're going to pot up (which is what i would do), pot up then switch to flower in about two- three weeks.

I am but a humble man offering my humble opinion.


Well-Known Member
No, staying in the beer cup. I was guessing it might be time now but realize others have greater wisdom than I. Going to have to find a box to put it in then.

Big Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
I hope you enjoy watering your plant!
You have a lot of waterings ahead of you with that plant. Like 3 times a day. It looks good, though. Give her enough light and she should give you back a couple ounces of bud.


Well-Known Member
I have been doing three-four watering a day. I was hoping for a pound but will be happy with an ounce or two. Just had to abandon the last time they had a beer cup grow and wanted to do one to see what I could manage out of a cup. If my cones root I will give it another go with what I learned here.


Well-Known Member
Not the beer cup but a bonsai White Widow, and another Blugberry for the beer cup grow 'contest' going on. It was difficult getting the roots through the hole, hope the make it. The water has 1/4 the nutrients as normal.
