another beginning newb here

hello all i am new here and new to the wonder of growth, i am in search of help, i have attached three pictures for a visual so that you may critizise and help me get better thru your experiances, the room you are looking at is 6 foot wide by 9 foot long, i have 3 shop lights with 40 watt bulbs, they are hanging 20 inches above the buckets you see on the floor, the buckets are standard from home depot i drilled holes in the sides and bottoms for air and water, i filled them with mircle gro moisture control pottig mix, i also have 1 cubic foot of peat moss, that i havent used dont know how, i ordered some bat guano that hasnt arrived yet again i dont know how to use that just seen its popular to use, i ordered ionic boost and that i have ready to use mixed in 3/4 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water, this room has 3 concrete walls and 1 door, above is the subfloor to my forst floor, so this is my setup,

i am looking for help on the best way to grow from square one, things i am going to need, and please if you tell me i need something could you please tell me why and explain its purpose and how i am going to use it, i have a friend who told me a few things but i found out quick he had no idea, i am patient and know this will take time, but if i am not doing it right to begin with then whats the point of spending my money,

the germinateing tray i have sitting in between the lights i havent used yet it has a heater pad under it,
i also have a 250 watt hanging heat lamp more to the right side of the room i think i am going to get one more for the left side

i am going to order some seeds Super Skunk from amsterdam marijuana seeds and i want them to grow so if you could please help me tell me what i need to do to make this room functional, what else i need, and the best way to grow the best weed i can, we can start with the basic's first i need to get the seed germinated then i can always check back with you all i think i am going to be a very frequent visitor to this website its the best one i have found so far

thanks guys hope to get some help quick i am off to work till 8am



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

I would say to get some bagseed and practice with what you have and learn from your mistakes. There will be plenty of people on here willing to help.


Active Member
From a bag of weed with seeds in it. Doesn't happen often but sometimes!
Germinate your seeds in a glass of warm bottled water from the store, as soon as the seeds crack open place them apoprox. 1/8 to 1/4 under the surface of your medium, I used equal parts vermiculite, perlite, and sphagnum moss(peat), keep the soil warm and moist but nod sopping wet, and under domes until the plant sprouts at this stage it's life cycle has begun and it can be placed under your grow lights but keep the light approx. 2.5 feet away until you see the third set of leaves growing. Have fun!
vermiculite, perlite, and sphagnum moss(peat), i know what the peat moss is but what are the other two and can i buy them seperate at the grow store

Germinate your seeds in a glass of warm bottled water from the store, as soon as the seeds crack open place them apoprox. 1/8 to 1/4 under the surface of your medium, I used equal parts vermiculite, perlite, and sphagnum moss(peat), keep the soil warm and moist but nod sopping wet, and under domes until the plant sprouts at this stage it's life cycle has begun and it can be placed under your grow lights but keep the light approx. 2.5 feet away until you see the third set of leaves growing. Have fun!


Active Member
You can even get it at walmart I think. But for sure the grow store.
Vermiculite is that spongy crap they used to blow into attics for insulation back in the day, and perlite is the white stuff you see in promix bags, looks like white neards.
i ordered the skunk weed they are sending me 30 seeds, so i am going to put these in warm bottled water from the store once they pop and there whit tail shows, should i use the germinateing tray i bought with the heat pad under it, or do i drop the seed right into the soil in the bucket, or do i use the tray and let them sprout, i should probadly start with the very basic i want to do this right i am going tommorrow to buy the ph kit


Active Member
i ordered the skunk weed they are sending me 30 seeds, so i am going to put these in warm bottled water from the store once they pop and there whit tail shows, should i use the germinateing tray i bought with the heat pad under it, or do i drop the seed right into the soil in the bucket, or do i use the tray and let them sprout, i should probadly start with the very basic i want to do this right i am going tommorrow to buy the ph kit
The PH of the bottled water will be neutral so your fine there, as soon as you see the seed crack and you can see the white showing inside the crack remove it from the water and put it into the medium. Use your heat pad and be sure to keep the humidity domes on and the lights on 24hrs for now. Many people simply put the seeds into wet paper towel and wait until they germinate but think about it, thoes tender little delicate roots being peeled off the paper!


Active Member
Those lights are much too far away. Once you start growing they will need to be much closer...Not much lumen output off of those.


Active Member
Those lights are much too far away. Once you start growing they will need to be much closer...Not much lumen output off of those.
I once put the lights approx> 12-14 in away and i FUCKED THE PLANTS UP, so I decided to keep the lights away for a few days to let the plants establish before I lower them.

farmer frank

Active Member
yeah you dont have much lite ,that is biggest factor,i would say use bagseed an learn from mistakes cuz u will make them ,then wen dailed in go 4 it , one person could not answer all your ?s, would need hours ,read up an pinpoint ur ?s, easy way to start is rubber made 15 or 18 gallon with cover an water pump an go with areoponics set up ,ez to do ,little research an its on


Active Member
Those lights are much too far away. Once you start growing they will need to be much closer...Not much lumen output off of those.
Hes right if you really want to do it right the first time pick up a decent HPS/MH lamp. Also it doesn't llok like your room is sealed very good at all. You may want to think about investing in at least some 10 mil + visqueen or even Panda poly to keep criters and bugs out and help keep smells in. Especially if your planning on growning skunk with a heavy smelling flower. Visqeeun want do anything for reflection but its really cheap anywhere. Panda film/ Black White poly will help a little with reflection but it usually runs around 100 bucks for a 50'X10' roll. Either one you use if you do use a staple gun to hang it into wood make sure to put duct tape over the spot before you drive in the staple to keep the staples from tearing through. Clean measureing cups. You could always use your wifes or whatever but since bat guano is bat shit pretty much I would advise you to get some special for your grow. Also get a hygrometer you can get a decent digital indoor/outdoor one at lowes for about 10-15 bucks. hang it at the top of your room for temps up there and put the wire right in your most direct lit middle pot to get exact temps at the plant and humidity. Ventilation would be ideal if you ever have any auctions locally around its a real good place for super cheap venting and lighting sometimes. Especially the industrial type auctions.


friend you are going to get many different views,but remember it is a weed ,mircal grow sucks and let them grow,light light light is important high pressure sodium


Active Member
The PH of the bottled water will be neutral so your fine there!
Ph kit for your res, things to keep in mind abbout bottled water

Spring water comes from a natural underground formation filtered by the earth

Mineral water contains High levels of total dissolved solids. There are no rules regulating what these minerals can be except health standards.

Distelled water uses a distillation process.

Alot of times you can find a good source for your water at the local grocery store those fill it yourself water filtration systems.

Its hella cheaper ours is 39 cents a gallon.