i like how they confuse extermination/genocide with extinction.

whites are not being exterminated or genocided, they are going extinct.
Nah man!
They are being exterminated!
Like the Nazi government ordered . . . Oh wait! That's a lie I assume.

The mindset of these people truly makes my being shudder. I officially have the creeps from these dudes and dudettes.
i don't think google is creating those images. i think they just compile them from websites like stormfront.

I pulled them all off of a Google image search. I have no idea where they came from. You do realize you can pull an image off of Google without ever having to visit the site it came from, don't you? I assume that's where you find all your kiddie porn.
I pulled them all off of a Google image search. I have no idea where they came from. You do realize you can pull an image off of Google without ever having to visit the site it came from, don't you?

well google probabkly got those images from sites like stormfront, and you promoted them big time.

hope you're proud, ya fat racist skank.
so you stopped being a bigoted shithead then?

because as long as you still harbor those feelings, there is nothing to wear out.


The super hero shit is getting old and worn out. You might consider taking a break and freshen up your thoughts because your super hero shit just doesn't work on me sorry.
Buck......the living Stormfront commercial
I appreciate his sharing of knowledge.

I was able to go on a lengthy research journey that took me from Stormfront to the SPLC to the history books. Very educational.

I actually learned a lot about white supremacist groups. Know your enemy.

By the way I am not calling them the enemy, they are calling me that. Curious how hate works.
I appreciate his sharing of knowledge.

I was able to go on a lengthy research journey that took me from Stormfront to the SPLC to the history books. Very educational.

I actually learned a lot about white supremacist groups. Know your enemy.

By the way I am not calling them the enemy, they are calling me that. Curious how hate works.
oh no.........they are the enemy. anyone that focuses on "race," religion, political "party" the enemy.......of Liberty.
and my enemy.
fuck you your whole country almost starved because you ginger pieces of shit couldn't even fucking potato right. then I can see your jellyness about us telling england to fuck off but you pussies couldn't even fucking tell them to fuck off like us bad asses over here. go drink your fucking rat meat guiness beer or suck down some black and tans cuz that's what you irlands fucking suck down. and you were our slaves too. USA USA USA USA WE RULE THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD USA USA USA USA
Fell asleep and missed this one last night.


American Student Ends Up Trapped in Giant Vagina Sculpture
collapse story
MAINZ, Germany -- Call it a stimulating study-abroad experience. An American exchange student sparked an "extraordinary rescue mission" when his leg became trapped inside a giant vagina sculpture. "It was a dare," fire department squad leader Markus Mozer told NBC News. "The young man had tried to pose for an unusual photo and climbed into the artwork."
I'm working on an electric stadium, for theists that wish to insert Yaweh Manson into my daily life, our schools, and government.
I'd like to do this with re-newable energy, if I can.