another cali summer...2010


just read and scribed. Nice grow. How do you like the Dr Earth stuff, I just got 3 large bags and have never heard of it before????


Well-Known Member
i gott some of tha blackberry kush today from the collective, damn im glad i did i think im gonna get some of the clones.....shit taste like fruit and is really stoney.


Well-Known Member
Yesyesyes get the black berry kush!!! Iv seemed to have misplaced about 30 blackberry kush seeds and want them back NOW!!!


Well-Known Member
so they didnt have anymore blackberry kush clones, so im waiting for that and the strawberry cough....they both have awsome taste


Well-Known Member
damn everything is going great, im gonna get more pics tomorrow . Most of my plants are needing water daily now im watering by the moisture meter but they are drying out really quick with the all day sun, temperatures and wind.


Well-Known Member
it is amazeing how many people jump on a thread after you say something or ask a question, and then try to make friends by hateing on you.Like geting your attention and when you say something you get infractions, why does everyone slam each other on riu?

im not worried im in the garden smoking blackberry kush while im checking my progress..............


Well-Known Member
those are some sexy ladies man very nice grow, looks like your plants are deep in the hole is it better to put the plant deep in the hole? mine is pretty high in ground my holes are 2 feet wide and 2 feet deep I had few problems first it was nute locks when they were in the pot and I had it under the light for about 5 weeks and then I put them in the ground it was way too hot and the plants got stun the soils were pact in hard and that kinda mess up the roots and now it's looking better 2 plants are almost 3 feet tall and the rest are about 2 feet tall it's been in the ground about a month now and i'm just feeding them with advance 3 part nutes with about 1100 PPM and i'm waiting for my root excelurator and hopefully it will help the plants grow faster and i've got 4 plants that's budding for 5 weeks now and the bud is small I don't know if it's because of the 100 degrees sunlight that's causing the bud growth. This is my first time grow and i will learn from my mistakes and I will post some pics later. By the way them gopher spikes not working for me i had 1 in the ground close to my plants and the gophers still digging my ground I just hope it won't eat up my roots also my dirt in my back yard sucks when I dig the dirt gets hella hard few inches down and alot of rocks and the gopher only stay up on the softer dirt. but you do have some bad ass plants one more thing what the heck are them teas that your are making and how do you use it i never head of it so some advice would be great..


Well-Known Member
thanks ak, the gopher spikes arent working for me either . The guy at the grow shop told me to plant 40oz beer bottles upside down around them but i dunno about that. and the tea is made outta kelp, guano , worm castings, molases and my dad adds some extra stuff, im not 100 percent sure what all he putts in it, but it works great has alotta micros and healthy plant shit.


Well-Known Member
do you pour the tea around the plant? it looks pretty muddy I added some bat guano on top of my soil and when I water my plants the water don't go as fast as with out the guano. I would love to make some tea with what you are using, do you add all the stuff and just add water to it?


Well-Known Member
akdogg my dad makes our tea but he uses kelp, guano , worm castings, molases and my dad adds some extra stuff, im not 100 percent sure what all he putts in it, but it works great has alotta micros and healthy plant shit.....and then we mix it with like 5 gallons of water to every gallon of tea


Well-Known Member
fixing to upload the new pics but i gotta go hit the water were already at 100, i watered last night and these things are bone dry already.


Well-Known Member

heres the g13 buth these girls are some beasts.........they take a lott of cal-mag, more than any other strain i have grown. I putt the shovell in there to show how big they are,