Another CFL grow


Well-Known Member
What's up y'all. I'm gonna be starting out 6 plants. The babies are germinating right now and should be in the ground in a couple of days. I will update this thread as I go along. Right now I have 200 true watts in the box. I plan to double that to between 400-500 watts depends on heat issues. I'm going to take the best plant (maybe 2 depending on size) and finish it out in the box. The rest will be going outdoors in a month or so.
Anyway, I basically made this box today out of 2 rubbermaide containers.
Using Roots organic soil with the whole line of general organic nutes through the whole grow.
Will be starting them off in party cups and the one or two plants I keep will go in a 3 gallon pot.
I plan on making a scrog net as well.
I have 1 GDP seed, 2 blueberry AK's, and the rest are bag seed from an OG kush sack.
Hoping to keep the gdp and a blueberry ak in the box.
I've attached a couple pictures below of the set up. Stay tuned the weeks to come for more updates as the ladies come along!



Well-Known Member
I'm back. So I am on day 5 from when they popped the soil.
1 of the OG bag seed didn't pop, the other was a slow starter(as you'll see in the pics it just popped) and the last is deformed as of now. So I'm thinking the deformed one will be a no-go but we'll run it and see.
The GDP is doing good and the 2 blueberry AK's are fine.
I will be back to update as they start to grow in the next week or so.

Any comments are welcome.

Here's a few pictures.



Well-Known Member
Sorry haven't updated. Just been waiting on progress. They are doing fine. I've added some pictures. I know they have a little nitrogen deff right now they haven't been fed at all yet. I am going to start this week feeding.
But anyway as you'll see in the pictures I have the GDP in the big pot and one of the BB AK's in a pot as well. I haven't quite figured out what I wanna do yet. I want to keep 2 maybe 3 in the box and focus all the light on them. The rest will be put outside as that time of year is coming! I would love to leave them all in there but that would drastically decrease my yield. But we'll see as the grow. I plan on flowering in another 4 weeks at the rate the bigger ones are going. I am going to top some here soon.

The deformed bagseed ended up growing two main heads and the slow started I thought was the same og bag seed is obviously a totally different plant then the deformed one. Must've gotten the seeds mixed up as I have so many lol. Oh well we will see down the road.



Well-Known Member
I topped the GDP last night and the rest I'm gonna LST. I still might add a scrog net later on haven't decided yet. Only week 4 veg and they have the room smellin like a skunk already.



Well-Known Member
Update for those who are watching.
I'm debating on flowering now or waiting 4 more weeks. I totally forgot I'm going out to Cali for a few weeks and will have to leave my grow. I'm sure it will be better if I leave during veg vs flower. I just don't wanna get back and them things are 10 ft tall.
Anyway they are healthy I've decided to keep a blue berry ak, GDP and the og bag seed in the box. They are doing great and seem to have a lot of heads.
Here's a few pictures



Well-Known Member
I'm back. Haven't really updated much. With culling a couple males and giving one to a friend to grow out, I was left with 2 females. I kept one in the box(blueberry ak) and the other had been outdoors for about 4 weeks now.

I'm going to chop In about 3 more weeks. Been flowering for 6. Gonna focus more light on the bottom to the lower bud sites that aren't as developed. Of course the only plant I didn't top or do anything to is the Dankest female. I took a clone right before flower. Here's a few pics



I'm back. Haven't really updated much. With culling a couple males and giving one to a friend to grow out, I was left with 2 females. I kept one in the box(blueberry ak) and the other had been outdoors for about 4 weeks now.

I'm going to chop In about 3 more weeks. Been flowering for 6. Gonna focus more light on the bottom to the lower bud sites that aren't as developed. Of course the only plant I didn't top or do anything to is the Dankest female. I took a clone right before flower. Here's a few pics
Looks great! :clap: