Another Cloning Question


Well-Known Member
I use a humidity dome with rapid rooters.
Take my cutting dip it in root tone, install it in the rapid rooter.
I keep the tray moist with B-1 and Super Thrive and H2O.
Is there any tricks that I should know or do to make this process better.

+ Reps for good tips.


Well-Known Member
I cut off a branch, dip it in gel, then stick it in the dirt. Better than the way you're doing it?


Well-Known Member
I here of people getting roots in 4 days but can they do this consistently? I get roots in 4 days but they are far and few between.
Maybe I should try the Jell rooting hormone V power root tone.


Active Member
I've had roots in 4 days in my aeroponic cloner with a northern lights cross.

You are doing everything fine the way you are.


Well-Known Member
I like the cloning method I read in High Times a while back. Dirt simple. You just need long stem cuts of six to nine inches, some soil and big beer cups. You trim all the leaves off the bottom six to nine inches, so it looks like a long stick with some leaves at the top. Kind of a palm tree. The key it to bury as much of the stem in the plastic beer cup with soil as is possible. If it doesn't all fit, twirl it at the bottom to get it all in there. Fill it in with dirt and water it good. The extra stem in the soil gives way more potential places to start roots and the stem also is used to keep the plant alive until the root takes. Now just set it under some fluorescent until it needs to be re-potted. This guy says you don't even need to put holes in the bottom of the cup, but I like the holes, so you know when you watered enough. You don't need any dome. You don't need any rooting formula. You don't need anything extra. Personally, I like to cut them the night before and sit them in a cup of water overnight, just to get them fully hydrated.


Active Member
You do almost everything I do and I consistently get over 90% success with my clones.

What you could do extra is skin the top layer of the stem where you will be sticking it into the root plugs. Don't butcher it but take a razor and just take a sliver off the top. I also slice a bit of the end of the stem down the middle where it gets put into the plug. Just gives more surface area for roots to initiate. I leave my cuts in B1 treated water then take them, slice them, dip em into rooting gel and put them in a plug and go to the next one.

Get a spray bottle and spray them down a couple of times a day the first few days, then cut back to once a day or 2 and slowly open up the vents on the dome. You should get roots on average between 7-10 days and I'm talking about the roots actually exiting the plugs and just enough to give resistance when you tug on it.


Well-Known Member
a heat pad helps. I do the same as you with about 80% rooted in 10 days, close to 100 in 14-15 days