ok so yeah, i got a half ounce dry. the smoke isn't great, its rough and i don't think i had flushed it out properly. i'll post pics of the harvest, the hanging and whatnot later on when i'm not studying. the high is awsome on the contrary though. next time i do this i hope more people are tuned in to help me a bit. flushing absolutely slipped my mind until the final like, 6 days.
so this is what i have in mind for the next grow:
i'm going to start a mother plant with the current ghetto setup i have going. vegetate for about a month or so until its mature enough to start clones. i'm going to have it under about 8x 23watts for the mother.
hopefully after the mother and clones are ready, i'll vegetate the clones for another 3 weeks. hopefully by then i'll have a better light system. i plan on hitting the plants with 315 watts of cfl power with a reflector (i didn't have a reflector this grow). with this system i plan on lst'ing again into a ScrOG and veg for probably another month and then flowering.
the new light system will have 1x 105W 5000K and 2x 105W 6700K for veg and the same 5000K bulb with 2x 105W 2700K bulbs for flowering. i'm thinking about doing about 6 plants. or 8 if the size of the lights permit. its a 2.5'x2.5' reflector so i'm assuming maybe a 2'x2' space.