Well-Known Member
just to give you an idea. i am a navy tained aircraft electrician. I dont know shit bout the electricity, but i was good. All you need i the "pubs", that means reference books. You ever checked one out. They explain tis shit step by step, i have seen them in hd isles. Manuals on how to get power. I apologise if I make no sense, but i just skipped to see where your at as I was once an electrician
Thats pretty crazy!!! I always thought they took electricians and made them electricians, they'll take somone with no electrical knowledge and do that?!?!
Yea I'm going to have to go to home depot and pick one up!
electricityjust scares me!!!
and all the online manuals say somthing along the line of "you can and will die if you try to do this!!! so don't do it!"