Another : First time bagseed


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think my plant's a hermie. I am going to let it grow anyways since its a few weeks into flowering and try and get some feminized seeds from it. we'll see what happens.


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some quick pictures

lots of white hairs starting :lol::lol::lol::lol:

been going through a gallon of water a week as it has been needing water ever 24-36 hours or it gets mad droopy. i only water when the container is light as hell and do a heavy water every 2-3 waters. i still have not used full strength nutrients.



Well-Known Member
Looks great. Your plant will be done way before mine. What do you mean by heavy water? When you water do you water enough to get drainage?

Let that hermi grow :D. I wish i had that plant. Seems as if all my plants take 4 months to grow. Gonna see how these 20oz clone/seeds do. Gonna be cool.


Active Member
i eye the water. im going to measure next time around as it would be nice to know exactly how much they are drinking. i flood the entire top and let it soak in. it takes a minute but the water eventually starts to drain from the bottom. i think my pot is a 1 gallon, maybe a little less. a heavy water i will put in around 25-50% more then i usually do. basically i go by weight. i lift the pot, if it isnt as heavy as it usually is i will add more water.

i have been keeping a calendar of the grow (when i water, nutrients, signs of deficiencies, etc.) , ive been sucking ass at keeping it updated this last week and a half. it really helps with the "did i do nutrients yesterday or three days ago"?

white hairs :)


Well-Known Member
Its looking healthy so your doing something right :D.. I watered mine every 2 days w/ 2gal's while they were in their growth spurt. Now im watering every 3-4 days with 2 1/2 gal. I will up it to 3gal every 3 days in a week or two when they start to fill in like crazy. My 24oz bottles will probably have to be watered 3 to 4 times a day. I'm feeding every water also. I dont even water enough to get drainage. 18gal bin needs 4-5gal to get drainage. I keep using backyard soil and i mastered it. No need for a ph meter. I make up my water 1/2 RO 1/2 TAP and add nutes and 1/4 tsp epsom salt to every other gallon.:leaf::leaf:


Active Member
i dont feed every time i water, its more like every 3 days. i mix the nutrients full strength then i pour half nutrient water and half plain water into my watering canister so it ends up being half strength every 3 days. i have only seen signs of deficiencies once (knock on wood) and that was before i was even doing nutrients yet.

are you using well water? you dont even have to check the ph after adding nutrients? in my last nutrient mix after adding everything it it was around 4 ph. it took a ton of ph up to get it back around 6-7. i am in town and the water has chlorine in it and the ph starts around 8-9 so i just buy gallons of water at walmart, $0.89 red cap distilled (ph is almost perfect) 10 dollars of water last me a while as im using around a gallon a week.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure my ph is't perfect. Sense i have been using the same soil, im finding what works best for the plants.

I used to do that also, with the nutes, mix with half water. Was using mg bloombooster and made the soil way to acidic.

No on the well water, its city water. I would like to get a ph-ec-tsd meter. It would be nice to know i guess :lol::leaf:


Active Member
im just using the cheap ph test kit where u add like 4 drops of a solution and it turns the water a certain color. probably isnt perfect but it works.


Active Member
6 1/2 weeks old / 2 1/2 weeks into flowering

broke out the good camera this time around. enjoy!
wishing i had some, been over a week.




Active Member
Looks good bro so far. Looks like you got a thing going on so far. Should buy some feminized seeds and grow em. You could get a pretty good yield. I'm gonna be checking this thread out.


Active Member
all the branches are looped around like a crazy straw. hard to tell in the pictures. they are really flexible though. you can put a main shoot pointing face down and within a hour or two its pointing back up again. noticing the vertical growth slowing for sure, guess its time for them to pack on the weight :)

thanks everyone for commenting / viewing


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Its making me want to smoke :D.. My vertical growth is slowing on my older plant also. How many tops do you have?


Active Member
plant got a shower yesterday, the hermie in her let out a big puff of pollen. was all like wtf is this on the leaf, OH NOOO.
we'll see what happens. fighting a nitrogen deficiency also.

MC Bud

awesome grow pimkins. reminds me of mine haha. i'm loving how many bud sites you have going on. hopefully i can pull something like that off with the next few plants i put into flower. keep it up man. i'm subbed.