At this moment of time friend of a friend of a friend of a friend is planning on growing guerrilla outside for the first time
Now, he lives in the eastern of the uk part surrounded by countryside and farm land and has found multiple spots to grow. however due to the shitty weather we have here in england im more concerned about the survivability of the plants.
I'm asking for tips to prepare the soil so that the area around it is perfect for growing, this includes everything from ph level of the soil to keeping mould from growing. I've seen videos of people spreading this white powder along the area to help neutralize the ph level and all sorts like that, but unfortunately it was a few nights ago when i was baked and my internet history is long gone. I dont plan on growing just yet so i was going to take this time to prepare the area in a few months around it at such an early stage that it will be almost perfect for the plants.
Secondly what the best indica strain has the best survivability and the best sativa survivability ( im growing 2 to an area as i currently have 3-4 spots that look good to grow and theyre all well away from each other so that when harvest comes i can decide which is the best spot for guerrilla growing) with occasional check ups )
And thirdly when is the best time of year to plant? I was thinking May time as the sun has been out the most in the past few years in May and it declines a little afterwards from what ive seen in the past few years.
Any help is appreciated especially any tips from past experiences you outdoor uk growers have!
Now, he lives in the eastern of the uk part surrounded by countryside and farm land and has found multiple spots to grow. however due to the shitty weather we have here in england im more concerned about the survivability of the plants.
I'm asking for tips to prepare the soil so that the area around it is perfect for growing, this includes everything from ph level of the soil to keeping mould from growing. I've seen videos of people spreading this white powder along the area to help neutralize the ph level and all sorts like that, but unfortunately it was a few nights ago when i was baked and my internet history is long gone. I dont plan on growing just yet so i was going to take this time to prepare the area in a few months around it at such an early stage that it will be almost perfect for the plants.
Secondly what the best indica strain has the best survivability and the best sativa survivability ( im growing 2 to an area as i currently have 3-4 spots that look good to grow and theyre all well away from each other so that when harvest comes i can decide which is the best spot for guerrilla growing) with occasional check ups )
And thirdly when is the best time of year to plant? I was thinking May time as the sun has been out the most in the past few years in May and it declines a little afterwards from what ive seen in the past few years.
Any help is appreciated especially any tips from past experiences you outdoor uk growers have!