Another first time grower...


Active Member
I haven't done very well in documenting my plants since there are hundreds of
others out there with docu-grows. Basically, I just wanted a place for feedback on my pictures. I have 15 young plants, staged from fresh germinated to 4-5 weeks old. The pictures here are of the 5 week old showing what I believe to be a pistil. I am curious if it could be showing sex this early in the game? Feedback would be appreciated.

And the first picture I took of her in what seems like a few days ago...




Well-Known Member
they go into 'flowering' stage either naturally or forced by you, those are Not the telltale white hairs that the females get, that's the right attitude though.
It's too early to figure sex out, you are still in vegg stage. Are you on a 24 on/0 off light cycle or 18/6? if so the you are in 'vegitative state' this is when yourplant will do alot of its upward growth,and leaf production. When you switch over to a 12/12 light cycle, the plant thinks it's fall, (shore=ter days) and will go into flowering mode. this is when you can tell the sex...


Active Member
24/0 as of now... Obviously, I am just over excited and the sight of any new "growth" makes me wish its where it needs to be. I forgot to mention, this is a CFL grow only using soil (manure, rich black farm dirt, hay and perlite). I have started them on a basic 20 18 20 nute diet. I have two grow spaces; one for the more developed plants and one area for germination/seedlings. I have 160 watts of CFL in the main grow area and once I figure out females, those will be moved to a closet space with another 160w of CFL. I went out to a wine party tonight and when I came home, I noticed one of the lights was touching one of my favorite plants. :( I hope it will pull through...

The burnt member:

Some of the family, new and old...



Well-Known Member
cut the burnt leaves off. they are dead anyhow, the plant is wasting enrgy trying to feed them because they are still attached. If you feel bad about trimming them, mix them into the soil for natural fertilizer!


Well-Known Member
How's yourhumidity in there and get a fan on the plants asap. you need to strengthen the stems they should actually shake a little from a breeze.


Active Member
Humidity is good, maybe around 60. I have the main grow chamber lidded and there is a few cups of water in there with a fan blowing to keep moisture in the air. I trimmed off all of the burnt leaves but the plant looks like shit. I hope it comes through. On the other hand, I have six more fresh sprouts that just popped out of the dirt today.


Well-Known Member
but air can still get in right? plants still need air to pull co2 out of. without any air, you are suffocating them.


Active Member
I have a few more updated pictures of the family, in no particular order...

My grow space. Basically, its an insulated beverage display tub with the bottom cut out so that it sits deeper. Ghetto, I know, but I had it laying around and its easily concealable. The walls of the bottom are lined with mylar and I currently have 4 27w daylight (1300 lumen, 5500k) and three 23w bright white (1600 lumen 3000k) totaling 10k lumen in a 2.5 ft diameter. the top is covered at night and a vent port is created by the lid I use. Fresh cool air is drawn through the bottom. The average temp stays around 75-80 degrees.

This one is the wee little plant at the beginning of the post but about three weeks older. This is the one with the pistil looking thing that hasn't changed for a week or so now. Revert to first page in thread for details. NOTE: This plant is not even 6 inches high. Does it look good?

This is a pair of ladies that started from seeds a friend gave me. He couldn't remember what they were but had pretty good crystals on the buds.



Active Member
More pictures of the family...

Three more sprouts from the freind's seeds...

This one started off slow, but is starting to wake up...

This one also was a slow mover, but coming right along.


Active Member
I kind of started to loose control when I germinated seeds. The wife will only let me keep a few, but I figured the more females I had to choose from, the better. Another baby, maybe two weeks old...

This is the fourth of the larger plants that I have going. I need feedback as to whether they are looking worth a fuck or not...

And a close up of my biggest and most favoritetist.
