Another help me, im tired of all this :|


Well-Known Member
Okay,i went through some sites...and i think, i put my seeds too deep inside the soil...i guess about 2-3 inches :|

now, its been like 2 days and i dont see a thing coming up.

Will it ever come up?

Utopia Haze

Active Member
It should... what kind of light are you using? Normally the seeds should only be placed about 1-1 1/2" below the soil but either way the best thing you can do is be patient don't go diggin round in the soil to see if anything is goin on. Being PATIENT and growing marijuana go hand in hand. Id say if you don't have a sprout in a week ya mighta screwed this one up:(

Then again your seedling has another inch to work through than normal and 2 days is not long enough to suspect a failed grow. Give it TLC, light, and time ull be surprised.... It is a weed after all:peace:

The only other advice is dont over water, a common mistake is when nothing is happening to start messing with stuff and in the end just ends up hurting urself... "If S*it aint broke don't fix it", also no nutes until that plant is a young lad, seedlings can't handle it and will die from overdose. Water and (light 24/7) in my opinion you should see somthing in the next week for sure.

hope this helps and I suggest you read lots more about growing kinda confusing the first time:) GL


Well-Known Member
I did my part of survey..
im using 9X23 watters, growing in a cab... doing 18/6 is there any issue if i do that?


Well-Known Member
2 inches is too deep if you ask me. In the wild seeds barely go beneath the surface of the soil. Your plants might not be strong enough to push through that much soil before all it's energy is gone. Nothing you can do at this point really but wait and see.


Well-Known Member

Sad new u give me man :(

The first thing i do tomorrow is to get some good seeds and put em for germination....

i thnk i fucked this up already... sad sad fuck man :(

Utopia Haze

Active Member
Yeah don't give up on it just yet... good seed= good strong strain... those light your using are perfect for seedling growth for sure, cool and low stress light, and who knows it might have gotten close enough to the surface to gain energy from the light.

If it is to late growin is a live and learn process just be glad that it wasn't 4 weeks into flowering and you f'd up the nutes and kill it...

Rule of thumb is make a hole with ur pointer finger up the first knuckle put ur germinated seed in and lightly fill on top with ur grow medium dont pack it down give it a generous amount of water and watch:)

Oh and during your vegitative state no darkness is needed, your playing god and if people that grow all the time outside could have 24/7 light until flowering time im sure there would be no question, plants require light to photosynth so if no darkness is required or benifited from during your seedling and vegitative state then should be an easy decision... Esp since ur using clf's ya need all the light you can get!!!


Well-Known Member
Do't fret dude...2" is a little deep, nest time about 1/4"-1/2" deep, and spray the soil as to not settle the seed farther into the soil. As far as it coming to the top it should in a few days. You could CAREFULLY dig up the seed but you'd be pushin it.

I once planted a seed about 2" into a houseplant cause the seed didn't germ after 2 weeks of trying...about 3 months later it poped ground and grew VERY healthy.

Utopia Haze

Active Member
Not with cfl's there is now way a plant can get to much light or be stressed by that... The heat is what kills them since cfl's dont run hot at all keep them 4-6" above the top of the plant and watch it grow, if you can put ur hand under there without moving because of heat then ur good... Make sure you check on it often like 2-3 times a day thus to make sure the tips are not touchin the light because they will burn... Burt tips happen a lot it's the nature of the beast sometimes it just grows to fast... Not a bad thing... but yeah 24/7 until it's 4 weeks/ 12/12 after that until harvest. If you have newer CFL's they don't consume a lot of power

150w CFL=26 actual watts to power, at least the newer bulbs
Computer im typing on right now... 500w power supply and rarley gets turned off
Enojying some great home grown= priceless

Always be looking for ways to maximumize your growing potential, ie: nutes soil ventallation<--- super important because plants need that constant supply of C02.


Well-Known Member
Yo I did mine about an inch below and it took 2 days to see anything so yeah just wait but dont unburry it.


Well-Known Member
How many plants are you growing? Cause for a few plants CFL's will do ok, but anymore then 5 and your going to need better lighting. I grow in an all flourscent room, both veg and flowering, and the light is FAR better then small CFL's. I run 5 double light workshop lights with 10 32W 5000K and 3300K flouro tubes. I will admit a 400W HPS would be better for flowering but I was having an issue with temps getting too hot, and it is proven that while flouro's will give you less yield, they will stimulate more trich development by up to 25%. It has to do with spectrum, the closer you match to the sun the better it is. HPS lack the blue side of the spectrum which is why alot of growers will mix both an HPS and an MH together, producing large yields and potent buds.


Well-Known Member
Okay, one of my plants have sprouted :D

but its just one out of 9 :(

im growing 9 23watter for each...i've put em 2 inches away from the pots...
and, i dont think if the others will sprout or not...just for safety, im putting more seeds to germinate :D