another, how does (s)he look thread


Active Member
Had some trouble with soil, so i repotted in other soil 2days ago, hopefully i did not stress it to much. The white spots are some perlite that i messed in the repotting.



I'm still pretty inexperienced, but she looks healthy to me, just a little bit droopy. How often do you water her?


Well-Known Member
I'd would definitely like to see more "white spots" in that mix ( ie perlite ), but your plant looks good but yes, overwatered. Let her dry out good before next watering/feeding.


Well-Known Member
i like to use square pots, to maximize the soil available to the plant. If you thoroughly watered after the transplant, which you should do,(2 days ago) i wouldn't worry about it being overwatered, just let it dry some, and i echo the others, def could use some more drainage, vermiculite, perlite, lava rock, whatever. That mix looks like its probably made primarily of forest compost, and that can be acidic.
Plant looks good though. I'd go with a different soil next time, personally


Active Member
Wow, fast replies! Thanks guys. Yea, it might be a bit overwatered, but i did give a good watering juat after the transplant. Will add some more perlite. Currently the soil is a plain potting mix with about 30% perlite. The previous soil was mostly peat, and i never added lime, so it was ver acidic. This tests at about 6.9'ish.

Once again, thx for the fast replies, concerns and constructive criticism.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
looks good, try some superthrive to make those roots explode in their new home. ;)

(that will also fix that transplant shock real quick-like) :mrgreen: