another "is she done yet" for a first grow

I say you go with a majority of people here and ignore prick top, he's never smoked real weed.

Just wait til you see that amazing glow.

You will always know when it is ready, Never listen to those flowering times they give you or people like prick top.

Listen to your plant.

No need to get all scientific.

It is fraking weed.

Yes there is more than one way to grow pot. There is the right way and then there is the wrong way. The wrong way is going into it without knowing squat and not having everything that is needed to make sure you achieve the very best of results possible with your setup.
Regardless of you liking that or not or being willing to accept that or not it is true. I have done this for roughly 37 years and I know it is true.
I see people on sites like this constantly dishing out horrible advice, inaccurate information, misperceptions about growing, baseless opinions being bandied about as if they were facts and myths and urban legends spread like an incurable virus from one crop of new growers to the next so pardon me if I make an attempt to tell it like it is instead of doing like most people here do and tell it like it isn’t and how it will never be.

Good lord, you're gonna open with "theres two ways, my way and the wrong way" and then expect have your opinion (thats all it is, fucking opinion.) respected.

37 years, and you have yet to learned that your way is not the only one?

Do you need me to rehash (again) the reasons why your trich chart is not the end all be all reference for harvesting? See page 1 for the abridged version.

Makes me think of those stories you hear from sex therapists about couples who have been together for years and years trying to have a baby, only to find out that they were doing it wrong.

You can fuck your wife up the ass for 37 years and barring some sort of fluke cumfart baby (pardon the crude analogy) she won't get pregnant. Catch my drift?

Kindly share some photos from your "right way" grow to show us all how a real ganja god grows dope. I'd love to see what the infallable bricktop is smoking.
If that rubs you the wrong way, well personally I do not care in the least. You have the option to either not read my messages or to use the ignore function and not even see my messages. If you read them and they bother you that is your choice, you chose to be upset because you chose to read what I wrote.
Fine by me, but don't get upset when i follow up your absolutist posts about crazy shit like NEEDING a scope/loupe with sensible alternatives.
I own a scope, but don't use it. I must not be growing weed properly.

Please by all means keep posting, you do for the most part share accurate information. But quit acting like it's your way or the highway. You are the misleading poster you're talking about.

I just can't sit idley by and watch you tell people things that aren't neccesarily true. All the while sitting on your golden pedestal!

Feed me to the pigs if you like, but enough is enough.
Good lord, you're gonna open with "theres two ways, my way and the wrong way" and then expect have your opinion (thats all it is, fucking opinion.) respected.

As with most people like yourself I see that you had to stoop to lying to attempt to discredit what I said. You claimed that I said, "theres two ways, my way and the wrong way." You put those words in quotation marks which means they were my words. Possibly you need to bone up on your reading comprehension skills or maybe you just suffer from a memory deficiency but whatever the explanation is for what you wrote the fact is that I said there is the right way and the wrong way. I never said; "my way." That was a flat out bald faced lie on your part.

37 years, and you have yet to learned that your way is not the only one?

Again that is a misrepresentation of what I wrote in that it is to all encompassing. Of course there are various methods but in each method there are still certain basics that remain the same and it is those things that I was talking about when I said there is a right way and a wrong way and even though you refuse to accept that it is nonetheless a fact.

Do you need me to rehash (again) the reasons why your trich chart is not the end all be all reference for harvesting?

You are totally wrong in claiming that the trichome charts are not accurate/correct/facts. To claim they are is to say that clear trichomes and brown trichomes are as good as milky white and or amber trichomes. If you say anything within the milky white to amber range is the prime time to harvest you have admitted that the charts are accurate and if you say that harvesting when the trichome color is outside of that range is the prime time to harvest you have only proven your ignorance.

Makes me think of those stories you hear from sex therapists about couples who have been together for years and years trying to have a baby, only to find out that they were doing it wrong.

You can fuck your wife up the ass for 37 years and barring some sort of fluke cumfart baby (pardon the crude analogy) she won't get pregnant. Catch my drift?

Actually no, I do not get your drift. You analogy is totally irrelevant since the information I post is proven fact and not a case of an anal sex growing technique that does not work.

Kindly share some photos from your "right way" grow to show us all how a real ganja god grows dope. I'd love to see what the infallable bricktop is smoking.

I do not post evidence. I have done this for close to four decades and have not come close to being busted and I am not about to change anything that I do when it comes to security. Also I am not some young kid with an ego driven need to have other people see what I grow and then say, wow, that’s impressive, how did you do it? I do not see what I do as being so totally cool that I want and or need to show what I do so other people think I am cool.
On average my plants are between 4 to 5 feet tall and normally rather busy and when it comes to average yield I could only guess because I have never in my life grown for profit so I felt no need to purchase a scale just so I would know what my dried yield came to. I dry it, I cure it and I jar it and then I smoke it and it is very good and it lasts at least until my next harvest is ready to smoke that is all that matters to me.

Fine by me, but don't get upset when i follow up your absolutist posts about crazy shit like NEEDING a scope/loupe with sensible alternatives.
I own a scope, but don't use it. I must not be growing weed properly.

If you do not use something so you can adequately view your trichomes you are only guessing when the best time is to harvest and that will assure that most times you will pick a time that is not optimal. What you said is proof that you either do not know what you are doing or that you just do not care enough about the outcome of your cost and effort and risk to assure an optimal result.
If that is fine with you personally I do not care but just because that is enough for you it would be nice of you to not attempt to convince others to follow in your footsteps and instead give them facts and allow them to decide for themselves as I do.
I post proven facts and after that if someone chooses to ignore what I post that is fine and dandy with me but at least I give them proven facts and leave it up to them to decide if they want to use them or instead do what the opinions and myths and urban legends and half truths and misinformation that people like you spread around on sites like this.

Please by all means keep posting, you do for the most part share accurate information. But quit acting like it's your way or the highway. You are the misleading poster you're talking about.

There you go again … more misrepresentation on your part. I do not say, "my way." I post proven facts from experts in growing and all I say is that I do what they say. What I post is not; "my way," it is not what I devised for myself and it is not opinion.
Decades ago I survived by growing according to what I discovered myself and what worked for me because at that time there was little to no proven knowledge available to home growers so they had to rely on what they learned through trial and error. But there is no reason in this day and age for anyone to rely on what they think they have learned and on what they think they have discovered or on highly questionable information from people who pass on what they think they have learned and what they think they have discovered.
Frankly I am stunned by the number of people on sites like this who seem to believe that experience along is the very best educational tool. There is not one single field of study where a person is better off learning strictly through trial and error instead of first getting an education first. Decades ago that was all people could do but those days are long gone. It flabbergasts me that people will find sites like this and seedbanks and order beans without even knowing the difference between a sativa and an indica and how to germinate seeds and how and when to plant the popped beans and when to turn on their lights and what pH levels should be and what lights to use and in what wattage/amounts and when to feed and with what in what amounts and when to harvest and how to dry and cure and oh so many other things that could be added to the list of what is not known by most when they first order beans.
The very best information I could ever pass on to anyone who wants to grow is to use Google and purchase one or more books about growing marijuana that are written by experts and to stay the hell away from sites like this for information because the overwhelming majority of what they are told when they ask what to do will be opinion and half truths and inaccurate information and myth and urban legend and their final results will suffer because of it and they will learn untold number of things that are inaccurate and detrimental to what they are attempting to do.

I just can't sit idley by and watch you tell people things that aren't neccesarily true. All the while sitting on your golden pedestal!

I feel the exact same way when I read things you write and what most people here write. I read horrible inaccurate information passed from person to person virtually every single day and it is difficult to not point out how inaccurate it is.
I do less of it now than I did in the past because it is so totally frustrating to repeatedly read the same garbage written telling people who do not know what to do and seeing them being told what to do by people who know very little more than they do themselves. Add to that the fact that very few people seem to do a search to find out if their questions have already been asked, normally near countless times before they needed to ask them, the very same question are asked over and over again each and every week and the same misinformation shows up in replies so I of course provide factual information in hopes of keeping at least a few people in need of help from following incorrect information.
What so many people totally do not understand is that marijuana is when compared to other plants very easy to grow. It is much tougher so it can grow and grow well is less than optimal conditions and it can come back from abuse much easier than most types of plants. It is naturally a vibrant growing plant, of course some strains more so than others, but overall it grows like a weed. Because of that unless someone really screws up most people will be at least marginally impressed with their results and that means they are likely to believe they did very well and did things correctly or at least for the most part did things correctly. What follows is they then tell others to do what they do, do what worked for them, do what they think they have learned and while if someone follows what they are told by people like that they too might be impressed in the end if they take such advice it almost always assures that they will not end up with the most and the best harvest possible.
If that is enough for them I do not actually have a problem with it but I do have a problem with them then telling others that what they do is the best way to do things and that when someone else posts proven facts they claim them to not be proven facts just because it is not what they do or what they think they learned that they wrongly believe to be the very best that can be done.

Feed me to the pigs if you like, but enough is enough.

I cannot feed you to my pigs. I had to shoot them all because they had swine flu.
As to enough is enough, well I think the same way in regards to the massive amount of horrible misinformation that is spread on this site and on others like it that I spend time on. The problem is that it just cannot be turned off so it will continue to flow from people like yourself and others who take such advice will pay the price in the end.
I say you go with a majority of people here and ignore prick top, he's never smoked real weed.

That is both terrible advice and also extremely amusing at the same time. Your premise is that if the majority of people say one thing, even if they all say something that is inaccurate, that just because more people say one thing it is wise to pay heed to them and to ignore proven facts.
The amusing portion was something that the average uneducated unintelligent stoner often attempts to do and that is to attempt to create a false reality in hopes that by doing so it will somehow validate what they inaccurately claimed. It is an extremely weak tactic.
To claim that I have; "never smoked real weed" is so far beyond just being absurd that it is immensely laughable. I have only smoked for roughly 40 or 41 years now. I have smoked strains of pot that most people here have only heard about, and some have not even heard of some strains, and they have no idea of what they are like. I have grown and or smoked most of the most famous of the modern strains at some point in time or another. When I feel like taking a break from growing I have access to herb that is the exact same herb as is sold to major celebrities and people who manage and employ them and handle their business affairs and people like that do not smoke Roadside Red.
I have smoked herb that is of such high quality that many people only dream about being able to smoke some day. But by all means tell people that I have; "never smoked real weed" and maybe a few of them will believe you and because of that they may also believe the other things you inaccurately claim. Maybe, if you are lucky.
Why would anyone start to grow and not have a scope or a jewelers loop or something adequate to view trichomes?

Without something like that there is no way to ever know for sure if you are harvesting anywhere close to maximum potency so why go through the cost and expense and take the risk since your chances of ending up with something less than what it could be are far greater than ending up with something that is everything it could be?
It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

people like this that make RIU whack.....effin know it all attitutde. Im sure your first grow you did everything proper, your my hero bricktop, I wish I coulde be a natural, and see into the future the way you do....:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
all this growing over 37 years, all this bragging on here, but no pictures to back anything up... So whats up bricktop?
Im surprised your even on this site since your concerned about security so much..
@ what age do people start to become senile ?
I think your way of ripening is much like FDD is the right way.
There's so many posts with pictures showing a very immature plant and there asking if ts ready yet.
The problem with checking for the clear or cloudy or the 23 percent amber and 72 percent cloudy is always up for
interpretation and growers get confused.
My plants are at week 8 and after all this time I'm going to be patent and watch for that golden look.
Lol @ the hijacked thread... I don't wanna get into this argument, I'm a noob, but I've noticed there's a lot of negativity and internet banality on this site. It's something unique to the web, the level of bullshit attitudes and pretentious foppiness. Sigh!

Whatever, rise above. Anyone who's seen "Snatch" will realise someone called Brick Top is gonna be an 'orrible cunt, so let's just let this 37+ year old baby have his bottle...
Damn you people are harsh man. I mean all this fighting over a "method" whats the big deal? I mean damn look around guys do you see two of the same snowflakes? Two of the exact same dogs, two of the exact same peices of wood? I mean EVERYTHING is going to be different you guys thats just how it is. All this fighting about when to harvest is just a waste of time IMO.

I'd say it looks pretty close. Hard to say for sure.
At the end of the day it's your weed and your call.

But if you don't mind i'm gonna copy+paste a post i made in another thread....

I'm personally of the opinion that 90% of the growers on this site (And probably in general) harvest too early. By letting the plants go a little longer you're ensuring that the've plumped as much as they're going to.
Despite popular opinion to the contrary(and don't fool yourself, the jury is still out on this one) Recent studies have shown ;contrary to what was previously believed, that THC itself (And its predecessor THC-A) are quite guilty of causing the confusion and drowsyness associated with burnout and other cannabinoids (our friend CBN, and a handful of others) to be the catylist (along with THC) to being 'high' rather than 'baked'
Regardless, whether or not theres any substance to the aforementioned study, its easy to get the high you want.
If you want a soaring 'cerebral' high: Get yourself a tropical sativa that contains a high level of THC-V and grow it until it is ripe.
If you want the narcotic couchlock stone, grow a rugged indica until its ripe.
Notice a pattern of growing it until its ripe? Its a really good rule to live by.
OF course we have to remember that there is more to a good high than just THC. At last count there are at least 66 cannabinoids, and we don't know what most of them do.

Now alot of people will tell you that you should harvest based on the colour of your trichomes. But (again, in my opinion) that is far too simplistic and there are too many variables to make that an effective strategy. I've made that point a million times before and i'm not going to re-hash it here, but rest assured there is more to the picture than just trich colour.

A ripe marijuana plant will be filled in, will have an amber tinge to the buds. The pistils should have browned (or orange-d) off and receded into the buds. The seed bracts should be swollen and the trichomes should be sticking straight out with bulbous ends. Also, because you're coming close to the end of plant's life cycle, the leaves should have yellowed off and started to die.


one of my plants, 3 days before chop-chop.

Another very important (imho) reason to let your plants mature is Terpenoid production. Terpenes are responsible for alot of the complex (And enjoyable) flavours that cannabis produces. Some of the most intense flavours are produced on the "downslope" of cannabis's life cycle. My personal experience with this came when i was growing GH cheese. One of the plants i harvested at 8 weeks and it tasted pretty nice and had pretty dense buds. The other i grew until about 9 1/2 weeks and it had most amazing, sour, skunky, delicious taste with rock hard buds.

Here is my interpretation (and maybe exaggeration) of a scenario i see all too often...

That plant is 4 weeks into 12/12. Granted not all of the trichomes are that far along. And most people arent going to harvest weed that looks like this. But my point with this is that you have to look at the big picture. Stop being so scientific and start being practical.
I'm not anti knowledge, i just cant stand these "rules" that more often than not lead people down the wrong path.
Lets cut through the bullshit and spread good information in a way that is not so absoloute. Or at very least explain the growth stages of cannabis making sure to mention that the pistils should have receded back into the bud before you chop. Regardless of trichome colour.


a easy way i was taught was when the bud looks like u could chop it up and smoke it, (while its on the plant - it looks just like a dry mature bud) also when looking at the cola it will seem that 100s and 100s of tiny jewels are all over the cola when its ready these sparkle, like lots of scattered jewells all over it. I think most harvest early from fear of the "THC degrading".

anyway great points above.

I registered to this website a couple of months ago. The reason I registered was to learn more about growing this wonderful plant.

Before I registered, a friend had gotten me turned on to growing by showing this awesome grow vid you all might be familiar with... the Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow DVD. That's were it all began. After that I pretty much got obsessed with learning to grow and trying to figure out what the BEST POSSIBLE SETUP is and generally how to get myself growing great bud in the most efficient manner for my situation.. I bought Cervantes' Grow Bible, read that a couple of times and just went crazy with learning about the botany of plants in general.. I downloaded almost every possible bit of easily attainable grow vids and books that I could find. I thought well, hey, I think I can start now that I know the basics. I eventually got some beans, started my own shit...

Ever since then, i've come to realize the majority of the peeps who post here are either desperate for immediate knowledge and remedies or flaunting their person experiences swearing they are the best solution or way to go...You also have people who actually know what they are talking about. On the other hand, you have some people who post some shit that is just straight out amateur shit and mythical and needs to be stopped in its tracks. But isn't that the point of a public forum? Constructive criticism and conflicting opinions are what drive out the facts...

Brick top IMO, is just trying to prevent anymore misinformation from being posted. Someone needs to speak out and call bullshit old-school hippy methods. Like he said, there is a wide copious amount of wonderful info for people to research. Factual info that has been scientifically proven.

Just take all the info with a grain of salt, people.
Use common sense. If you wanna harvest some buds that mainly contain CBN's and all degraded THC cause you don;t know any better. Then let ignorance be bliss.

I recently migrated to ICMAG. they seem to have a more mature crowd and shun out all the LAZY nubs pretty nicely.

I appreciate your attempt to help out SpruceZeus, but I agree with BrickTop.
You see he bases his opinion on the many studies done on this subject coupled with lots of experience.
Cannibinoids are only found in the bulbous head of the trichome.
The trichome has been proven to have the most THC just before it turns amber.
The actual point of peak potency for each individual trichome is so far, unmeasurable by the human eye.(Before the end of milky phase)
But, what is measurable under magnification is the end of THC production.(Amber color)
This has been deduced by people with far better tools then you or I have.
This has generated a general consensus on harvest time.
As you have pointed out trichomes are present very early in flower and keep coming.
So this should tell you that different trichomes are at different stages in life, young and old.
Now the goal of most growers is to actual watch 1/3 or 1/2 of their trichomes go past maturity so as to get a higher percentile at maturity.

I agree with you though that there are other signs of flower maturity that should be considered before even picking up the microscope.

Yes, most growers pick their flowers too early. And that's a shame.

Actually I believe if you coupled your idea of maturity with Bricktop's you would see a great tutorial.:peace:

Oh wait, fdd already did that:blsmoke: