Another kick at the can

Really enjoyed this grow... great job. Those Andy’s look great, going to look into those. F3s will be interesting to see too. Thanks!

Thank you
I appreciate your interest and feedback.
Must admit those Andy irons even Surprised me not that I expected them to be junk but I just knew so little about what to expect.
Definitely a strain that should be worked with and I’m super happy that I got some f3’s and will look into these further down the road.
Your plants appear to have a magnesium deficiency. But I'm just a noob.
Certainly something going on and it very well could be mag deficiency or just not enough p since the grow nutes have none.
Idk I’m just a noob too ;)
My veg stage always has something going on I’ll get it dialed in tho.

did you scuff them on the seams to make them have a better chance to pop ?
I didn’t scuff them but 10.5/11 popped one iffy one with half a tail quit but the rest are up and at em.