Another miserable thread

Will the US survive the GOP?

  • No

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Nope

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Not a chance in Hell

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
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Because they have been convinced that 1. the Democrats murder babies and drink their blood and shit, 2. are trying to end religion, 3. are going to take their guns, 4. hate their liberal family/freinds/neighbors enough to want to gloat when 'their team' wins, 5. whatever else they convinced themselves of though decades of listening to hate radio, watching Fox news, and being trolled online with the right wing propaganda spam.

I kind of look at this as us getting to really get a good look at how shit like the witch trials and nazi's were able to happen in real time.

It sucks we have to see it, but outside of Trump's win in 2016, I can't really see anything else that these evil dicks have won.
I have an idiot cousin that keeps posting patriotic and religious memes all the while claiming that Facebook will take them down. Apparently people are telling him this. They're all still up but he never seems to catch on.
I have an idiot cousin that keeps posting patriotic and religious memes all the while claiming that Facebook will take them down. Apparently people are telling him this. They're all still up but he never seems to catch on.
The one I loved was someone telling me how they had a bunch of 'friends' accounts get deleted.

I really tried to say 'no shit Sherlock', and as nicely as I could tried to explain that you were being trolled by a bunch of foreign cat fishing sock puppets and when they purged them it shows how much you have been getting attacked for years.
It's sad to say, but it's ultimately good to know the number of the people on the far right. They've always been here. They were just waiting for someone to speak for them. Individual 1 merely observes this and obliges them. He continually pushes the limits, stands back and says "we'll see what happens." When there's no consequence, he pushes the envelope some more. Remember, his run was a publicity stunt. Like the slime he is, what criticism there is doesn't stick. It only emboldens him. If it wasn't so consequential, it would make a fascinating study of human behavior. In reality, it's scary. I have to keep my belief that we will withstand this tragedy. Either that, or we absorb the death of a great experiment. If that happens, I'll feel guilty.

you know who else does just that? Putin.

we will. 2021 rivals 1861. keep the faith whatever that means to you.
These clowns fail to realize that there are more pissed off people than them, many Americans would just as soon beat the shit out of them as speak to them. If these cocksuckers got cornered in some city it would not go well for them. All it would take is for some patriot to infiltrate their online community and drop a dime on them when they are on the way to their next city tour.
Fascist Snowflakes Get Run Out Of Town By Citizens

This group of fascists is pathetic. David Shuster breaks it down.
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These clowns fail to realize that there are more pissed off people than them, many Americans would just as soon beat the shit out of them as speak to them. If these cocksuckers got cornered in some city it would not go well for them. All it would take is for some patriot to infiltrate their online community and drop a dime on them when they are on the way to their next city tour.
Fascist Snowflakes Get Run Out Of Town By Citizens

This group of fascists is pathetic. David Shuster breaks it down.

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You heard?

Yes, I heard it, as in somebody said it and I heard it.


Hi slave. What a good post for me to read for the first time in a long time. So much wrong with your post. You heard wrong about it being in the New England journal of medicine. The article in question appeared in an anti-vax rag and was even taken down by them with only the headline remaining. Of course a hundred other sites frequented by semi-morons such as yourself parrotted it, as did you, because they are mentally feeble and accept whatever they hear if it confirms their idiotic beliefs.

Yeah, hundreds of thousands of pregnant women have been vaccinated and 82% have miscarried but it is only being reported by fifth rate sources. Sure.

You should listen to Sherri Tenpenny. In addition to claiming that they make you magnetic, she claims that vaccinated children will never achieve puberty. That's good news for a despicable pederast such as yourself.

I laugh at you. You are a fool and a slave to your own mental defects.

I'm glad you are laughing, so am I. No, I didn't hear wrong, maybe the person that said it was wrong, but I heard what I heard.

Almost, Pugtato.

I have never heard of a lying sack of nazi pedophile shit before. Did you make that up?

Also for clarities sake, you mean pedophile shit as a noun right? Not like an adjective or even a verb right?
so were you too fucking stupid to tell you were duped or did you know it was bullshit but you wanted to spread the lie
Which lie? I did hear it and said I heard it. Where's the lie?
the many, obvious lies in what "you heard" have already been elaborated.

just want to know if you were too dumb to spot those lies, or if you knew they were lies and decided you needed to spread them anyway

i'd ask you to answer honestly but honesty is not something that nazi shitstains like you ever do
the many, obvious lies in what "you heard" have already been elaborated.

just want to know if you were too dumb to spot those lies, or if you knew they were lies and decided you needed to spread them anyway

i'd ask you to answer honestly but honesty is not something that nazi shitstains like you ever do

That's a little vague. I'm not surprised.
so you are so fucking dumb that you thought the new england journal of medicine was reporting 80% miscarriages then?

If I said I heard something and then repeated what I'd heard would that be the same thing as me asserting a belief about it one way or another ?

In the absence of any proof I wrote a preference either way, (I didn't) you had to infer and insert your own unproven conclusion in. That's not an argument or evidence.

So now you're going around making unproven assertions in the absence of any evidence and giving me shit for being honest and letting everyone know "I'd heard something". Where's the crime, your honor? Show me.
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