Another nail in Trumps coffin?


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON (AP) — An Australian diplomat's tip appears to have helped persuade the FBI to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told the diplomat, Alexander Downer, during a meeting in London in May 2016 that Russia had thousands of emails that would embarrass Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the report said. Downer, a former foreign minister, is Australia's top diplomat in Britain.

Australia passed the information on to the FBI after the Democratic emails were leaked, according to The Times, which cited four current and former U.S. and foreign officials with direct knowledge of the Australians' role.

"The hacking and the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign may have had inside information about it were driving factors that led the FBI to open an investigation in July 2016," the newspaper said.

White House lawyer Ty Cobb declined to comment, saying in a statement that the administration is continuing to cooperate with the investigation now led by special counsel Robert Mueller "to help complete their inquiry expeditiously."

Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is a cooperating witness. Court documents unsealed two months ago show he met in April 2016 with Joseph Mifsud, a professor in London who told him about Russia's cache of emails. This was before the Democratic National Committee became aware of the scope of the intrusion into its email systems by hackers later linked to the Russian government.

So, it seems that the Trump campaign actually did have prior knowledge that Wikileaks (Russia) was about to release those infamous emails

How did those cocksuckers know?

Based on the timeline, the only way would be that they already knew about the Russian hack of the DNC, even before the DNC themselves knew they had been hacked.

Trump just got fucked hard, and the noose is getting tighter everyday it seems

Go Mueller, and hang that motherfucker.
WASHINGTON (AP) — An Australian diplomat's tip appears to have helped persuade the FBI to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told the diplomat, Alexander Downer, during a meeting in London in May 2016 that Russia had thousands of emails that would embarrass Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the report said. Downer, a former foreign minister, is Australia's top diplomat in Britain.

Australia passed the information on to the FBI after the Democratic emails were leaked, according to The Times, which cited four current and former U.S. and foreign officials with direct knowledge of the Australians' role.

"The hacking and the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign may have had inside information about it were driving factors that led the FBI to open an investigation in July 2016," the newspaper said.

White House lawyer Ty Cobb declined to comment, saying in a statement that the administration is continuing to cooperate with the investigation now led by special counsel Robert Mueller "to help complete their inquiry expeditiously."

Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is a cooperating witness. Court documents unsealed two months ago show he met in April 2016 with Joseph Mifsud, a professor in London who told him about Russia's cache of emails. This was before the Democratic National Committee became aware of the scope of the intrusion into its email systems by hackers later linked to the Russian government.

So, it seems that the Trump campaign actually did have prior knowledge that Wikileaks (Russia) was about to release those infamous emails

How did those cocksuckers know?

Based on the timeline, the only way would be that they already knew about the Russian hack of the DNC, even before the DNC themselves knew they had been hacked.

Trump just got fucked hard, and the noose is getting tighter everyday it seems

Go Mueller, and hang that motherfucker.
I'll have to date check, does this imply he knew about it at the time he said the famous "Russia if you're listening..." line?
This Russia stuff is so laughable...... and that people are still falling for it is even more so.... Left Right they are all retarded. Make America Fresh Again Vote out every incumbent regardless of which side of the isle they are on...
I'll have to date check, does this imply he knew about it at the time he said the famous "Russia if you're listening..." line?

Yes. This was before that.

Trump said that on July 27, 2016.

Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told the diplomat, Alexander Downer, during a meeting in London in May 2016 that Russia had thousands of emails that would embarrass Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the report said. Downer, a former foreign minister, is Australia's top diplomat in Britain.



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WASHINGTON (AP) — An Australian diplomat's tip appears to have helped persuade the FBI to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos told the diplomat, Alexander Downer, during a meeting in London in May 2016 that Russia had thousands of emails that would embarrass Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the report said. Downer, a former foreign minister, is Australia's top diplomat in Britain.

Australia passed the information on to the FBI after the Democratic emails were leaked, according to The Times, which cited four current and former U.S. and foreign officials with direct knowledge of the Australians' role.

"The hacking and the revelation that a member of the Trump campaign may have had inside information about it were driving factors that led the FBI to open an investigation in July 2016," the newspaper said.

White House lawyer Ty Cobb declined to comment, saying in a statement that the administration is continuing to cooperate with the investigation now led by special counsel Robert Mueller "to help complete their inquiry expeditiously."

Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and is a cooperating witness. Court documents unsealed two months ago show he met in April 2016 with Joseph Mifsud, a professor in London who told him about Russia's cache of emails. This was before the Democratic National Committee became aware of the scope of the intrusion into its email systems by hackers later linked to the Russian government.

So, it seems that the Trump campaign actually did have prior knowledge that Wikileaks (Russia) was about to release those infamous emails

How did those cocksuckers know?

Based on the timeline, the only way would be that they already knew about the Russian hack of the DNC, even before the DNC themselves knew they had been hacked.

Trump just got fucked hard, and the noose is getting tighter everyday it seems

Go Mueller, and hang that motherfucker.
NAIL looks like a bigfat railroad spike to me,only way hes saving his ass now is all out war,hope one of the gens steps up an takes him out for the good of the world:hump:
australia reported russia's criminal conspiracy with trump's campaign while trump tried to hide it from america.

that means australia is more loyal to the united states than trump is.

The orange skid mark will probably drop us out of anzus now.
australia reported russia's criminal conspiracy with trump's campaign while trump tried to hide it from america.

that means australia is more loyal to the united states than trump is.
Of course it is.

Trump only cares about what he can get for him and his buddies.

Australia is a long term ally, allied to the country not the Govt of the day.
They aint gonna get him for "Collusion"

Theyre going to get him for "Conspiracy", and "Obstruction"

You can also be guilty of "Impeding".... "Obstruction" even if there is "No Crime"

But I think hes in trouble for both.

Hes already admitted he fired Comey to stifle the investigation, and he also told that to the rUshkies!!:clap::clap::clap::cuss::cuss::cuss::fire::fire::fire::hump::hump::hump::hump::shock::shock::shock::shock:

What a dumbass.

He has a huge mouth, and cant keep a secret. Id never let someone like him, that I may know, that I have a grow room. Hed tell everyone. For sure even the cops if it was useful to him.:finger::finger::finger::finger::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::shock::shock::shock::razz::razz::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I'll have to date check, does this imply he knew about it at the time he said the famous "Russia if you're listening..." line?
Yes, it implies, no it DOCUMENTS, the fact that the Trump campaign was in collusion with the fucking Russians.
They were too fucking stupid to wait until the Russians actually released the emails, those dumb fucks said wait and see what will be in the "fake" news in the coming days
What a bunch of fucking idiots.
Yes, it implies, no it DOCUMENTS, the fact that the Trump campaign was in collusion with the fucking Russians.
They were too fucking stupid to wait until the Russians actually released the emails, those dumb fucks said wait and see what will be in the "fake" news in the coming days
What a bunch of fucking idiots.

"if it is what you say it is i love it!"
