Another newb would apriciate advice plz


Hi all
I'll start by saying hello and apologize for probably repeating what you all must of heard a thousand times
I've done a lot if reading an the more I read the more confused I'm getting.
So I'm hoping for some friendly advice/pointers as this is only my 2nd grow the first all hermied on me.

I'm only growing 3. Skunk#1. Jack herer and a candy kush express all fast versions

There in 30 litre fabric pots with Coco pebble mix under a 600w hps in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 tent

Been using canna a + b plus the rhizotonic at the recommended amounts. They will be 6 weeks old on Saturday an was going to flip them but before I do I wanted to get some bloom nutes. I've got some canna pk 13/14 and cannazym.
After all the reading I've been thinking about getting some AN big bud and overdrive.

Would be very greatful to head peoples thoughts and what amounts per litre you would recommend?

Any help would be much appreciated and thank you in advance
i personally think the a and b plus the pk boost ought to be enough. when they stop stretching, give them the pk boost for 2 weeks, then the flower schedule of the canna nutes to finish up. they can only absorb so much stuff without it starting to cause problems with lockouts and tip burn. i wouldn't be giving them the rhizotonic regularly, either, it works better alone at low ppm. i'd only use it for the first two waterings of the seedling, then the first two waterings after each repotting.
What these guys said.

I ran the whole canna line for years, then I cut out the expensive parts and stuck to just the base and the pk later in flower.
Never saw a difference except in my wallet. Still get the same quality and weight. In fact I think its easier to fuck up the more you add... Less can often be more. :bigjoint:
Since you have the canna and 3 plants, if you want to try some AN get some tiny tester bottles and run one plant on just AN product. See what the difference is. Not such an expensive lesson then..
Hey thanks for the replies
I can get the big bud 250ml for £8 an my hydro shop

So use the cannas on two of them and the canna a n b plus big bud on the other?
give it as try and see how it works. i've done the same thing, pop several seeds of the same strain, pick two that seem to be the same pheno, and feed them differently, in otherwise identical conditions. i was using vegamatrix when i started, and it works well, but its as expensive as hell.then i got some jack's citrus. ran the whole vegamatrix line on one plant, jack's and a little calcium spray on the other plant, with jack's blossom booster (10-30-20) as my pk boost.
the jack's ferts cost me pennies...the vegamatrix cost me a lot more....and i got the same results....the plants looked about equally frosty, equally healthy, yielded within a few grams of each other, tasted different, but equally good, and were about equally potent. one cost me about 3 bucks, one cost me about 30....ok, actually about 15, but that's still 5 times as much. thats my conclusions about adding a lot of unnecessary can, and if you get lucky, you can get away with it, but at the very least, its going to cost you
Hi all
I'll start by saying hello and apologize for probably repeating what you all must of heard a thousand times
I've done a lot if reading an the more I read the more confused I'm getting.
So I'm hoping for some friendly advice/pointers as this is only my 2nd grow the first all hermied on me.

I'm only growing 3. Skunk#1. Jack herer and a candy kush express all fast versions

There in 30 litre fabric pots with Coco pebble mix under a 600w hps in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 tent

Been using canna a + b plus the rhizotonic at the recommended amounts. They will be 6 weeks old on Saturday an was going to flip them but before I do I wanted to get some bloom nutes. I've got some canna pk 13/14 and cannazym.
After all the reading I've been thinking about getting some AN big bud and overdrive.

Would be very greatful to head peoples thoughts and what amounts per litre you would recommend?

Any help would be much appreciated and thank you in advance
The co-founder of AN raped a 7 year old girl and penetrated her anal orifice with his fingers. Personally, I’d avoid AN altogether.

If all of your plants hermied, I suspect a lighting issue.
When switching from veg to bloom ferts, it is a good idea to go gradually. I don't like to starve the plant from anything through flowering just tweak the npk to lower n higher pk. stability in the feeding is important to plants and big sudden swings in doses and npk ratio and ph are often not good to plants.
Thanks for your input guys apriciate it

As for the hermies I think it was light leak and bad nutes an don't think spider mite well of helped either. When I realized they had hermied I checked the nutes I was using AN sensi bloom, b52 l, hammerhead and overdrive and every single one has loads of what I would call sediment and crystals in them. Suppose it's my own fault for buying second hand equipment and not knowing what I should of been looking for.

So far (touch wood) everything is going well all are about 18 inch high and very bushy is the only way I can describe them. I'll try put some pics up TMZ and your options would be apriciated.

If you dont mind me picking your brains I've been thinking about taking some cuttings off them before I flip them so I don't have to go from seed again. An was wondering if I did take some cuttings how long should I wait before I flip them? I've read alsorts an I'm not sure what the most successful and less stressful way/time would be?

Thank in advance once again guys
Also on the canna chart it says to use cannazym at 25 ml per 10l I usually mix 20l a time so on my next feed would 70ml a n h plus 30ml cannazym be ok?
Just be smart when buying things like "BIGBUD"

Lol the namez sell the shit.

But just look the stuff up ,
most additives have a "generic" alternative.

Big advances in fertilizer technology are kinda few and far.

They are good about selling it though :)

I was hooked a long time ago too

And ran advanced nutrients GMB. For the last several years. Along with a few others

And when i first started i bought most the supplements.

Now i just spent 25.00 on 5 lbs of 4-20 chem grow :)
Thanks again for your replies much appreciated!
All I seem to do lately is read up on things lol
I was going to stick with canna line till I seen the price of the boost lol that's why I started looking for alternatives
As I'm only doing it for personal use an abit of a hobby I think the £8 for the big bud will be worth the little experiment on just one of them though an use the other canna products I have on the other two as see how things go. Spesh with me not having a successful harvest yet so like someone said keep it simple an my fingers crossed lol

What can I do to warm the lower part of my tent?
Around the ladies lights on its around 26'c an off about 20'c but down at the bottom it's going down to like 13'c an that can't be good for the roots.
Anybody want to throw there 2p in please?? Haha
you don't really have to heat the bottom part of the tent, just get them off of the floor. i have pieces of old exercise mat the dog chewed the corners off of, under each pot. it raises them high enough that room air can flow under the pot, keeps the roots a lot warmer than sitting on the floor, and helps things dry, in case i splatter a little when i water.
I was thinking some oldish carpet underlay. I've some in the shed thats like a dense multi coloured foam.
Should I cut circles out and put it under my fabric pots or would it be better if I cut a square out same size as bottom of my tent and put it between the tent and the reflective base sheet?
if you have enough, i'd cut one big square and put it under the drain pan of the tent, then cut 2 strips for each pot, and set each pot on the two strips, leaving space for air flow between them.
Yeah I should have enough so I'll do that at weekend when I go to them as I'm not with them all the time got some pics will try upload them


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old carpet will mold and harbour pests. But u have the right idea... U raise them off the floor like 5cm-8cm and in a sealed room w/ a 600, they will stay adequetly warm..i lay down 1/2" foam on concrete floors, i leave it down year-round.. Trick is to raise the entire floor, like with a solid sheet that covers the entire 1.2 m2 area. if u raise the entire floor, u wont ahve to riase indiviual containers.. If u cant, and can only raise individual pots, be aware that since air can flow all around them, they will warm up faster but also cool down faster at night also.. which means that they will dry out faster. think of it like a bridge in winter.. the brigdge will freeze before the street below freezes. for raising the contianers individually, simply use a brick (that u first scrubbed clean w/ hot soapy h2o) or an empty nurshey pot..

They look great! Lower that small desk fan, though.. it should be level with the tops, blowing across the canopy. It wouldnt hurt to get a 2nd small fan and position it to blow the beneath the canopy. So u got air blowing above And below the canopy. Leave them turned on 24/7 even in dark. The idea is that you want every single leaf blade to be moving 24/7. no leaf should ever be motionless.. if u can, take a few cuttings, like use the lower or smaller inner branches. Take more clones than u need and then flip the big ones. No need to wait if u use branches for clones, that you would have otherwise cut off and thrown away during the normal "the day-before-12/12-purning".. If u cut off your thick badass tops for use as clones, then yes, I would keep vegging the mothers a few weeks to allow some re-growth..

As far as flowr nutes, u dont need any pk until 14 days into 12/12.. first few weeks, still veg food. Eveyrone has thier own peferance for food.. I'd stick to the same brand you have, Canna, for continuity sake.. U can go your local grow store and hit he dude up for samples. Its a great way to try new ferts and nutes w/out having to buy a whole bottle.. Every hydro store, the world over, has a stash of samples behind the counter, u just have to ask. Talk to the dudes, ask what sells the most and why. Maybe there is something that works better with yur local water supply..
PK 13/14 is badass, so is canna's whole line.. IMO, with canna a+B and PK13/14, you have everything u need already man... follow the instructions like u did for veg. watch for cal/mag deficiency during flwering and correct as needed. U dont really have enough plants to be playing around with different stuff.. its too risky, if u accidentally fuck up yur plants, then u got nothing... I'd get a rooted clone, stick it in a drink cup, and test that in the corner of yur room or something.. dont be experiment on your main plants, if those are all the plants that u got.