Another Newbie With Early Problems

:shock:This is my very first grow so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have kept my ph level between 5.8-6.2 constant.

I germinated for 2 days under 24 hour T5 Flourescent Light

Seeds sprouted for 2 weeks under 24 hour T5 Flourescent Light

Moved down to bottom chamber of my SUPERCLOSET 2.0 w/ a 500watt LightHouse LED Grow Light. Immediatly started to see dots on the leaves and started to curl under. I used 1 1/2 gallons of water and following the Technaflora Recipe For Success Grow Chart for Vegetative Stage.

Today I have replaced all the water to replace it with filtered 95 ppm water with no nutes to try and flush it out. I have my drip cycle to 15 minutes on, 15 off.

I hope I gave enough information. If anyone who could help needs anything else please let me know. I will respond ASAP. Thank you.


Active Member
sounds like too much too soon of both possibly the lighting and the nutes. theyre pretty delicate at that stage. always start at 1/4 nutes and work up. never go with reccomended amount. good luck


Well-Known Member
Yo you watering every 15 min. for 15 min. this sound like a lot
but I'm a dirt grower. Looks like over watering with low ppms?
What ppm was you runnning before the plain water?


Well-Known Member
Hey guy...
I use hydro growing with drip watering system....
I think its your veg pot and u will change your pot bigger or growing hydro...
In this age and this pot I advice to water them finally 4 times a day (NOT NIGHT).....
Best wishes