Another noob in need of help :(


Active Member
Here comes another nooblet!

I know,'re all like -_- onward to my first noob question....

Because I'm dumb....I believed a friend when he told me planting multiple seedlings in a single pot would become one rooting system.

Therefore I thought it would basically grow into one plant.

I was a numbskullish concept....

But now that I have 10+ sprouts in one fucking pot, lol...

what would be my best course of action?

Now...keep in mind, I am new to growing....even after reading up on sexing plants....I'm still a little lost. Now I have had 2 plants grow before, but one was male....and well...I guess you know by now what happens -_-

All that effort for nothing -_-

But now that I have multiple sprouts (they're all at about 4"), should I try to distinguish and just cull the males while maintaining a multiple female pot?

Or Seperate Males from females and transplant into 2 different spots outside, far enough for them not to pollinate like they did before?

I just transplanted the whole pot into a bigger pot....I was gonna try seperating them....but I don't know if I'll shock the plant at this stage.

Anyway, I'm all blazed and rambling, any suggestions would be great though, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, you won't be able to tell which are males and females until a couple weeks into the flowering stage.

Since they are so small, I would take a knife or something and cut out around the plants, just a bit to spread them, not so much to cut the roots. Weed is hard to kill and soil is very forgiving. Multiple plants in that one pot will suffer in the long run because that is very little space for multiple plants.

I would try to transplant them into something else. It may shock them for a day or two, but they will recover, and you will be glad you did in the long run. Multiple plants in one pot will become root-bound fast.


Active Member
Ok, so now that I know that...

How long into the process do I have before it's too late for sexing plants before they pollinate? I didn't really record everything I did last time I tried and I don't want to make the same mistake twice.


Active Member
cool, cause I never guaged the time it took from pot to full flower.....

These ones sprouted really close though, so like....should I just wait until they're stronger....and see which ones are male, then seperate them? Or seperate them now and risk shocking all of them?

Another question....

It's still early...but...

Since there are already so many sprouts in one small pot, and they're all near eachother....How will I know if they're rootbound? and if they are, should I even bother trying to seperate them?

If not, any suggestions on what I should do from then on would be appreciated. I'll stop the spamming now, lol.....thanks guys

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I second Firsttimegrows advice. Replant/transplant 'em now...if you wait it WILL be impossible to seperate them and they will shock big time. Use the largest styrofoam cup you can find...poking ample drainage holes in it. Use a "light" soil mix w/ lots of perlite to promote root growth and ward off overwatering.

Do the knife trick FTG outlined. Bury at least 1/2 of the stem you see currently into your new soil. Water just outside the stem and around the plant if possible for the first few times. You want the roots to grow down and out...and seeking water is how they accomplish this task. No ferts. Let 'ewm establish and take off before you nute em...ESPECIALLY if they are in low light conditions.

then let em grow on an 18/6 or 24/0 light regime'

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
Well, they're seperated.....

They were already pretty much rooted together when I got to it...not wanting to come apart. There were so many so close to eachother it was near impossible not to lose root mass on some of them...

I moreless had to take the soil and break it apart as I pulled really carefully on the stem to break them free without ripping. Bad part about it is....I have a feeling all of this is in vain. They'll probably just die anyway....

But yo...if this shit works...I'll be set for a long time....and not have to worry bout fuckin buying it anymore....

Back when my bro used to grow I didn't have to spend $ on it....

I've been spending way too much lately....gotta stop that -_- Especially with having to do a windsheild and inspection on my damned car.


vehicles are nothing but targets...bullseyes for bullshit....

Know what I mean?



Active Member
Update: Well, after all was said and done I salvaged 1...count it...1 female.

It is flowering, but I fear the light conditions are hampering it's growth speed (I guesstimate a cycle of 7/17). So, at this stage, should I leave it as is or get a hanging pot and give it a better regimine?


Active Member
Here comes another nooblet!

I know,'re all like -_- onward to my first noob question....

Because I'm dumb....I believed a friend when he told me planting multiple seedlings in a single pot would become one rooting system.

Therefore I thought it would basically grow into one plant.

I was a numbskullish concept....

But now that I have 10+ sprouts in one fucking pot, lol...

what would be my best course of action?

Now...keep in mind, I am new to growing....even after reading up on sexing plants....I'm still a little lost. Now I have had 2 plants grow before, but one was male....and well...I guess you know by now what happens -_-

All that effort for nothing -_-

But now that I have multiple sprouts (they're all at about 4"), should I try to distinguish and just cull the males while maintaining a multiple female pot?

Or Seperate Males from females and transplant into 2 different spots outside, far enough for them not to pollinate like they did before?

I just transplanted the whole pot into a bigger pot....I was gonna try seperating them....but I don't know if I'll shock the plant at this stage.

Anyway, I'm all blazed and rambling, any suggestions would be great though, thanks.
transplant them all into the ground or their own pots. use lst when 3 sets of true nodes appear


Active Member
Firstly, you won't be able to tell which are males and females until a couple weeks into the flowering stage.

Since they are so small, I would take a knife or something and cut out around the plants, just a bit to spread them, not so much to cut the roots. Weed is hard to kill and soil is very forgiving. Multiple plants in that one pot will suffer in the long run because that is very little space for multiple plants.

I would try to transplant them into something else. It may shock them for a day or two, but they will recover, and you will be glad you did in the long run. Multiple plants in one pot will become root-bound fast.

yes he should transplant now but no need for knife. at this point the roots have not spread 2much


Active Member
Ok, so now that I know that...

How long into the process do I have before it's too late for sexing plants before they pollinate? I didn't really record everything I did last time I tried and I don't want to make the same mistake twice.
when u start 2 c pollen saccs kill males b4 it fuccs ur girls