So far all the thunder storms have missed me.I spent a few hours getting alot of branches tied up to the cages.Everything should be pretty secure,except my Blue Dreams.I've got a little more work to do on those babys.Gonna have to use a ladder.
LOL! Ya,at about 11ft. I've got my hands full.They are towering over the 6ft cages.I've got a plan .Let's just hope the exicution of the plan works out.
Ya,the Blue Dreams are definetly gonna put out some weight.They will be the last to finish.Everything else is looking like another week or 2.Can't wait till I can start chopping.The OG is gonna taste soooo good.
Heres some pics.Everything is just about there,except for the Blue Dream.A couple more weeks on them.I'm checking the trichs every day,and they are almost to my likings.I'm shootin for some where in the 30% amber.I'm thinking by the weekend I will have a few down.It is soooo sticky around here!!
Happy Harvesting!!
Well,I cut 7 of them down yesterday.c-99,2 OG kush,2 Sweet Tooth,2 xj-13.The sweet tooth had a couple mold spot,so I wanted to get them down before the rain.I still have 2 Blue Dream,2 Odyessy,1 Platinum Grape Ape,and 1 Purple Nepal out.Everything is pretty much ready,except the Blue dream.Still needs a little more time.Hopefully this storm comming isn't to harsh.There is rain in the forecast till Thursday.Probably cut somemore tomorrow.