Another obama oops!osama thread.]


Ok the original report is wrong and the second is correct. But the pictures are too graphic to show the public.? Next I will be told that drugs are bad.kiss-ass


New Member
It leaves more question than answers

How easily so many forget In even the own words of the White House(forget the FBI and the other sources for a minute) - Osama Bin laden was not responsible for 9/11:


And furthermore when asked under pressure top officials also deny that Al Qaeda was even who was it?

FBI Says he didn't do it uh.....


So there we have it folks - Murdered in the middle of the night and dumped at sea - Osama did not have a gun yet we kill him after capture, instead of answering more questions we get more coverups and "This Generations Pearl Harbor" alleged perpetrators story stays forever in the shadows.


Well-Known Member

Obama said he watched it by sattelite, here's the footage he saw:

See he wasn't armed but he resisted!
You know how dangerous those individual 54 year old men are against the highest trained young muscle bound hard headed, armor wearing, loaded to the teeth seal teams.



Well-Known Member

Obama said he watched it by sattelite, here's the footage he saw:

See he wasn't armed but he resisted!
You know how dangerous those individual 54 year old men are against the highest trained young muscle bound hard headed, armor wearing, loaded to the teeth seal teams.

I couldn't care less about the circumstances surrounding OBL's death. If I saw him on the street and knew 100% that it was him, I wouldn't hesitate to put one in his beancap. And NO jury would convict me, some people just plain need killing. We humans have a long and glorious tradition of killing our enemies without apology. That tradition ain't going anywhere soon. SPARTANS!!!!


Well-Known Member
It leaves more question than answers

How easily so many forget In even the own words of the White House(forget the FBI and the other sources for a minute) - Osama Bin laden was not responsible for 9/11:


And furthermore when asked under pressure top officials also deny that Al Qaeda was even who was it?

FBI Says he didn't do it uh.....


So there we have it folks - Murdered in the middle of the night and dumped at sea - Osama did not have a gun yet we kill him after capture, instead of answering more questions we get more coverups and "This Generations Pearl Harbor" alleged perpetrators story stays forever in the shadows.
the pieces of shit in charge of what was known as the Bush whitehouse were a bunch of lying and deceiving sacks of shit who'd say anything in order to:

1) cost their opponents political points
2) gain political points for themselves
3) minimize the loss of political points in cases of distress
4) distract the american public while a few rich men plundered this nation's wealth.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
the pieces of shit in charge of what was known as the Bush whitehouse were a bunch of lying and deceiving sacks of shit who'd say anything in order to:

1) cost their opponents political points
2) gain political points for themselves
3) minimize the loss of political points in cases of distress
4) distract the american public while a few rich men plundered this nation's wealth.
And what do you have to say about the Obama administration? Any similarities to what you posted above?


Well-Known Member
Same group. Same game. It's been the same people in charge for far far longer than that. Democrat and republican has always been just another tool to divide and conquer, the ones that win are the same, selected to serve the same interests, regardless of what party they claim.

Its just a WWF style illusion of a never ending battle between false good and evil, designed to give us an illusion of choice and keep us from uniting our votes against them.

DHS official documents proclaiming supporters of 3rd party candidates like Ron Paul, and ex military as potential terrorists prove that out.
Not theory, just fact.