Another pest thread


Well-Known Member
I have a lone plant in a 4x4. Noticed some bugs a week maybe 10 days ago. Not sure what all I'm dealing with. Mainly whiteflies I think. Maybe a couple thrips. And just today I think I found some spider mites. No webs yet. I continue to remove every leaf with live bugs or eggs on leaf undersides. About two weeks out from harvest. Tempted to harvest early but leaning toward hand to hand combat to finish. I think I caught it just before a full blown infestation. Funny thing I have a 2x4 in the same room with 2 autos in the home stretch and no signs of any bugs in there yet. No preventative pest actions on my part. Never had an issue before. This was the wake up call I needed. I plan to bring a healthy outdoor plant into the buggy tent once it's available but not before a thorough eradication. Any suggestions for the best attack plan to clean the tent prior to re-use appreciated. Also any preferred bud washing solution recipes. I plan to go with lemon juice in one bucket, hydrogen peroxide in one, baking soda in one, and rinse in the final. Online recipes are all over the place. Some combine different ingredients together, others don't. And for a final stupid question...can keeping marigolds in the tents actually repel the vermin that plaques our community? Thanks
Leave the outside plants outside. Be less work to just pop a seed now than to plan on all this work and cross your fingers. Growing bud u just gotta make the practical choice. Realize your biggest enemy is time. Don't waste time with a maybe
Bringing plants inside from outside is how to get all kinds of problems. For instance outdoors a few aphids on a plant has natural predators that will keep them at bay and eat them. If you bring that same plant inside now those 3 aphids turn into 3000 because they have no predators indoors and a perfect environment to thrive. Ive ALWAYS had bad luck bringing a plant inside from outside. Now if i must I hang a light in the garage somewhere.
Any suggestions for the best attack plan to clean the tent prior to re-use appreciated.

Clorox all surfaces and tools, except for the lights. Air out the tent/cab well to purge the chlorine vapors before putting any plants in there.

Also any preferred bud washing solution recipes.

Neem oil, insecticidal soap and pyrethrin are pesticides with negligible toxicity. I've used them all during the flowering stage with great success.

And for a final stupid question...can keeping marigolds in the tents actually repel the vermin that plaques our community? Thanks

I don't know but that's a good question. Try it and find out, if it works you'll be a hero to the cannabis growing world!

Edit: Just make sure the marigolds are started from seed or are from a known clean source. You don't want to introduce pests/viruses.
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Spray with spinosad/Captain Jack's. Will kill thrips, whiteflies, spider mites, budworms etc. It dissipates, does not leave a residue and will not affect the taste. I've sprayed on bud within a week or 2 of harvest, no issues
Thanks all. I see the captain Jack's is labeled for outdoor but if it can be used indoors too it looks like a good item for a bag of tricks
I have a lone plant in a 4x4. Noticed some bugs a week maybe 10 days ago. Not sure what all I'm dealing with. Mainly whiteflies I think. Maybe a couple thrips. And just today I think I found some spider mites. No webs yet. I continue to remove every leaf with live bugs or eggs on leaf undersides. About two weeks out from harvest. Tempted to harvest early but leaning toward hand to hand combat to finish. I think I caught it just before a full blown infestation. Funny thing I have a 2x4 in the same room with 2 autos in the home stretch and no signs of any bugs in there yet. No preventative pest actions on my part. Never had an issue before. This was the wake up call I needed. I plan to bring a healthy outdoor plant into the buggy tent once it's available but not before a thorough eradication. Any suggestions for the best attack plan to clean the tent prior to re-use appreciated. Also any preferred bud washing solution recipes. I plan to go with lemon juice in one bucket, hydrogen peroxide in one, baking soda in one, and rinse in the final. Online recipes are all over the place. Some combine different ingredients together, others don't. And for a final stupid question...can keeping marigolds in the tents actually repel the vermin that plaques our community? Thanks
Ok I harvested yesterday. Turns out majority was aphids and a few spider mites. Wet trimmed. Discarded all trim. Washed in lemon juice and baking soda solution, then dipped in h2o2 solution bath then plain rinse. Hung overnight with low air flow across the racks then into to cannatrol this morning. So far I've vacuumed then wiped all tent and accessory surfaces with clorox wipes, then misted all surfaces with alcohol/water solution. Neem oil spray and insecticidal soap spray arrived today. Won't be spraying the plant that's going in there as it's in week 6 of flower but I did a very thorough inspection today and will again tomorrow before moving indoors. Should I apply either of these products on inside surfaces today before moving the plant in tomorrow? Any suggestions for repellent(s) to integrate as well? I do not want to find baddies on my herb ever again. Thanks.


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