Another possible calcium issue, oh my?

Hi all - I have what I think MIGHT be a calcium issue. Lots of detail to share - see below. I am another one of the first growers with plans on continuing.

The Setup
  • 5 gallon Space Bucket - closet.
  • Apollo Horticulture 180w UFO LED
  • FFOF soil with generic perlite (no nutes added) - 75/25 ratio.
  • 2.5g Smart Pot
  • Using distilled water. Local water pH is ~9.
The Seed
Bag seed, of course. First time grower. Bruce Banner.

The Issue
Four weeks since germination today. Was grown in a starter soil pellet and then transplanted to a red solo cup with same soil (just more) until it showed first signs of nute deficiency (approx 1.5 weeks). Transplanted then into the Smart Pot with the above soil. Watering schedule has been as I can identify that it is dry (weight and 3-5 inches down in the pot with my piggie. About a week ago, maybe a hair more, she showed some strange signs. Couldn't figure it out until I realized it looked like a Mag deficiency - stunted growth, all the signs. Got some epsom salt and watered at about half. Within a couple days she took off, almost doubled in size. This takes us to the past three days.

Three days ago I noted a couple of brown spots. Otherwise she looked fine. Maybe not as dark green as she should be (first time grower - you be the judge in the pics). Meh. Next day, yesterday, I am seeing browning at the tips (most) and some cupping. The pH SEEMS to be okay, the nutes seem to be very strong still in the FFOF - none have been given yet due to how hot the soil is. I wondered if I was nute burned but I wouldnt think it would take 2.5-3 weeks to show up, would it?

She still seems a bit small to me. So, based on what I have read, stunted growth continued, possibly being a bit pale, the cupping, browning and spots - I think it might well be a calcium issue now. As mentioned above, I use distilled water and have never done amendments, etc so it has never gotten any calcium (I used tap water to water 1-2x before moving to distilled). Note the slight yellowing between the veins as well.

Suppose it could be water droplet burn, but it doesn't explain the browning edges and cupping.

Honestly, I guess I just don't know and need some experience and intelligence here. Help?

Thanks folks. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I feel like the testing shows that the nutes in the FFOF are still very strong (see pics of NPK ratios from the FFOF soil). What am I missing here? I just read this post and it looks like people have had luck starting on nutes around where am I anyway. Just didn't want to overdo it.

Also, should I go ahead and pick up some calcium supplements while I am at it today (knowing a week ago I added mag)? No clue where I can get cal-mag locally....
It's nice to have calmag on tap for when something, like this, presents itself. Just be sure and research plenty before applying or you may only end up making a bad problem worse. I get literally all my nutes and grow supplies off of amazon because I have no local hydro store. Given the way that the plants look, I'm inclined to agree with Getogrow and it just me, or does that Nitro and Phosphorous test look like it's saying you've virtually no N or P left in the soil? I'm not really seeing any color in that test, versus the other ones which seem to produce a clear and distinguishable color.
Ok, check it out. 1st, thank you ALL for the responses. The test I used suggests waiting up to 24 hours. I retested this morning and a lot more sediment fell - water clearer. When I tested that, the nitrogen was virtually non-existent. Had my wife look at it too. I didn't take a pic - my bad.

Anyway, based on above suggestions, I am going to do a HALF dose of the Big Grow tomorrow - 1.5 tsp in a gallon of water. I went ahead and ordered some Cal-Mag (Botanicare) as well (will run this at 3/4 to full strength) - should be here tomorrow. Will mix it into the water and water the plant. It's still a bit moist from the last watering (Wednesday) about 3-5 inches down BUT, I **think** the urgency behind getting nutes on board outweighs what will invariable be a slight overwatering. Thoughts?
your correct mostly. if the moisture has no food in it , it will take a lot longer for her to eat it. you start feeding her good then she will dry out in half the time. bongsmilie
be careful relying on those tests....they are not very accurate. but going by what you say mixed with the pic ....there is ZERO nitrogen in that soil. im 100% positive
if its ff grow big , then 1.5 tsp is still very light....i'd do 7 or 8 ml in a gallon but not everytime , just till shes gettting better
Dude, thanks for the intercept again! So, I watered her yesterday afternoon as mentioned. So, shes pretty well saturated (and having her 'night' cycle right now).

Should I ride out what I gave her (water concerns) OR give more water with more nutes?

Also, when can you typically expect to begin seeing benefits from adding nutes to an undernourished lady?

You know, this has been a GREAT learning experience for me so far. Appreciate the help folks - truly!
ride it she has a lil food so she will take it up fairly quick. wait till she starts to dry up a bit before doing it again.
it will take a few days to notice and about a week to recover. Glad you have so much love in the grow, thats what makes good product!

nothing wrong with distilled water, it just has less minerals then tap but its better then ro water. no clue why he would say that ?
My local tap water has a pH that is north of 9 - the plant seemed to really like the nutes (FF 1/2 strength with CalMag full) with a 50/50 tap/distilled combo. I will do that again next watering and then the watering after that I will do just straight water. She has CLEARLY begun to rebound OR was already on the road - either way, she was a happy girl last night and this morning!

I was just sitting here reflecting on what a kick-ass hobby this is going to be when your response came in. I may have mentioned it above, I do not recall (I have some short-term memory issues in my old age), but, right now I am just doing a Space Bucket. I have been planning for a while a tent operation - still tweaking the setup parts. This is my 'proof of concept' to the wife that this is sustainable so I can secure the funding for the tent setup. I have been wanting to do this for a long time - just finally got the guts to give it a try. So, keeping this plant alive for ANY size harvest, be it ONE BUD or many, is hugely important!

She's (better be a she) asleep for the next 5 hours or so. But, when she is awake I will post a picture of her most recent progress.

Now, to figure out the light for the tent!
Short of a lack of minerals missing, why? My tap water isn't the best, so my options are somewhat limited.... I'd like to do what is best, but am a bit of a rookie here....
disreguard his post for now. your on the right track for sure ....i use tap. distilled is one of the best to start with.

stay on this website and your first tent will for sure pay for itself....may not be a huge profit but your wife will be happy. all the runs after that are just labor ....not much money at all. Plant food is plant food , dont get caught up in all the bottle hype. the food you are using is great for an ok price. you can get that price down by 80% if you really wanted to. 90% of all problems in soil are moisture/food related....its NEVER PH or whatever these guys want to think.
Your SETUP is the problem..
FFOF needs amendments. Whatever is in it last for 2 weeks or so. You don’t have a calcium ammendment so you shouldn’t be using distilled water unless you’re adding calcium.

The Setup
  • 5 gallon Space Bucket - closet.
  • Apollo Horticulture 180w UFO LED
  • FFOF soil with generic perlite (no nutes added) - 75/25 ratio.
  • 2.5g Smart Pot
  • Using distilled water. Local water pH is
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Your SETUP is the problem..
FFOF needs amendments. Whatever is in it last for 2 weeks or so. You don’t have a calcium ammendment so you shouldn’t be using distilled water unless your adding calcium.

That's what I finally figured out - thanks! Cal-Mag was added with this first round of nutes. I will continue to add as required for the duration of the grow.

Thanks so much!
Wow guys, the nutes and cal-mag did it.

Two pics - week ago and today. Maybe there is hope for me and my girl....


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Your SETUP is the problem..
FFOF needs amendments. Whatever is in it last for 2 weeks or so. You don’t have a calcium ammendment so you shouldn’t be using distilled water unless you’re adding calcium.
he knows this now ...we talked about it ,,,hes got food , calm down and read first