another question about outside gowing


Well-Known Member
can you grow in a heavily wooded area or does it need to be completely open thank in advance +rep all answers bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
You can grow in the woods if there is a decent size hole in a forest cannopy... you do not need direct sunlight all day, but the more sunlight it gets more energy for growth and the more compact it will become.

Preferably on the south side of your fencline of that woods if no open canopy can not be found and if you are not willing to make one


Well-Known Member
I have friends who grow on ditch banks, and in wooded areas with pretty good luck......Try to choose a spot that's got the most sunlight, even filtered.....clear off the surrounding few feet so the roots don't have to fight for nourishment.....good karma to ya....


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that your surrounding will not look the same in summer as they did in spring. Do not get overgrown with weeds which is ver easy to do in thickets


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
think of you plant being over towerd by big ass trees. they are going to block a lot of sun light to your plant and they will die...


Well-Known Member
Not hacking on thickets one bit! but just something else for ya to think about.. the change of surroundings. I do not know why either just letting ya know.


Well-Known Member
Do not waste your time planting in a heavily wooded area! Your plants WILL NOT GET ENOUGH LIGHT TO MAKE ANYTHING WORTH YOUR TROUBLE! This is str8 from personal experience! Unless your willing to cut down SEVERAL of the surrounding trees, just try to find an old field that you can plant on the edge of. (the south facing edge that is)
Try at all cost to find a location that recieves a full days sun, or atleast a majority of the days sun. This will award you greatly come harvest time. I have grown both ways with large numbers and on average you can guarentee yourself up 4-5 times more weight if you stay away from these shaded areas. If you cant find these sunny locations and are pushed to grow in a forest make sure its in partial to full clearings For your best chance...


Active Member
I wouldn't recommended it. I made the mistake because I thought it would be more secure and hidden, but the plant ended up being less than half the size of the others I grew. Direct sunlight is very important!


Well-Known Member
Wat about if yu hav a good spot 2 plant sum, but in that area it gets good light but not any light directly frum the sun itself.. iz that still gud for a good yeild.

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
can you grow in a heavily wooded area or does it need to be completely open thank in advance +rep all answers bongsmilie
The simple answer is yes you can put your plants in a forested area as long as sun breaks through the canopy. but your plants will not grow to their full potential.

Last year my friend and I both got the same clones, I had 5 and he had 12, He put his in a forest with limited lighting and they did not grow to anything special, a few died from animals but the ones that survived only grew to about 2-3 feet. he got a total of 6 oz from his 10 or so from his tiny plants and the bud was not the greatest, he ended up just sellin it all.

But for my clones i found a large opening in a young pine forest, it was about 15 ft x 30 ft, so they got tons of sunlight everyday way more than my friends clones. Mine grew wayyyy bigger, aroung 5-6 ft and bushy as fuck I couldnt even get my arms around them. I ended up getting around 12 oz from my 5 clones, and my bud was way better too smelled better tasted better looked better.

So yes you can, but the more sunlight you get the better quality, i recommend using google earth to get a look of the forest you want to use to see if there are any significant openings in it where your plants will thrive, alternatively you could just plant on the edge of the forest making sure theres eneough light


Well-Known Member
thot u was "giving rep for answers"? been 2 days and haven't been repped by u yet. wats the deal?


Well-Known Member
thot u was "giving rep for answers"? been 2 days and haven't been repped by u yet. wats the deal?
haha sorry i gota answer i havent been paying much atteion to this anymore ill go back and rep every 1

EDIT: rep give out