Another Reason for legal to grow and possess, illegal to sell

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I want goverment out of the weed business. And if you make it legal to sell that aint gonna happen. It cannot possibly occur.

No you don't. You want government to make the weed business how YOU like it.

If government were out of the weed business, there wouldn't be regulations defining who can sell etc.

Cognitive Dissonance Magazine called, they want to put you on the cover of the next issue.


Well-Known Member
The only RIGHT WAY to do it, is to remove all restrictions and penalties for cultivation, possession, and use... but require a business license for selling. The currency is theirs, they can decide what is or isn't acceptable usage of currency.

Just like anything else sold for human consumption, there should be some kind of qualification process, and it SHOULD NOT be based on who can afford the license, but rather, who can prove they aren't selling something tainted or harmful. You can tax Sales and Purchases, but if i want to grow plants for myself and for bartering Without Money Involved, no one should intervene.

They also have to remove restrictions on whether i'm allowed to have THC metabolites in my body. There needs to be a new test developed to determine whether someone IS ACTUALLY HIGH RIGHT NOW, instead of ostracizing everyone who was high within the last month or few (sometimes longer).

I should be allowed to grow, possess, use, and share, completely freely.

If i want to "do business," then that is acceptable to subject to regulation, just like any other business or selling of goods. Why? Because i didn't invent the dollar, and those who "own the dollar," are the rightful authority on what i'm allowed to do with it, since it isn't actually mine. Whether you define the proper owner "the government" or "the federal reserve," they only allow us to use dollars, so that they can profit from controlling the currency. If no one was able to profit from controlling currency (and subsequently what it is allowed to be exchanged for), there would be no federal reserve, and it would be impossible to make "buying and selling" (with dollars) illegal.


Well-Known Member
Cant do that in Arizona
You say you cant grow becuase you have children under 10?
Who made that rule?
But you can in Colorado. Once again, you neglect the most weed friendly state in America

I made the rule. It's called being a responsible parent.

You keep seeming to forget I live in a state that is pretty harsh on the herb. I get caught I lose my kids. My kids are more important to me than growing.

Though come January things will be getting better slightly in my neck of the woods. At least I won't get arrested for buying an oz though I will get a ticket:


Well-Known Member
It's not a reason not to's a reason for less government intrusion.

Cheesy, nobody likes the idea...nobody.
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Well-Known Member
I get caught I lose my kids. My kids are more important to me than growing.
And whose choice is that? Is it your choice that you lose your kids, or is that a condition unjustly imposed upon you and them?

If we don't make the right corrections immediately, your kids will live their own lives amidst the same injustice... not to mention everyone else's kids as well.

Here's a thought: once your kids are old enough, "the government" becomes their "parents" anyway.


Well-Known Member
The power to tax is the power to destroy. You know how they hate competition.
Or... is it the other way around? "The power to destroy, enables the power to tax."

If the government lacked either the authority or the ability to deprive people of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness... how would they enforce taxation?

edit: ...and without the ability to enforce taxation, how would they fund anything "we the people" decides we don't want?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know here that.
It took more than 50 years after the repeal of alchohol prohibition for you to be legally able to brew your own beer in all 50 states?


Well-Known Member
So it's only a fine if you sell it? How much?

Cause if its' illegal, punishment is either fine or jail/prison, so which is it? Money or time?
Probably the same as selling raw milk.
But then if everyone could grow it. Who would want to buy it?
It's not a reason not to's a reason for less government intrusion.

Cheesy, nobody likes the idea...nobody.
Only the people with something to lose don't like it.
Politically it would be the fastest way of getting it legal in all 50 states.
And when you take the money out of it, the stigma and any reason for regulations become non existant.
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Well-Known Member
Probably the same as selling raw milk.
But then if everyone could grow it. Who would want to buy it?

Only the people with something to lose don't like it.
Politically it would be the fastest way of getting it legal in all 50 states.
And when you take the money out of it, the stigma and any reason for regulations become non existant.