another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.

actual statistics that are not from a white supremacy group show otherwise, klanman.

Real facts, not more of the Bucked up (truly) racist, biased bullshit. :clap:

american renaissance is a white supremacy group, idiot.

American Renaissance, the New Century Foundation, or Taylor have had links with organizations such as the Council of Conservative Citizens, the Pioneer Fund, and the British National Party. Don Black and David Duke have attended AR conferences and have been seen talking with Taylor.[4][5]

they literally invite the former grand wizard of the KKK to their get-togethers, moron.

what a fucking idiot you are.
and my wild guess was right. it is a white male who did this, yet again.


robert l. dear
maybe we should start deporting white males to syria, and importing syrians here.

statistically, that would make us much safer, since no refugee has ever done anywhere in the united states what all these white males have done in colorado alone.

Sounds like a great trade. White males for Syrian womens. That's a no brainer.
why would you say that?

i am highlighting the issues my very own state has to deal with: a series of homicidal, white male, terrorists.

you even said last night that you were concerned about "black on black" crime. why are you not worried about white males committing acts of terror?

You are like a bird dog endlessly hunting for more racists to flush out into the open.

That'll do buck.
It almost always has something to do with "Christians". What in the hell are you taking about?

It was an attack on people in planned Parenthood. Over baby parts being used. Which was debunked already. Who was the one bringing all the planned Parenthood b.s. up. Politicians. Mainly Carly Fiorina. Dude was probably crazy. If not for dumb ass politicians it would have never happened.
He keeps making these threads that are full of shit. He needs to do a little research before quoting fox news and tabloids.

It has nothing to with christains. It's greed and money and politics that's the problem. We need to get rid of the entire congress and Senate and replace them with a new generation of people.

Just for that jew comment I hope someone beats the shit out of you soon.

We don't need anymore Nazi bigots

Based on what factual evidence do you conclude these opinions?

What specifically did UB say was "full of shit"? Please point them out and then rebut.

Your lack of debating skills is quite evident.

You grow shitty weed.

Have a nice day.