Another set-up...another attempt!! PC GROW WITH PICS


Well im having another attempt!

I just ordered some Major Mazari seeds...anybody used these before? I have no idea who they'll turn out.

Anyway, with lights on im now getting temps around 80F. Which should be ooookkk.

Im doing it ULTRA Stealth, check the pics.

Using a soil medium again, should be germ'ing in a few days. Any tips? Ive never tried anything like this after my complete fail earlier...

Heres the set up:



Well-Known Member
Dude you gotta do something about those lights, you cannot hold warm lights in place with packing tape
Use some twist ties or something, if you leave the tape I can guarantee that they will fall on your plants
And just to let you know, a glowing computer tower isn't that stealthy lol
Your friend- "Hey dude your computer is like glowing whats up with that? You got a light in there or something?"
You- "It's on fire don't worry about it, mind your own business"


The glows gone anyways...that picture doesn't have the case on properly. Took like 5 mins to fix...Only difference is I need sumin more secure to hold my lighting. Ill get there. In the mean time hate all you want


Active Member
The glows gone anyways...that picture doesn't have the case on properly. Took like 5 mins to fix...Only difference is I need sumin more secure to hold my lighting. Ill get there. In the mean time hate all you want

There is a stark difference between hatin' and constructive criticism. I am not a hater :)

It's good that you are willing to learn by trial and error. It's bad that you won't accept any serious input from people who know what they are talking about.

Lightproof that bitch! The less light loss you have the better. This ensures that your plant is recieving the most light possible from your bulbs. Very important for growth and unequivicably important during flowering. Just because it gets you through vegging doesn't mean it will perfom just as well during flowering.