Another Shroom noob!


Hey guys ive wanted to try shrooms for a long time now and can easily access via contacts, but it seems like there isnt a right time and place for me and my friends...
We have all smoked and did our research on shrooms and what not.

We are all in our last year of school and all stay with our parents so at home is out and neither one of us like the paranoid feeling when we are high on weed in public places, so i need suggestions on where we can do it and how many grams is ideal to get the shroom experience, but not to be totally fucked and let it overwhelm us.

Just on the sideline, in december me and my friends go on holiday to a beachouse and we will be staying there alone for a week, so that would definetaly be the best but its still a long time away! (Say now we do it there too, would it be wise to stay inside and in the back yard, other than going out the front and potentially go to the beach where people (never moe than 15 people at a time) will be?)

Depending on what kind of shroom of course, first and only time for me so far I ate about 2,5 grams of mexican cubensis grounded into a fine powder. Seemed to be a nice dose, perhaps could have taken a little more.

If you don't want to wait until December, surely some of your parents will go on a holiday or something before that? Other than that, check with brothers and sisters who got their own place and see if u can eat the shrooms there. To be in a safe place is highly recommended as u know.

Depending on how you feel you can surely go for a walk, I can only imagine how wonderful the beach will be... Just make sure to wear sunglasses since your pupils will be dilated as hell.

Happy trippin


I ate 2.5 frams my first time.. i would rather trip outside then in. just be comfortable with who your with, and let the feeling take over you, enjoy the sounds,animals, and sights... have a complete openmind, and dont be scared there not what people say they are.. you arnt goin to see unicorns. The sights are just wonderful and the sounds you hear are somewhat muffled, and you kinda just wanna stop and appritiate eerything.... i hope your first trip is brilliant.. Takecare


Thanks! I was thinking maybe 2 grams because of the fact of me being a beginner and can become really overwhelmed. What will the difference be between a 1 gram trip and a 2 gram trip? And I have no idea what kind of shrooms these are


well at 2 grams i really wasnt up there all the way, so 1 gram is going to be real light and your gunna feel airy and giggly, nothing dramatic
I wouldn't recommend a too small a dose, if u don't get over the treshold well enough the risk is you won't have a pleasant trip. You probably know that on your way up you might feel nauseous for like half an hour or so until the wonderful feelings strike you. If you don't eat enough you may risk not getting to the pleasant part of the trip.

2 grams will probably be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Anywhere between 2 and 3 grams is a nice mild introduction to shrooms. Last 4-6 hours and if you dont like it you aren't so far gone that it scares you.

Site and setting, you are probaby going to have moments of anxiety so camping in an area that you are likely to be alone for your trip gives you less to worry about. Nature is always a win with shrooms. Leave your cell phones at home, they invite alot of potential problems. Dont worry about taking anything to do, maybe a folding chair and a few glow sticks. The rest you will figure out when your space ship lifts off.

Just put your tent up and throw your bag down before you start trippin. You are going to be able to move about and can do most things with ease probably better than when you are stoned, but get the work out of the way first. Even though motor skills can sometimes seem uncomprimised, your abilty to collect thoughts can become impossible and even getting yourself to stand up can be a hell of a task if you are riding a wave.

Seriously though.....glow sticks.


Well-Known Member
lol i love public trippin, i go skate when i do shrooms, dont ask me why but its what i like to do..


Active Member
I did 2.5g Lemon tek and then ate 1g right afterwards on Friday the 13th. I had a blast with amazing visuals. Everything was wavy and breathing in and out.. People kind of looked made of wax for a little. I remember the lighting in the room made my brother look like he was painted orange, then later he looked a dark purple. The carpet was a bright yellow with a red lined maze through the whole rug. As I stared into the rug it turned into thick black lines resembling a different maze.. I remember seeing letters in the grass and seeing "floaters" (idk what to call them) all over my vision the whole time..

Needless to say, I was pretty up there.

My first time, was NOTHING like that, I had no visuals whatsoever, just a giggly, nice body high, and mind-blowingness. Its really hard to guestimate dosages.. The time with no visuals, I did 2g and then ate another 2g later (the later part doesn't make you trip harder, just extends it I'd say).

If you want to trip hard, I'd say do lemon tek. Maybe put some sugar in it afterwards so it doesn't taste really sour and lemony, it will taste like lemonade ;).

I think youd be good if you just did 1g lemon tek to get a little trippiness.. Idk if you will have any visuals though, it really depends on the mushrooms and your body type/size..

Good luck dude!


Well-Known Member
Camping is the way to go. Whenever I eat boomers I enjoy listening to music with headphones.
have fun!
First time I did LSD we camped in the mountains of NM in 67. It snowed, we rode a Honda 50 minibike 2 up until we realized neither of us owned one so we ditched it. Watched rainbow trout in a clear mountain river. Yep. Later we bought boxes of peyote buttons from Tarahumara Indians in the old Mercado in Juarez, MX. $5 got you a beer case box full of 'em. Nasty buggers with strychnine growing under it you had to pull off with needle nose pliers or get stomach cramps like anything. Best to dry them after you pull the fur and grind them up and, um, anally inject them. They still give you this metallic taste immediately (probably remnant strychnine) but you don't vomit. Eat them and I promise you will. When you least want to. But then when you hurl on them it gives you quite the rush and colors and . . . ..

And the anally injected peyote? Hold 'er in as long as you can and then do what enemas make people do. The active hallucinogen is absorbed through the colon, as this is where water is extracted in humans, and the trip is instant and only gets stronger.


Well-Known Member
I'll be totally honest with you. And I give you respect by saying this outright. Don't be a pussy, and take a full 3.5 grams. Just go to a place that you know or feel the most comfortable and safe. The most ef'd up part of a mushy trip is the initial come up. Or the transformation as I would like to call it. This usually lasts about 90 minutes to two hours after the intial feeling. When you actually begin to become acquainted with the "experience". Whenever I ingest the stuff. I always end up saying the same thing... "Damn. I should have eaten more." That being said. Take a full eighth. Then next time you and and a friend can split 3 eighths between the two of you. As long as you don't act like a full on mental patient, you should appear to be just a normal young person. Who just happens to be a little happier and more inquisitive than the rest of the mundane rabble lurking about. For me, public tripping seems to have the opposite assumed effect. I always think that I would appear totally wigged out. But i'm not, and people become more interested in having more conversations with me. This stuff is always a good time. Good luck. Do a full eighth. Don't short change the initial experience by being a scared little pussy. Later.