Another yellow leaf question but different


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever put this side by side with maxibloom? Thats what i use now for full cycle but i think theres room for improvement


Well-Known Member
Is jacks 20 20 20 good for full cycle?
You could get by with only the tomato feED. Tomato feed has calcium added too I believe.

I would pony up the several bucks to get the 10-30-20 for flower.

I think it only needs two or three heavy waterings to flush btw.

I use 1/4tsp every watering, and use straight ph'd tap water about once a week.

A container of Jack's classic lasts FOREVER. I add a dash of Epsom salt, and 10ml per gallon of Diamond Nectar. I will find a cheaper humid acid replacement when I run out.
10-30-20 in a small container was like $7 at the local store.

I have been thrilled with Jack's classic. My plants have great structure, and my buds are dense and tasty :hump: I get a little burn if I don't flush with straight water every week or two. But these nutrients are foolproof.
1/2tsp every other watering is great too.
I don't change my ppm either, all of my perpetual plants in flower get the same 1/4tsp, and a four day flush.

I mix my nutes in a bucket, and dunk my tiny air pots for about five seconds, then pull them out and let them drain. Jack's is so cheap, I pour half of my nutrients down the drain....

Burt Hooter

Well-Known Member
? When you flush with straight water every wek or two ? Do you leave the plant with only water? or finish the flush with noots and water?


Well-Known Member
? When you flush with straight water every wek or two ? Do you leave the plant with only water? or finish the flush with noots and water?
I often just top feed with a sprayer afterwards if at all. I water daily most of the time. Tiny little 1l air pots. It's almost like running coco imho. I treat it like it's coco, just let it dry a tad more. Have not had stinky roots ever.

My theory is that a single flush won't fully dissolve built up salts. It's seems to be fine so far.
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Well-Known Member
? When you flush with straight water every wek or two ? Do you leave the plant with only water? or finish the flush with noots and water?
I guess half of the times, I feed it minutes after the flush. I'm trying to simplify my grow because it's only personal sized, so since clones keep me on my plants daily (not ideal, I wish I were automated) I'm trying to pare it down to the simplest (fastest) feeding. Meaning I wanna spend no more than 10 minutes watering.

My point is you can feed with Jack's classic, 20-20-20 veg and 10-30-20 in flower in 1/4 or 1/2 tsp doses and be fine. If you run 5 gal pots, yeah do the 1/2tsp every other watering.
Jack's is cheap and easy. Buy "all purpose" and "blossom booster" it's like if miracle grow were excellent for weed. They're like $8 a piece. You need maybe a $3 bag of Epsom salt to suppliment. Supposedly meant for tap water or calcium amended soil.

Never got tip burn with 10-30-20, but I did get "the claw" when I was feeding with 1/2tsp/gal EVERY watering. Those leaves were dark and clawed forever, but new growth was fine, and the bus was excellent. I've only used Jack's for about 9 months, and have had zero problems since the claw before backing down to 1/4tsp.
It's hard to fuck up with jacks.

Mix them 50/50 veg/bloom for like the first week of flower etc if you wanna emulate 3-2-1 like Jack's professional. I actually use tomato feED for veg, not 20-20-20. It has calcium and magnesium, good to go.
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