Another yellow leaf thread...


Well-Known Member
My plant is 6 weeks from germ, switched to 12/12 4 days ago , the plant has been under 220watt of cfls and is 1ft tall.I noticed today though that the single set right at the bottom and the 3 leaf set above that have now turned yellow and died off , is this normal at this stage or is it to early indicating some sort of def?



Well-Known Member
its bottom leaf .. not uncommon .. might be to littel light ...
tho I belive as you switch to 12/12 it have began its stretch and will need much more nutriens (nitrogne) next two weeks or it will use up what is stored in the bottom grow ..

nomather what .. I would prune the plant a littel (remove lower grow) specially the grow that touch the soil or allmost touch it .. as it easy get mold or other nasty stuff that way ..

dont freak out when you see a lot more yellowing bottom leaf`s later in flowering .. as long as the top grow/buds look fine ..


Active Member
Just wanted to add that removing the lower foliage near the soil has a few other benefits.
1) Better air flow over the soil.
2) Easier to control spider mites. Much easier to spray underneath.
3) Less time spent trimming little tiny buds.


The first sets of 3 leaves die off, they're just "starter" leaves, don't worry about it. As long as the rest of the vegetation looks healthy you know you're good.
for cfl grows i find i really like starting lst after the first 3 sets of fan leaves then top it when its about 1 foot tall, let those heads grow out in opposite directions, if you check my grow journal, you can see a picture of what ive done to my little plant but ill have more recent pictures up tonight. when growing cfl your main goal has to be to find how to get your lights as close as possible without burning or getting your room too hot, hopefully something i said can help, my grows in my sig,

happy growing :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yur leaves look a little yellow, especially the bottom ones.
hmmm im sure i posted something about that somewhere.....

Thx for your advice all...

1.How far up should i be looking to trim ? just up to the ones and including the ones that are close to the soil?
2. After trimming will this slow growth at all?
3. Just to clarify this definitely doesn`t look like a nute def?


Well-Known Member
1.) only them yellowing once and them right abow that almost touch the soils .. lets say bottom 2-3 set of leaves/grow ..

another thing this also do .. is make the plant use all its energy on top grow .. the one that is close to the light .. the one that will grow buds ..

2.) no .. not atall .. two fist weeks of 12/12 you will see some fast grow .. here a plant can easily double is size .. if it get enough light .. food and got room (space for root grow) I normally repot a week before 12/12 .. and start add up on the nuts .. here I will normally reach max .. wile in Veg I don't use more then 1/2 strenges or so ..

3.) it actually is .. Nitrogen .. but not to worry .. how is your nuts schedule ?
might want to go up to double in Nitrogen next 2-3 times/next two weeks or so ..

then switch to bloom nuts (high in P and some K and very littel N.)

keep the light close .. try to keep all bud sites with in 2-8 inch`s if possible ..


Well-Known Member
1.) only them yellowing once and them right abow that almost touch the soils .. lets say bottom 2-3 set of leaves/grow ..

another thing this also do .. is make the plant use all its energy on top grow .. the one that is close to the light .. the one that will grow buds ..

2.) no .. not atall .. two fist weeks of 12/12 you will see some fast grow .. here a plant can easily double is size .. if it get enough light .. food and got room (space for root grow) I normally repot a week before 12/12 .. and start add up on the nuts .. here I will normally reach max .. wile in Veg I don't use more then 1/2 strenges or so ..

3.) it actually is .. Nitrogen .. but not to worry .. how is your nuts schedule ?
might want to go up to double in Nitrogen next 2-3 times/next two weeks or so ..

then switch to bloom nuts (high in P and some K and very littel N.)

keep the light close .. try to keep all bud sites with in 2-8 inch`s if possible ..
thx for the advice :) , so far ive only fed 2 feeds with nutes 1/3 strength (n4p3k8)as the soil i use already has nutes in(enough to last a few weeks) and im only feeding every other feed when the pot is light , i repotted just over a week ago to its final pot (had to repot twice) so i didnt want to add more nutes to quickly as i would have imagined the extra soil would have contained enough nutes . I last fed last wednesday 1/3 nutes , should i only water next feed or step the feed up? the pot is now almost light so almost ready for next feed so nutes or not? and when would be the best time to trim after lights on or just before lights off?


Well-Known Member
So from your response and from what ive read, its sucking up the nitrogen out of the lower leaves of the plant causing them to die off?


Well-Known Member
perfect .. fresh pot and soil :) and I must add your plant do look healthy overall ..

and yes .. I would go up to atlest 1/2 strenges nuts on next watering .. considering you also have some in the soil ..

it will need it .. more then before 12/12 .. when it have made "the" stretch (fist two weeks of flowering wher the plant use all its energy on growing as big as possible) you should cut most of the nitrogen and feed it more P and K ..

also try to do some research on Black strap molasses .. can do a different in flowering .. as it both help the soils micro life with carps and provide Mg/Ca .. zink .. copper.. Iron .. P. and K. and other importent micro/trace elements ..

a cheap way to help a flowering plant grow even bigger and sweeter buds ..

them CLFs of your`s .. what Kelvin are they ?


Well-Known Member
So from your response and from what ive read, its sucking up the nitrogen out of the lower leaves of the plant causing them to die off?

yep .. useing it stored Nitrogen in the lower/old grow .. to help its new grow .. often happen in flowering .. specially later on ..

or this early if your a littel low in Nitrogen .. the stretch ..fist two weeks of flowering .. it will grow a lot .. mostly 50-100% in hight/size .. can't do it on water alone .. if you don't provide it will use up what stored in the grow it wont need to set flowers ..

but be carefull .. if you provide to much N. after the fist two weeks you can easily over do it .. as it wont need much after the stretch .. also why Ppl talk about flushing ..

tho if you just provide enough doing the fist two weeks and then allmost cut the N. and up the P and K. you can do with out in my opinion .. I just let it use up whats left in the soil and live with a few yellowing leaf`s late in flowering ..


Well-Known Member
A bit early for yellowing bro, you have not been strict in monitoring the ph of feeds and waterings at 6.5. At this rate it will be very yellow by harvest, not good . The bigger and older it gets the worse the yellowing unless you get on top of it.


Well-Known Member
perfect .. fresh pot and soil :) and I must add your plant do look healthy overall ..

and yes .. I would go up to atlest 1/2 strenges nuts on next watering .. considering you also have some in the soil ..

it will need it .. more then before 12/12 .. when it have made "the" stretch (fist two weeks of flowering wher the plant use all its energy on growing as big as possible) you should cut most of the nitrogen and feed it more P and K ..

also try to do some research on Black strap molasses .. can do a different in flowering .. as it both help the soils micro life with carps and provide Mg/Ca .. zink .. copper.. Iron .. P. and K. and other importent micro/trace elements ..

a cheap way to help a flowering plant grow even bigger and sweeter buds ..

them CLFs of your`s .. what Kelvin are they ?
Cfls = veg = 5 x 20w 6400 and 6 x 20w 2700 , flowering = 2 x 20w 6400 and 9 x 20w 2700

will look into molasses , i do have some ace of spades which from what ive read is mainly molasses, and using bio bizz bloom for nutes in flowering.


Well-Known Member
A bit early for yellowing bro, you have not been strict in monitoring the ph of feeds and waterings at 6.5. At this rate it will be very yellow by harvest, not good . The bigger and older it gets the worse the yellowing unless you get on top of it.
ive been keeping my ph at 6.8 at every feed, should i lower it?