Another yield game! GUESS MY YIELD


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think she will yield? under a 250 hps since 6 weeks ago and cfls for 6 weeks b4 that... 2 more weeks till shes done.. any gueses?


Well-Known Member
yepp bagseed you can check it out in my grow journal in my signature... keep the guesses commin i will keep you guys posted with the harvest and final dry weight!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am very impressed its a very pretty plant, you can tell its almost ready too, its eatin its own leaves haha


Well-Known Member
haha...btw the proxy server that i use is transfering me throught site called :D muhahah


Well-Known Member
Thats gonna be a fatty little quad!

How come you water cure?
does quad=quarter? Im gonna water cure this so i can smoke it in a week. Its only 20% about of my plant probably a little less... the rest i will jar cure i just wanted to smoke some sooner than a month, and i wanted it to be smooth as well, hence, the water cure technique has been applied. lol cheers!!