another yield question


Active Member
I want to know an ideal of how much yield will I get if i veg 5 Sour Kush plants till its about a foot tall under T5 lights then flower under 1000w HPS light.....can anybody help me please


Well-Known Member
This depends on many more factors than just this, Grower skill for one, Nutrients, Temps,PH,Air flow ect.


Well-Known Member
hey,, i think others may agree it all varient on your grow condtions and if there optiumal or not. see if you say use that one 1000w light with one plant then your grams per watt per 30days wont be any good.and 1000w without more than 4 plants isnt worth it and a waste of lumens and £$
Also will the plant be topped?will you be LST-ing???,cause that will make her yeild more but take longer to finish. Im sorry but your questions abit vauge, are you growing in soil/hydro? whats your grow exp. first time,30th time.
anyhow also when you harvest that wieght will be 75% rouglhy more than when dryed and cured,,so 80g can become 12g ish,,my math is awful..
anyhow so i cant tell you sorry,,take it easy.


Well-Known Member
and the other points?? topping? LST? Nutes and feed schedule? Humidty day/night? Temp day/night? your exp.?CO2 levels? Growing Medium? Have you ever had pest problems?

its very hard to guess how much a plant will produce,,and from the 5(if femmed seeds) two will be squat and bushy other leggy and sparse,etc.

and with out seeing a plant and counting the branchs,and only after about a week of flower could I even begin to estimate harvest wieght let alone final dried cured wieght.

Take it easy


Well-Known Member
2.3 ounces per plant. :)

yes I pulled that out of my arse, but it's obviously the kind of answer you're looking for, so I'll be happy to oblige.

"If I plant some seeds, how much weed can I expect?"

lots of variables in your equation, homey!


Rebel From The North
man all these what will I get, you need to just grow it and find out, why spoil the fun!! and your 1/2/3 crops will not show you the potentional
of what can be got. just grow it and injoy it dont worry about how much just work on growing it right.