Anthony Bourdain Was About to Expose an Elite Pedophile Ring Before He Died

No, you are the joke. There is no way you could possibly be an American. Nobody could be this stupid - you are clearly a third rate provacateur. Please notify your superior to cut your vodka ration.

Now you are accusing a recently deceased respected individual of being a liar?

How hard is it for you to admit you backed a shitstain of a human being?

Repent. Repent. Repent.

You can still be saved....

Sad. For awhile there, you were not making bullshit baseless claims you know to be false.

That didn't last, huh?

You're accusing someone of making bullshit baseless claims in a troll thread about a dead celebrity chef exposing a pedophile ring you saw on a fake news site?

Now you are accusing a recently deceased respected individual of being a liar?

How hard is it for you to admit you backed a shitstain of a human being?

Repent. Repent. Repent.

You can still be saved....

Sorry ya little bitch... Alex Jones just made some shit up and put it in the mouth of a dead man. You and he are the most despicable type of cowards.
You need to quit reading Russian propaganda. This is bull
Ahhhh the good ol’ muh Russia argument. Unless Seth Rich is a Russian, pretty sure the Muh Russia narrative falls flat on its face. Last time I checked it was HRC that wrote off on selling Uranium to Russia therefore guilty of collusion but that doesn’t fit the narrative so we will just do mental gymnastics around that. Trump’s denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula has been avoided like the plague by the majority of the talking heads. But that cocksucker Acosta was high cocking like he is something of value
Ahhhh the good ol’ muh Russia argument. Unless Seth Rich is a Russian, pretty sure the Muh Russia narrative falls flat on its face. Last time I checked it was HRC that wrote off on selling Uranium to Russia therefore guilty of collusion but that doesn’t fit the narrative so we will just do mental gymnastics around that. Trump’s denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula has been avoided like the plague by the majority of the talking heads. But that cocksucker Acosta was high cocking like he is something of value

muh russia is all they got bro