Anthony Green! He is the shit!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone!

If you know the band Circa Survive or The Sound of Animals Fighting, you know that the singer is a musical mastermind and his name is Anthony Green. He just came out with a solo album and it is incredible, its entitled Anthony Green, after himself.

Great listen! All those bands i mentioned.

LMK what you guys think of him!



Well-Known Member
Hey I just am so surprised no one has replied to knowing Anthony Green on this website yet, bump this because you guys really need to download his stuff.


Well-Known Member
whiterain. anthony green came from saosin. and circa survive around my area used to be called This day forward..check them out but the singer got kicked out and they picked up anthony green thus becomine circa. he is the the old singer just works at a grocery store..still a good singer as well


Well-Known Member
He never played for Saosin. He also is the singer of The Sound of Animals Fighting. I love his music.