anti-anxiety strains??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, if you are looking for a good anti anxiety strain, then I would say two things.
1)Get a good indica strain like the ones mentioned previously
2)When growing your plant of choice make sure to let the trichromes turn about half amber.
Alot of people on this forum like to chop their plants a little early, when the triches are clear and mostly milky. They say this will prevent a couch-lock. Well, I say screw that! I like to let my plants go until half of the trichromes have turned amber. Doing this will give you a good narcotic high... which is the best anti anxiety high in my opinion.
I think the term "couch-lock" is misguiding. Letting the trichromes turn amber does not mean that you will not be able to do anything except sit on your couch all day. It simply means that you got some good weed.


Well-Known Member
Anybody get anxiety attacks from smoking weed? I'm not sure... but I think I do if I take more than 2 tokes. When I take more than 2-3 tokes, I get this strange, uncomfortable feeling in my chest. It feels like I can't get enough oxygen. it feels like my breathing pattern is off and that I may eventually hyperventilate or go unconscious from this breathing pattern.

I never HAVE hyperventilated or went unconscious. I just FEEL like It may happen... and after an hour or so, it goes away. When I was younger, this never happened. I could smoke and smoke and smoke and STILL want more.

Now I have to limit my smoke session to 2 tokes. My girlfriend is the only other person I know who has the same problem. everyone else I know (who smokes the same weed), doesn't have this happen to them at all. I don't experience this terribly uncomfortable feeling any other time. Its only after I've taken more than 2-3 tokes.

Once I took ONE hit off the bong and it was one of the worst attacks I ever had. I don't smoke from the bong anymore because of that. Does this happen to anyone else?


Active Member
Oh Yeah, I had a couple of bad attacks when I was a Teen.I'd been smoking daily for about 6 months, then one day after smoking I had one.I didn't know anything about MJ and anxiety attacks at the time.I actually thought I was going to Die.My heart was racing and so was my Mind.Of course I got better after about an Hour.I haven't gotten any since.Whenever I have gotten close to feeling that way I just tell myself its the Drug and it will wear off eventually and it Always Does.


Active Member
hey guys this is my first post and just found this thread by accident..
anyway i've been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks for about half a year now. my first panic attack was triggered by a joint which followed about 8 cups of coffee (me being hypersensitive to caffeine makes this less surprising), and the effects are similar to what you describe, coupled with a feeling of imminent death and subsequent extreme paranoia.
anyway for those of you who hate taking pills i suggest beta-blockers like propanolol. it is non-psychoactive and works by blocking adrenaline build-up, basically stopping your heart from beating fast, meaning you're always lucid and you tackle your anxiety with your mind with no emotional boosts. this means you still feel like shit but on the plus side you Know when you're getting better.
i have to say panic attacks have been a blessing in disguise, they have radically changed my attitude to life - i am much more active, positive and strong-willed,not to mention appreciative of my sanity. i work out regularly and study hard and have not touched any drugs (weed included) in 4 months, all things which would otherwise have been impossible for me.
anxiety is a wake-up call, listen to what your brain is telling you and you'll be a better person for it.


Well-Known Member
well if their is a god than im sure hes pretty open minded, besides buddhism is a way of life not a religion, religions just cause war and competition and arrogance. Everything takes effort especially getting control of anxiety or depression, just remember your the captain of your soul and the master of your destiny, not a "god" or a religion but your self and the choices you make


Well-Known Member
as far as i know ( i have panic attacks) most pot makes them worse try other methods to get rid of them, and im not saying pills but there are many other ways to do this. do some research


New Member
I have had panic attacks in the past too. The weird thing is, I started having them after I stopped smoking weed for 3 months. I have anxiety and have had depression in the past. Everyday I went without weed I got more and more anxious and my mind started racing, I didnt notice this at the time though. It just kept building up for 3 months until I got really paranoid and delusional and was scared to death about anything then the panic attacks started for the first time.

I realized after about 2 months of having severe panic attacks every day or two that it might be because of not having weed. After I started smoking again I still had panic attacks at first but they were much less severe. That was months ago now. I had to cut my smoking down a lot because if I smoke too much now it doesnt help. Right now I take like 4 hits everyday or two and that seems to keep most the anxiety away and I never have panic attacks any more. But still I cant go more than 4 days now without smoking or else I start to get more anxious and I can feel a panic attack coming now. I think just having the THC in your system it calms you down and maybe stops the adrenaline rushes and things. Weed makes me a lot more stable.


Active Member
i just ordered some strawberry cough beans i hope they come.. i have bad anxeity but i could never give up smoking.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have a generalized anxiety disorder and most people suggest indicas for anxiety but I'm concerned about them making me drowsy. I think the more uplifting high from a sativa might be better for me and from what I've read Strawberry Cough fits the bill. I wish you luck with that and I'd like to hear how it goes.


Well-Known Member
try reading [osho The Buddha Said... : Meeting the Challenge of Life's Difficulties and inner war and peace]


Active Member
Any form of weed increases your heart rate, depending on the person and heart condition, some are at risk for heart attack. Pulse rate a min almost doubles. Take your pulse before you smoke and then again after you smoke, its fucked up but true. Just have some beer with it, that should calm ya lol


Well-Known Member
I cannot read the entire thread because my internet is too slow. If you are looking for strains that don't produce anxiety or tend to relax there are a lot of indicas and I would expect Strawberry Cough to be as nice as they say. Dutch Passion's Flo is supposed to be one also. BUT, if you are looking for strains that relieve anxiety disorders, good question, I sure don't know the answer.

But here are some other suggestions. Mandala's strains are supposed to be restocked in January 09 and usually available through a lot of seedbanks. Supposedly 5 or 6 of their strains, even some sativa dominant, do their job and are remarkably non paranoid, anti anxiety. Best thing is they are very inexpensive. You can buy 4 of their strains for what most people sell a single strain for. Mandala #1

Another option is a company called Blu Hemp. BlueHemp I communicated with a guy in Europe who had the same problems as me, needed anxiety relief from his weed as well as some pain medication options. He said Blue Hemp rocks and that their strain called Dark Kush is just as described "herbal valium". Check out the pic of Blue Hemp's fast finishing Thai, what a sweet looking plant.

I have one seedbank/headshop in Austria who I have emailed and they are more than happy to send the seeds wherever you want stealth but aren't responsible for interceptions. I had a good feeling about it but honestly never ordered. You can also order Blue Hemp by 5 or 10 seeds. He also said Dark Vader is a great one, but the Dark Kush is a real chill weed. There's a currency converter on the site so you can price in dollars and they accept dollars. The only reason I bring up Blue Hemp's Dark Kush is he specifically said it really is "herbal valium". Chilla supposed to be a good one also.
BlueHemp - Weed Seeds - Hanfsamen - Pot Seeds ? Feminized - Cannabis Strain ? Marihuanasamen ? Cannabissamen ? Hempseeds ? Hanfshop


New Member
Any form of weed increases your heart rate, depending on the person and heart condition, some are at risk for heart attack. Pulse rate a min almost doubles. Take your pulse before you smoke and then again after you smoke, its fucked up but true. Just have some beer with it, that should calm ya lol
I got checked out and I dont have a heart condition but it seems like everytime I smoke my heart beats faster and I notice it more, so because of that I think im having a heart attack or have heart problems. I did have a couple times after I smoked where my chest felt tight and hurt everytime my heart beat, I cant explain that but I just tried to shake it off. After all Im around 20 years old, very healthy weight, am pretty fit, and supposedly have no heart problems, so I just try to say its all in my head. I cant say for sure though, I secretely think I have some kind of heart problem. I got bad anxiety though.

Just another question, is the rule to drink before or after u smoke? I keep hearing that but I forgot which one ur supposed to do first, I heard one is a lot better then the other, either drinking first or smoking first.


I got checked out and I dont have a heart condition but it seems like everytime I smoke my heart beats faster and I notice it more, so because of that I think im having a heart attack or have heart problems. I did have a couple times after I smoked where my chest felt tight and hurt everytime my heart beat, I cant explain that but I just tried to shake it off. After all Im around 20 years old, very healthy weight, am pretty fit, and supposedly have no heart problems, so I just try to say its all in my head. I cant say for sure though, I secretely think I have some kind of heart problem. I got bad anxiety though.

Just another question, is the rule to drink before or after u smoke? I keep hearing that but I forgot which one ur supposed to do first, I heard one is a lot better then the other, either drinking first or smoking first.
I know this is old but for anyone searching here are some links
if you like herbs....
St. Johns wart Liq. to helps you sleep...
B12 Vitamin helps the nervous system
ginkgo biloba herbal supplement permotes healthy brain function.
won't make you high... but can help keep ya from hanging off the ceiling.
and mellow you out in times of stress.
just a thought not subject to start a heated debate.
...and a few more things while on the subject. Rescue remedy helps calm you down and you can buy that for 10$ in any health food store. Daily cartio workouts are most important for all of those lovely endorphins to be released as well. Deep breathing and yoga, some martial arts and things of the sort to get you out of your head can work miracles too. I have had severe anxiety and suicidal depression since I was a little kid and man it really comes down to finding what is best for you. I am going to try the strawberry cough as well and post in a few....hope this helps too...peace