Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
LOL, most Trump supporters just make up for themselves what Trump said he was going to do.

I'm going to be fine. So, the concern is for what happens in the courts, to the environment and the ballooning debt that Trump has promised us. Of course, you think whatever you make up. Which is why you and people like you are disconnected from reality.

By the way, the pigs are already at the trough. :hump:

Trump Campaigned Against Lobbyists, but Now They’re on His Transition Team

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump, who campaigned against the corrupt power of special interests, is filling his transition team with some of the very sort of people who he has complained have too much clout in Washington: corporate consultants and lobbyists.

Jeffrey Eisenach, a consultant who has worked for years on behalf of Verizon and other telecommunications clients, is the head of the team that is helping to pick staff members at the Federal Communications Commission.

Michael Catanzaro, a lobbyist whose clients include Devon Energy and Encana Oil and Gas, holds the “energy independence” portfolio.

Michael Torrey, a lobbyist who runs a firm that has earned millions of dollars helping food industry players such as the American Beverage Association and the dairy giant Dean Foods, is helping set up the new team at the Department of Agriculture.
Trump (president) loves you Mr dog-in-a-fog.


Sector 5 Moderator
This is of course utter hog shit as anyone with a brain or even a basic grasp of human/societal behavior already realizes, but you are too far gone for logic at this point, Pie. Warped red state 'values' and alt right brainwashing have you on full auto-pilot, another dribbling idiot chanting at a hate rally...

I no longer feel any sadness for you, but your kids are another are going to have your hands full once they are old enough to be fully aware.
I guess you've been brainwashed by CNN so maybe you haven't noticed that the only ones rioting, hating, burning, looting, and murdering are liberals. If you're going to lie - which is what liberals do because they are not allowed to speak the truth - at least say something that we have to Google or Snope. So much hatred coming from you; do you sleep at night?


Well-Known Member
I fail to see your point. I've been a member over 9 years and I'm a moderator over 4 forums; you've been a member for a few months. So you're a post whore; I work for a living, probably something you've never done in your life. I also have a life, not a virtual one. BTW, I reported your post; hopefully I can get you banned.
It speaks VOLUMES about this site that you are not only allowed to exist here but that you are 'staff', as well...seems like the Drumpf has enabled all SORTS of trash to float to the surface....

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Yes I am. At least I had the wisdom not to name myself after a turd. Oh, and remember, mods can see *exactly* where you live. Just sayin.
Why would I give a shit? Is someone going to show up and "pop a cap in my ass"?
Good luck with that. I don't miss. Especially when it matters most...


Sector 5 Moderator
Only if you show up at my house intending to do me harm.
No need to beat your chest there Tarzan; I wouldn't even thump you on the ear on a cold winters day. Only liberal haters want to kill people for disagreeing with their political views. Last time I checked this was 'Merica. Oh, have you thanked a vet today? No, because you're ungrateful for your freedom and you only think about yourself.


Well-Known Member
Look at potpimple putting words in peoples mouths.
I expect more from a moderator. You are very immature.
"Moderator" indeed.....lurking in the sewers of obscurity until it felt pseudo-empowered enough to 'lash out' at those NOT into sucking Drumpf/COP dick....

Attempting to THREATEN members, unbelievable...


Sector 5 Moderator
Crawl BACK into obscurity, dickless racist cuck. Lay on that 'report' button a few more times, pussy.....

Fucking j--o--k--e.
Trust me, I'm laying on it. If you don't have the manners not to call people names on here then you don't need to be a member. That's the rules; I didn't make them; I'm just here to enforce them.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
No need to beat your chest there Tarzan; I wouldn't even thump you on the ear on a cold winters day. Only liberal haters want to kill people for disagreeing with their political views. Last time I checked this was 'Merica. Oh, have you thanked a vet today? No, because you're ungrateful for your freedom and you only think about yourself.
Full of assumptions aren't you, potpimple?
Very immature...


Well-Known Member
Trust me, I'm laying on it. If you don't have the manners not to call people names on here then you don't need to be a member. That's the rules; I didn't make them; I'm just here to enforce them.
  1. a federal agent or police officer who enforces the laws regarding illicit sale or use of drugs and narcotics.

Be proud, you've been 'serving' well.