Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
That might be feasible for someone that's not high risk (diabetic, etc)

hmmmmm....let's see....

give that precious little baby a kiss for me and we're square!!! :D
This might sound cold but just because someone is sick it does not obligate someone else to pay for it. Unless that person absolutely cannot pay for it and then I do think it is society's job to step in. My dad was on medicare for a while before he died.

If we want cheaper healthcare we have to assume more risk (caps on lawsuits and higher standards to sue) and get insurance out of most of the maintenance stuff.

As for paying for it, you would be surprised how cheap things get when people cannot pay high prices for them.


Well-Known Member
I dont think it is a coincidence that UB and you showed back up at the same time.

Congrats on being so right about the election, what was I thinking. I was so stupid to think Trump could win.... Oh wait... This is YOUR NIGHTMARE!!!! LOL!!
You're stupid for thinking that he will do what he said he would do.
Goods news is he already backtracking on Obamacare.


Well-Known Member
Kind of funny all those elitist that we're going to take off to Canada when Trump got elected, really aren't leaving and how very racist of them not to be going to Mexico....haha...


Well-Known Member
Kind of funny all those elitist that we're going to take off to Canada when Trump got elected, really aren't leaving and how very racist of them not to be going to Mexico....haha...
Too fumy this. The guy who plays at being a girl laughs and talks shit to the only people who gave it a reason for she/he/it to return to this site. The reason for the laugh? Trump won.

Doesn't that seem ridiculous for a grown person to do? Maybe a bit obsessive?

Pathetic too.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. Pence would be fucking worst. He is a religious fanatic.
He was even better at lying than Trump. That debate he had wasn't really a debate. His was the best damn hour and a half of sneaky denial and half-lying that anybody has ever done. I was impressed. Really very much don't like the guy but impressed at his ability to slither around a question then strike. .

Prefer Trump


Well-Known Member
He was even better at lying than Trump. That debate he had wasn't really a debate. His was the best damn hour and a half of sneaky denial and half-lying that anybody has ever done. I was impressed. Really very much don't like the guy but impressed at his ability to slither around a question then strike. .

Prefer Trump
pretty sick world when we have to say prefer Trump :spew: