antibiotics + weed = ur outcome?


Well-Known Member
im not sure wuts up i usualy smoke like 7 grams a day but lately i been pretty sick and ran low on cash i actualy went like 2-3 days without smoking any weed :o. anyways i started these antibiotics and i seem to be fine but when i smoke weed it seems to make my stomach upset, making me feal like puking and fainting and dizzy sometimes. im just wondering if anyone else has had this and did it go away? also thinking i might be allergic to the pot plants cause i been blowing my nose alot but then again it could be the cold so its hard to say.

*edit* ima go smoke a lil bit of weed and see if it happens again.

*update* yeah my stomachs a lil off right now. good thing today was my last day of 5 days of medication. just have to hold off smokin a few days for the antibiotics to get outa my system.
There are certain kinds of antibiotics that hurt my stomach. I'd google the name and find out the side effects. If you have an antibiotic that is bothering you, they can give you another type to try.
I'd be surprised if it's the weed, but you should know your body and if it's only bothering you when you toke it up, then could be the weed.
shitty man, make some brownies,... whenever i had to take antibiotics(wisdom teeth pulled and a growth removed from gum) , id blaze and it'd just make me tired as fuck and id pass out... that was some good shit
yeah its only when i blaze and actualy its gettin better. i blazed again and feal pretty good. and today was the last day of the pills i just gotta wait for it to get outa my system. how long does that take? o btw im still sick with this cold or wut ever wich sucks ><
If I take any antibiotic ending in 'mycin', almost anything turns my stomach. You've got a cold? I do right now, too. Came upon me friday. It's now almost gone. Here's what I've been doing: 8AM, I drink a pint of water mixed with the fresh juice of 2 lemons (bottle juiice is no good, gotta be fresh). 9am I have a Cold Eeze zinc losonge (has to be cold eeze brand). 10am, I have another lemon water. Noon, I have another Cold Eeze zinc losonge. And so on until bedtime each night. I haven't been eating, because this lemon water is a sort of way to cleanse the system. It's working so far. Good luck to you, and get well soon. :)
yeah its only when i blaze and actualy its gettin better. i blazed again and feal pretty good. and today was the last day of the pills i just gotta wait for it to get outa my system. how long does that take? o btw im still sick with this cold or wut ever wich sucks ><
no i been sick with this cold since october. so its really not a cold but somthin else. i remember spending thanks giving at the doctors ><. dam i threw out the box and i for some reason it doesnt wanna show up in my history where i searched >< i think it coulda been cause i pulled my ram out earlier today maybe? eh well. well im goin back to bed (dam phone) thanks for your concern, cya guys tomorrow
Just make sure you eat some yogurt after,antibiotics kill the "good bacteria".If you got a cold,get some of that emergen-C.Drink beer.
I usually stop smoke when I get too sick. Usually for me to stop smoke, it has to be some type of cold, or throat infection or something with the mouth and lungs, then I don't take unnecessary chances.