Ants ants ants!!!!!


i have a bad ant problem.. i have been looking into natural way to make them not wanna come around.. i dont think it would be good using pestisides... i mean im going to smoke the shit eventually...
so i am growing outdoors.. inevitably im going to have some sort of bug problem.. the ants are everywhere now. burrowing into my soil.. i know this is bad because they can eat apart the roots deteriorating the babies...
SO here is what i have come up with so far to keep them away.
cinnamon, put on my soil and everywhere around the plant, it works for a couple days but i have to keep re cinnamining it lol... is this going to affect my plants in any way either do you guys know??
ground chili peppers, i just tried this today. i dont know how exactly its going to work..
and i am going to try some lavender asap. i heard ants dont like that.

I found some ant killer powder and cover all around my pots so i hope no ants will even want to come close..
If you guys know of any other natural ways to keep these little pests at bay please let me know asap!!! they are pissing me off lol


so i havent had ants yet! although its only been one day! that ant killer i used around the pots made a barrier so they dont wanna come close! i put ant traps around the plants so that any remaining ants will die! haha


you might have aphids too because ants are attracted to there sweet sugar residue that they leave on the undersides of the leaf. I had ants on my plants last year and they just seemed liked they where just scoping the area for aphids and once they did not find any they bounced. So I would say before you do to much more just wait a few days and see if they leave.


Well-Known Member
get borox and sugar google the amounts to us. mix them together boil them off. and when you get a slud i dump it on a pile and put butter container over it so the rain dont wash it away. they love it. and it kills them in a few days.


Well-Known Member
dont feed molasses, this is what attracted the ants to my grow, heres a super mix to kill em
-get neem oil add to one gallon of water
-add 1tbsp of cinnamon to a gallon of water
-2 swishers gutted, throw all the material into a gallon of water and let it sit for 24hrs. shake well strain out tobacco. do this step 1st then add the other crap. water the slowly so the water get thoroughly absorbed.


dirtysnowball, yeah thats basically what i have tried! ants havent been around for a few days. but we just had a little rain so i hope my concauction isnt washed away..